
Monthly Archives: July 2014

ValueCheck! — Print sink!.001

Open letter from the German Digital Printing Forum spokesman Andreas Weber to all who should take care! 


Dear friends of the Digital Printing Forum community,
dear friends of printed communication! 

Since the beginning of 2014, we had much to criticize: 

  1. The print industry communicates poorly, not to say lousy … all are more concerned with themselves than with customers and markets. (The only ones who benefit from a good market communication, the online printers grow strong and profitable, succeed in B2B, also thanks to Bernd Zipper, who is doing a good trade-communication via
  2. Among the manufacturers / suppliers for digital printing technologies are plenty of so-called “managers” in the lead position of the 1st and 2nd levels, who excel as a dilettante — and you should quickly throw them out what is already happening in part (bye bye, Armando) …
  3. Publishers as well as agencies don’t believe in print and don’t know how to use digital printing in a proper way. And it will be worse rather than better (except for Calvendo and some others!).


And now this bad news (what was to be expected, but still shocking): 

Innovation Primus Xerox loses its core business digital printing machines in the second quarter of 2014, almost one-third of sales.  — Ouch, that is in the billions of US-Dollars! 

Who thinks gloating now, haha, your own fault, should bear in mind that this loss of revenue is not collected at Xerox from other manufacturers. [See: The Decline of Digital Printing Continues. Is Xerox loose its core business? # value # print ]

The truth is rather that the gigantic multi-billion-euro investments in digital printing systems are in no economically reasonable proportion to the value creation capabilities of most print shops; thus the proportion of digital printing in the total print volume of the print industry keeps marginal (around 15%) and remains constantly low.


At a glance: On the current situation of the manufacturers in Germany 

It is clear that for years hardly a manufacturer did a good job to innovate and develope new markets:

Konica Minolta reached in Germany the pole position (but sold huge amounts of digital printing systems to the customers of the printing industry).

Heidelberg can take a run again and has now (once again) a new “Digital Strategy”, which could indicate success in two to three years.

Ricoh grabs it anyway, but is almost invisible and silent, and in the commercial printing market Ricoh’s success relates to Heidelberg activities who just pander Fuji.

Canon and Océ transform their synergistic success for „shrink art“ and are always invisible and insignificant for the print industry!

HP Indigo stagnant albeit at relatively high level, but suffers from a fatal and lousy market communication on EMEA level and by the HP Group  in total.

Landa is the best „money-collector“ and fund raiser without a deliverable product to serve the market on time.

— The classics like manroland and KBA including her partner Kodak are the only ones who look at themselves to be a champion in digital printing.

— Only in the niche markets there are “Lucky Guys”, such as Xeikon, Dainippon Screen, EFI or Domino.

— BTW: The paper manufacturers have already adjusted their business to declining demand. Especially in digital printing in the so-called office and home printing area, the decline is striking; similar is also expected in the commercial printing segment!


What does that mean?  For you, for us as a digital print forum community plus for all those print service providers? 

All of us should quickly modify our behavior and go-to-market approach. Now. Not tomorrow!

We need a disruptive approach to say goodbye to all this above mentioned grievances. Suspected to the market, consumers and companies have to get clear and valuable information to what is possible via breathtaking digital printing services (even in combination with social media).

And last but not least: It must be clear, by facts and emotionally believable that innovative in print communications via digital printing will produce clear benefits and profitable growth in any dimension of a business.

A current example as proof that it still goes: The Swedish group Elanders AB, which grows well with digital printing and innovations over the market average; Elanders Germany’s with its facilities in Waiblingen (close to Stuttgart) is able to expand its digital printing center and conquered in the packaging and in new supply chain markets. [See our Value Check-analyzes!, And the interview with Elanders CEO Magnus Nilsson]

Whoever, therefore, wants to get involved to turn things around, has a good chance. 

And can feel free to contact us in digital printing forum. And be sure: Not only the big players like Elanders could belong to winners in the future!

We have launched a series of measures and new projects in the Summer 2014 (keyword Innovation coaching, including ValueCheck! and ValueTalk!). Made for to save what is worth saving about: innovation for the market benefit, coupled with the new go-to-market principles. 

Our believe: It is no longer enough only to compensate or correct what is going wrong so far! Be disruptive by innovation!

I look forward to your feedback and messages.
You are welcome to join the Digital Print Forum Initiative and our Group on XING as well.

Best regards from the Gutenberg City, Mainz,

Yours sincerely

Andreas Weber
//Founder and Spokesman Digital Printing Forum
CEO of Value Communication AG



Value Key Visual Gutenberg Illu Lidia Colored.001



Value Key Visual Gutenberg Statue Colored.001


Value Check Offer mit Logo.012

ValueCheck! — Sommerfest in Mainz bei VRM.001


Eindrücke, Erlebnisse und Erinnerungen von Andreas Weber
(die er gerne per Social Media und v. a. auf Facebook teilt!)



Mainz, die Gutenberg-Stadt, feiert gerne. so auch letzte Woche am 25. Juli 2014 auf einem tollen Sommerfest. Geladen hat die IHK Rheinhessen und die Handwerkskammer, Gastgeber ist die Verlagsgruppe Rhein Main (VRM), Sponsoren sind die Schott AG und andere. Rundum ein gelungenes Fest, mit Live-Musik, tollem Buffet und der gesamten Mainzer Business-Elite.

Soweit alles OK?
Im Prinzip „ja!“.
Dann aber doch „nein!“.


Bei einem Sommerfest mit Sponsoren müssen auch Reden gehalten werden. Und klar, das übernimmt zunächst der Gastgeber VRM durch den Sprecher der Geschäftsführung, Hans Georg Schnücker, der punktgenau seit 10 Jahren im Amt ist. Und einen prima Job gemacht hat: Neues Gebäude, gute Marktposition als Regionalzeitungsgruppe (im Vergleich zu anderen Zeitungsunternehmen). Und doch klagt der Chef und oberste Verleger sein Leid mit der zunehmenden Digitalisierung, die da auf uns einströme. Er erläutert, wie man darauf aus seiner Sicht erfolgreich agiere, indem man seine Online-Angebote per Websites ausbaue, sogar mit der Gründerszene in Mainz angebandelt habe, um neue technische Möglichkeiten zu nutzen und das Online-Engagement weiter zu optimieren. Das Credo lautete wohl: Wenn Print nicht mehr so läuft, dann stellen wir unsere Inhalte halt online. Wird schon klappen. Irgendwie. VRM-Boss Schnücker sagte wörtlich: „Die Digitalisierung ist die größte gesellschaftliche Revolution, wahrscheinlich wichtiger als Gutenbergs Erfindung des Buchdrucks“.

Und was heisst das? Digitalisierung ist ein technischer Vorgang, keine Gesellschaft-Form oder gar Kulturleistung einer Gesellschaft. US-Amerikaner, allesamt Wirtschaftsführer, wählten Gutenberg zum „Man of the Millennium“. Zum Jahrtausend-Erfinder. Und den werfen wir Mainzer, in seiner Heimatstadt, jetzt über Bord, wegen der (nicht richtig begriffenen) „Digitalisierung“, die eine Revolution auslöst? Uff!

Nichtsdestotrotz: Das alles hörte sich für die Anwesenden plausibel an. Auch dass der Verleger ein wenig verlegen war, weil er scheinbar nicht so ganz durchblickt und abschätzen kann, wie hoch die Digitalisierungs-Welle tatsächlich schwappt, die die Medienlandschaft unter Wasser setzt. Alle Gäste hörten artig zu. Und glaubten dem Redner, was er sagte. Und respektierten, dass wir in einer schwierigen Zeit leben. Des Verlegers Journalisten und Fotografen wuselten umher, um artig „Content“ zu erstellen, der dann, später, in der Zeitung (Print und dann auch online) erscheinen wird. Schließlich sind die Anwesenden ja allesamt wichtige/potenzielle Anzeigen-/Werbe- und Lesekunden.


Hoppla: Facebook wird geschmäht! Und Gutenberg über Bord geworfen!

Während sich das abspielte, tummelten sich einige der Gäste auf Facebook und Twitter, um zu teilen, was sie erlebten. Zehntausende Mainzer, die nicht zugegen waren, tummelten sich auch „online“: auf Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Sie nutzen alles intensiv, nur nicht die „digitalen Online-Angebote“ der Verlagsgruppe Rhein-Main. Warum auch, steht ja alles anderntags in der gedruckten Zeitung. Klar, alle Journalisten arbeiten für Print und die VRM-Websites.

Jedenfalls blieb die Facebook-Seite der VRM vom schönen Sommerfest während es stattfand unberührt — und damit auch der Normal-Leser aus Mainz und Rheinhessen, egal ob nun Sommerfest-Besucher oder auch nicht.

Co-Redner Dr. Peter Hanser-Strecker, selbst Verleger, Träger des Grossen Verdienstkreuzes der Bundesrepublik und Beiratsvorsitzender der VRM, fand auch einen guten Grund, nicht mit den Facebooks, Googles und Co. warm werden zu können. Das seien ja alles Urheberrechtsverletzer. Ganz schlimm. — Und auch ganz paradox. Denn die Ministerpräsidentin Malu Dreyer hatte bei der Ordensverleihung in der Staatskanzlei zu Mainz über Dr. Hanser Strecke gesagt: „Sein Name steht für die ertragreiche Verbindung aus unternehmerischem Pioniergeist, moralischem und sozialem Ethos und kultureller Verantwortung“.

Das wird Präsident Obama auch über Facebook-Gründer Marc Zuckerberg zurecht sagen. Und nun? Wer hat recht? Wiederum: ein klares „sowohl als auch“. Klar hat der Dr. Peter Hanser-Strecker recht, Urheberrechte sind heilig. Aber er bezieht es ja gar nicht auf uns, sondern auf sich, seinen Verlag, seine Autoren. Und die wollen Geld für die Nutzung ihrer Inhalte. Die Bösen, die zudem noch Gutenberg verehren, die machen Inhalte kostenfrei zugänglich… Pfui!



Value Key Visual Gutenberg Statue Colored.001


Wichtig: Media ist Social!

Und hier schließt sich der Kreis: Der Verleger und die VRM wie auch der genannte VRM-Beiratsvorsitzende sträuben sich gegen die Digitalisierung und ignorieren die Wichtigkeit des „Social“ bei „Media“. Schade, denn Interaktion und Anteilnahme sind in der Social World weit ausgeprägter, als beim Publizieren von Websites und gedruckten Zeitungen, die so gut wie gar nicht auf Interaktion ausgelegt sind. Interaktion ist aber nötig, um Emotionen zu wecken. Alles andere ist Datenvervielfältigung, was nicht besser wird, wenn man statt auf Papier diese auch per Website ausliefert.

Übrigens: Die Verdienste des Gutenbergs liegen weniger im Buchdruck (was auch immer das bedeuten mag; Gutenberg nutzte die Hochdruck-Technik zum Drucken von Büchern, hat dieses altbekannte Verfahren aber nicht erfunden), sondern im Setzen und Drucken mit beweglichen Lettern. Im Zeitalter der vielgeschorenen „Digitalisierung” hätte Gutenberg als smarter Mainzer bestimmt das Publizieren mit beweglichen Daten erfunden (das ja heute sogar bei Drucksachen geht). Ob das die VRM dann lizensiert und nutzbar gemacht hätte? Wer weiss. Wer weiss.

Und, wen interessiert das schon mit dem „ollen Gutenberg“, dem ersten weltweit erfolgreichen Start-up-Unternehmer in Mainz? Den hat es doch weggefegt! Hauptsache das Sommerfest war klasse! Und 1.100 Gäste waren gerne dabei. Ja dann, bis zum nächsten mal. Ciao!



Wenn man die VRM Verlagsgruppe Rhein Main auf Facebook sucht, taucht als erstes eine von Facebook automatisiert erzeugte Page auf (die sich aus Wikipedia speist). Erst auf den zweiten Blick bemerkt man, das VRM auch selbst eine Page betreibet, allerdings mit sehr wenigen „Besuchern“ (am 29.7.2014, 12:00h waren es nur 514, und nur 434 „Gefällt mir“ Angaben; waren wohl die eigenen Mitarbeiter, oder?). — Und zum Sommerfest ist immer noch nix von VRM gepostet!

Irgendwie ist mir das als Wahl-Mainzer peinlich.
Es macht mich verlegen, obwohl ich gar nicht Verleger sein will…
Sorry, Mr. Gutenberg! We still love and admire you!



Value Key Visual Gutenberg Illu Lidia Colored.001

Value Art & Com Project 2014 Nanette Scriba v 2nd.001



 By Şükran Ceren Salalı and Andreas Weber


“What is the real value of communication?”

Nanette Scriba is one of the most amazing and impressive artists in Germany. Born in Mainz/Germany, she is a well known and an admired singer and painter. Her point of view on communication contributes in a perfect way to our collection of statements answering the question: “What is the real value of communication?”.


Listen and learn. And enjoy. Watch the Video
(statements in english and german!):




About the Value Art+Com project


The value of Mainz as a centre for the culture of communication.

Great statements and interviews collected by Şükran Ceren Salalı, Value Art&Communication Fellow from Istanbul.

About a dozen creatives and “normals” deliver great statements. It’s all about: What is the real value of communication?

Who we are:

As a global research & publishing company Value Communication AG was founded in 2007 by its CEO Andreas Weber based in Mainz/Germany, the hometown of Johannes Gutenberg.

The Aim of Our Project:

Our Value Art & Com ( i.e. Communication) project came up as an idea after Sükran Ceren Salali who came to Mainz from Istanbul as an Erasmus intern in Value Communication AG, inspired by the rich cultural and artistic environment of the city of Mainz and decided to experience it in order to find out the interaction between the rich culture of the city of Johannes Gutenberg and the real value of communication. The project includes photographs and movies taken with a different perspective in various points of Mainz, interviews with people from different countries and professions who live in Mainz and also ValueCheck! surveys as a valuable resource to experience the effectiveness of communication.

Why You Should Participate:

In the age of digital transformation, the importance of communication reached its high levels and also transformed into various platforms and tools. In order to become more successful in the market, businesses should adapt their strategies based on this new face of communication process. Moreover, the satisfaction of customers become more and more as the center of business process. For this reason, Value Communication AG guides companies on track of achieving the effectiveness of communication and acquiring right strategies so as to satisfy their customers and having more profits.

After participating our project and as an option applying our ValueCheck! approach, companies have the chance to see on which areas they have deficiencies and how they can strengthen their business processes via having the support of Germany´s leading business communication analyst and innovation expert, Andreas Weber.

The Interview Project:

Ten years ago from now, Andreas Weber and Guido Ludes prepared the book „Mainz — Stadtlandschaften 2″ including various artworks of Ludes, texts related with Mainz and short comments by people from different professions from the owner of a bakery to the minister-president of Mainz. — BTW: It happened exactly in the same year, 2004, when Marc Zuckerberg founded Facebook!

Even though it was a great resource and a stylish book, so many things are changed in Mainz last 10 years, as is with many other phases of life. Therefore, we think that it would be very useful to repeat a similar project with new candidates and a new content.

The interview project includes a question: What is the real value of communication?

We have already interviewed around 30 people; almost half of them from business experts of the Rheinland-Pfalz region, most of the with an international background. Finally we talked already to the governor of Rheinland-Pfalz region, Ministerpräsidentin Malu Dreyer.


More Information:

via @ValueCommAG


Value Art & Com Project 2014 Nanette Scriba v 2nd.003

Value Art & Com Project 2014 Nanette Scriba v 2nd.005

ValueCheck! — Print sink!.001

@ 2014 by Value Communication AG, Mainz/Germany



Offenerer Brief von DigitaldruckForum-Sprecher Andreas Weber an alle, die es interessieren sollte!


Liebe Freunde des DigitaldruckForum, liebe Freunde der gedruckten Kommunikation!

Seit Jahresanfang 2014 hatten wir viel zu kritisieren:

  1. Die Print-Branche kommuniziert schlecht, um nicht zu sagen saumäßig… Alle sind mehr mit sich als mit Kunden und Märkten beschäftigt.
    (Die einzigen, die von guter Marktkommunikation profitieren, sind die Online-Printer, die stark und profitabel wachsen, im B2B reüssieren, auch dank Bernd Zipper, der eine gute Fach-Kommunikation via leistet).
  2. Bei den Herstellern/Lieferanten für Digitaldruck-Technologien sind jede Menge sog. “Manager” in Führungsposition der 1. und 2. Ebene, die sich als Dilettanten hervortun — und die man rasch rausschmeissen sollte, was zum Teil gerade passiert (bye bye Armando)…
  3. Verlage wie auch Agenturen bekommen Richtung Print kaum noch was auf die Reihe. Und es wird eher schlimmer als besser (ausser bei Calvendo!).


Und jetzt das (was zu erwarten war, aber trotzdem schockt):

Innovations-Primus Xerox verliert in seinem Stammgeschäft Digitaldruck-Maschinen im 2. Quartal 2014 fast ein Drittel des Umsatzes.
Autsch, das geht in die Milliarden!

Wer jetzt hämisch denkt, haha, selbst schuld, sollte bedenken, dass dieser Umsatzverlust bei Xerox keineswegs von anderen Herstellern aufgefangen wird.
Siehe: The Decline of Digital Printing continues. Is Xerox lose its core business? #value #print

Richtig ist vielmehr, dass die gigantischen Multi-Milliarden-Euro-Investments in Digitaldruck-System in keinem ökonomisch vernünftigen Verhältnis stehen zu den Wertschöpfungsmöglichkeiten der meisten Druckereibetriebe; dadurch bleibt der Anteil von Digitaldruck am Gesamtdruckvolumen der Print-Branche bei marginalen 15 % konstant gering.


Zur aktuellen Lage der Hersteller in Deutschland

Klar ist, dass seit Jahren kaum ein Hersteller sich mit Ruhm bekleckert oder tatsächlich Märkte innoviert und weiterentwickelt:

  • Konica Minolta ist in Deutschland zum Platzhirsch geworden (verkauft aber riesige Mengen an Digitaldruck-Systemen an die Kunden der Druckereien!).
  • Heidelberg kann wieder Anlauf nehmen und hat nunmehr (wieder einmal) eine neue “Digital Strategy”, die in zwei bis drei Jahren Erfolg zeigen könnte.
  • Ricoh packt es irgendwie, ist aber nahezu unsichtbar und lautlos, und im Druckmarkt von Heidelberg abhängig, die gerade mit Fuji anbandeln.
  • Canon und Océ verwandeln ihre Synergie-Erfolge zur Schrumpf-Kunst und werden immer unsichtbarer und unbedeutender für die Print-Branche!
  • HP Indigo stagniert (wenn auch auf vergleichsweise) hohem Niveau, leidet aber unter fataler Kommunikations-Unfähifgkeit der “Oberen” auf EMEA-Ebene und des Konzerns HP insgesamt.
  • Landa ist bestens beim Geld-Einsammeln und kommt noch lange nicht in die Puschen. (“Nano nanü”, was ist da los? Haha!).
  • Die Klassiker wie manroland und KBA inkl. ihrem Partner Kodak sind selbst die einzigen, die sich bei Digitaldruck ganz, ganz vorne sehen.
  • Nur in der Nische gibt es “Lucky Guys”, wie z. B. Xeikon, Dainippon Screen, EFI oder Domino.
  • Apropos: Die Papierhersteller haben sich längst schon auf zurück gehende Nachfrage eingestellt. Vor allem im Digitaldruck im sog. Office- und Homeprinting-Bereich ist der Rückgang eklatant; ähnliches wird im kommerziellen Print-Markt auch erwartet.!


Was heisst das?
Für Sie, für uns als DigitaldruckForum, für innovative Druckdienstleister?

Nun: Vor allem sollten rasch einiges ändern.Und zwar ab sofort!

Wir brauchen einen disruptiven Ansatz, uns von all diesem o. g. Missständen zu verabschieden. V. a. um dem Markt, sprich den Verbrauchern und Unternehmen, klar zu machen, was mit Digitaldruck möglich ist (gerade in Kombination mit Social Media; und last but not least: Es muss klar und deutlich, faktisch wie emotional glaubhaft werden, was wir im Digitaldruck per innovativer Printkommunikation drauf haben, um klare Nutzen und profitables Wachstum zu erzeugen.

Aktuelles Beispiel als Beweis dafür, das es doch geht: Die schwedische Gruppe Elanders AB, die mit Digitaldruck und Innovationen weit über dem Marktdurchschnitt wächst; die Waiblingen zum Digitaldruckzentrum ausbaut und im Packaging sowie in Supply Chain neue Märkte erobert. — Siehe unsere ValueCheck!-Analysen und das Interview mit Magnus Nilsson.

Wer sich sich also engagieren will, das Ruder herumzureissen, hat gute Chancen.
Und kann sich gerne bei uns im DigitaldruckForum melden.

Wir haben im Sommer eine Serie von Maßnahmen und Neuprojekten gestartet (Stichwort Innovations-Coachings, inkl. ValueCheck! und ValueTalk!), um zu retten, was zu retten lohnt: Innovationen, die dem Markt zugute kommen, gekoppelt mit neuen Go-to-Market-Prinzipien. — Es genügt also/längst nicht mehr, nur kompensieren oder zu verbessern, was bis dato schief läuft!

Ich freue mich auf Ihre Nachricht. Gerne auch über die DigitaldruckForum-Gruppe auf XING.

Beste Grüße aus der Gutenberg-Stadt,

Andreas Weber
Gründer und Sprecher DigitaldruckForum
CEO von Value Communication AG

ValueTalk! — Kunst Direkt 2014.001

© 2014 by Value Communication AG, Mainz/Germany



• Innovation is driven by culture and art

• Communication is driven by culture and art

• Artists life & work is driven by values communication


By Şükran Ceren Salalı, Value Art&Communication Fellow

I always enjoy interacting with new people from various countries with different perspectives. After doing my AFS Exchange Program in Belgium and participating in an international peace project in the Netherlands, I said “why not to apply the Erasmus internship program which gives an opportunity to work in different countries for 3 months”. In the beginning, it took me a long time to decide which city to choose, however; while I was doing my research, I have heard many positive comments about the life here in Mainz. After a process of finding a right place for my internship, I am accepted in Value Communication AG, a global research and publishing company gives a high value to art, culture and communication and based in Mainz where I started to work as Value Art + Communication Fellow.

When I arrived in Mainz as a Sociology student and as an Erasmus intern from Istanbul, I got inspired and fascinated by the rich cultural and artistic environment of the city as the hometown of Johannes Gutenberg and the surrounding area as a leading centre of the culture of communication. Based on my inspiration, I decided to experience this city in order to find out the interaction between the rich culture of the city and the real value of communication. Also, I had this great support and useful advices from Andreas Weber, who is an expert on communication and the founder of Value Communication AG. That´s how our Value Art and Com (i.e. Communication) project is brought into action.

As one of my project areas, I visited an exhibition, Kunst Direkt 2014, which took place in Rheingoldhalle, at one of the beautiful spots of Mainz situated near the river, Rhein. In the exhibition, there were 120 talented artists from Rheinland-Pfalz state of Germany. The exhibition was consisted of different rooms in which each artist could present her/his artwork. I found this event as a wonderful opportunity to start my interviews for our Value Art&Com Project. There, I interviewed with 10 artists, some of them were painters while others were sculptors. The most important thing is that, by these interviews, I had the chance to know what artists as talented people think about the real value of communication. I had different approaches by each of their responses which gave our project an artistic touch and various points of view. As a person who is very well interested in art, media and cinema, It was a very special process for me and for our disruptive project.


Pls. watch as well our Slideshare presentation which includes all those fantastic videos (Series 1).



If you prefer YouTube please watch our video as well:

ValueTalk! — Thoams Brenner

© 2014 by Value Communication AG, Mainz/Germany



ValueCheck! — Yajing's Oma experience.001



By Yajing Huang, Mainz/Germany


Two weeks ago, mid of July 2014, there was loud club music being played in the late night very often around our building. One day morning, I met my neighbor who lives next to my door. I call her „Oma“ [nice german word for grandma], because she always gives me the warm feeling in this foreign country. She is at the age of beginning 70, silver hair and very slim. Compared to the people at her age, she is very active and open minded. We get alone with each other very well after I moved there. I told her these days there is always loud music playing during the midnight.

She told me that is the new neighbor who lives above her, she already asked that neighbor to turn down the volume however it seems not working… Perhaps due to I live  long time enough in Germany, my reaction to her was that we should call the police to stop such behavior. However, she smiled at me slightly and told me that she will do something differently. A week later after that conversation we met on the floor of our building. I asked her, if that neighbor moved out, there was no more loud music playing during the late night. She told me every early morning she turned her radio on with loud tone. That young neighbor might have many short nights to sleep and changed the habit!

All of sudden, I was inspired by her charming way of handle the situation. During our daily private and work life, we get used to the certain way of thinking and conducting but not thinking about the better way to handle it with innovative method. To me, charming strategy of Oma to solve such common issue during the daily life is kind of art. It stopped the stupid behavior of showing no respect to the other neighbors and it achieved the great result. Isn’t it amazing?!

Now, when I recall what I have experienced these days about ‘value check’ project and the media event. There is no doubt to realize how much we can inspire each other by communicating with each other. As Mrs. Malu Dreyer, who I had the pleasure to meet face to face at „Pressefest der Ministerpräsidentin 2014“ mentioned during the ValueTalk! interview, ‘communication has very high value, without it, problems cannot be solved’

Nowadays, the common phenomenon exists in the companies: valuable communication only happens after problems appear. Why not to avoid the problems in advance by communicating at earlier stage? Therefore, in my opinion, ‘value check’ project provides great opportunity for the companies to review their daily communication process and being inspired by checked. Don’t wait, just check it J !

Value Art & Com Project 2014 Andreas Weber.001

© 2014 by Value Communication AG, Mainz/Germany



Good Question:
What is the Real Value of Communication?


This good question is easy to answer:

The Real Value of Communication is creating Value via Communication!

  • But what does it mean?
    Talk to each other!
    Listen to each other.
    Understand each other.
    Like each other.
    Even if you don’t, respect each other.


The dilemma:

  • Most of us fail.
    Most of us are not able to listen.
    Most of us are not able and willing to understand!
    We don’t care.
    We just talk. We just act. We just want to… (something, which seams to be good for us.)


My advice to access the value of communication:

If you want to create Value, just stop your stupid talk and behaviour. 
 Just listen and learn. Learn how to learn.
Respect the Value of Communication. Respect other Human Beings, the Nature, the Animals. Everything which is different, but valuable.

It’s that easy.


Think about it:

  • Learn how to like yourself. (Don’t be selfish.)
    Learn to listen.
    Learn (in the right way) how to use media and technologies.
    Learn to understand the Value of Art, Culture and Communication.
    Learn and practice — And re-learn every day, every minute, every second.

Become a very smart communicator to create the 
 Value of Communication by valuable communication.

It’s that easy!




Watch the video as well!





We value the value of Mainz as a centre for the culture of communication.


Who we are:

As a global research & publishing company Value Communication AG was founded in 2007 by its CEO Andreas Weber based in Mainz/Germany, the hometown of Johannes Gutenberg.


The Aim of Our Project:

Our Value Art & Com ( i.e. Communication) project came up as an idea after Sükran Ceren Salali who came to Mainz from Istanbul as an Erasmus intern in Value Communication AG, inspired by the rich cultural and artistic environment of the city of Mainz and decided to experience it in order to find out the interaction between the rich culture of the city of Johannes Gutenberg and the real value of communication. The project includes photographs and movies taken with a different perspective in various points of Mainz, interviews with people from different countries and professions who live in Mainz and also ValueCheck! surveys as a valuable resource to experience the effectiveness of communication.


Why You Should Participate:

In the age of digital transformation, the importance of communication reached its high levels and also transformed into various platforms and tools. In order to become more successful in the market, businesses should adapt their strategies based on this new face of communication process. Moreover, the satisfaction of customers become more and more as the center of business process. For this reason, Value Communication AG guides companies on track of achieving the effectiveness of communication and acquiring right strategies so as to satisfy their customers and having more profits.

After participating our project and as an option applying our ValueCheck! approach, companies have the chance to see on which areas they have deficiencies and how they can strengthen their business processes via having the support of Germany´s leading business communication analyst and innovation expert, Andreas Weber.


The Interview Project:

Ten years ago from now, Andreas Weber and Guido Ludes prepared the book „Mainz — Stadtlandschaften 2″ including various artworks of Ludes, texts related with Mainz and short comments by people from different professions from the owner of a bakery to the minister-president of Mainz. — BTW: It happened exactly in the same year, 2104, when Marc Zuckerberg founded Facebook!

Even though it was a great resource and a stylish book, so many things are changed in Mainz last 10 years, as is with many other phases of life. Therefore, we think that it would be very useful to repeat a similar project with new candidates and a new content.

The interview project includes a question: What is the real value of communication?

We have already interviewed around 20 people; almost half of them from business experts of the Rheinland-Pfalz region, most of the with an international background. Finally we talked already to the governor of Rheinland-Pfalz region, Ministerpräsidentin Malu Dreyer.



More Information:



Value Art & Com Project 2014 Andreas Weber.002



  • Smart Communication enables relatedness
  • Smart Communication is seamless and integrated
  • Social Media is not the end, but the start of Smart Communication


By Şükran Ceren Salalı, Value Art&Communication Fellow

Almost seven years before now, in 2007, CEO and the brain of Value Communication AG, Andreas Weber, wrote a “smart communication white paper” in order to create a thought-provoking guideline that is named Smart Communication: Reaching Engaging Communication Beyond Ourselves. In fact, since that time, he shared his POV with more than 50k executives around the globe. My take: The white paper not only shows how foreseeing analyst and the expert of communication Andreas Weber is, but also draws readers attention to various important facts about the effectiveness of communication in the Social Media Era.

In the text, in order to show the effectiveness of communication the term smart communication is used. Applications that belong to smart communication are characterized as completely seamless and integrated.

What is still very relevant for today in the age of digital transformation, the growing gap between technology-weak corporations and technology-smart consumers, has already been mentioned by Andreas Weber seven years ago in a time when via Facebook, Twitter & others the communication world changed in an irreversible way. The important thing is, this growing gap causes services to fail and then immediately the dissatisfaction of the customer occurs. On that moment, smart communication techniques should step in so as to abolish the dissatisfaction and to strategize the whole business process.


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The secrets of smart communication

The components of communication should take into consideration first in order to understand the real meaning of smart communication. These components are communicators (senders&receivers of messages), message (the content), medium (the particular means of conveying the message), channel (connector of communicators and accommodates to the medium), code (a system of meaning shared by a group), noise (any interference distorting or degrading the meaning of the message), and context (where all communication takes place). Those components built a symbiosis to create the real value of communication.

If you re-think what has changed through Social Media, you will see that beside existence and growth relatedness is a key issue. So its not about connectivity anymore, which is already given. Its about building relations as the foundation of the real value of communication.

Dialogue as the core of a relationship is very crucial to orientate the relatedness. A smart dialogue increases brand image, loyalty and sales. Also, a smart dialogue constitutes a smart relationship that reunites produces and customer which are also named as sender and receiver. In the past, before web 2.0 and Social Media, brand dialogue was a monologue with advertising rather than a smart dialogue. It used to be slow and tedious.



Our Take:

What smart communication provides us is a win-win effect for both the consumer and the brand. So, if when it comes to defining smart, smart is fun and easy, useful, understandable, personal, simple… Smart is communication… or let´s call it in the way Andreas Weber defines it: Smart communication is a breath of fresh air!



Learn more about our Value Art&Com Project by Şükran Ceren Salalı



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ValueCheck! Elanders 02-2014.001


By Şükran Ceren Salalı, Value Art&Communication Fellow
Interview: Andreas Weber, CEO, Value Communication AG


In one of the previous blogs regarding with the success of Elanders AB, we explained several facts about Elanders´ ongoing achievement based on useful data and the interview that took place in 2012 between Value Communication AG and the CEO of Elanders AB, Magnus Nilsson. In the end, I mentioned about my curiosity towards whether Magnus Nilsson have the same spirit and the optimistic approach for 2014 and for the future of Elanders. 


Magnus Nilsson responses showed that Elanders gives importance on best-in-class communication and customer satisfaction. They care about what customers expect such as quality, reliability, enhanced services and a good knowledge beyond printing. Also, they use their Twitter accounts properly and frequently for their business. And last but not least Elanders AB reached a milestone in its history because they acquired a leading supply-chain service provider, Mentor Media, in Asia at the beginning of the year 2014. Beside great synergy effects the deal just doubled the price for Elanders’ stocks.

When it comes to the data of quarterly report of 2014, it seems that Elanders still keeps its ongoing success. The Elanders Group is growing much faster than the market. For instance, in the first six months, net sales increased by 75% to MSEK 1,761 (1,005), the operating result increased to MSEK 77 (51), which is an improvement of 51% over the same period last year, the new issue was oversubscribed and generated MSEK 121 after issue costs and, a considerable improvement in profit compared to 2013 continues to be forecasted for 2014. In the second quarter, net sales increased by 78% to MSEK 910 (512). — See Elanders Q2 Report for more details.


Is Elanders ready for print innovation leadership?

Based on the comments made by Nilsson on quarterly report of 2014, Mentor Media’s offer is now being integrated into Elanders’ existing operations which will lead to both higher print volumes and more supply chain customers in the long run. He states that their Supply Chain and e-Commerce organizations have begun working together to produce joint and improve already existing platforms for ordering over the Internet. They are planning to offer current and new supply chain customers the best alternative on the market for this.

Elanders´global presence has a definite competitive advantage compared to most of their competitors. For instance, Elanders is winning market shares on several markets while other markets are more challenging and Elanders continues to consolidate and streamline functions and operations on those. Moreover, as in the year 2012, Elanders continues to coordinate operations in myphotobook with d|o|m / fotokasten in e-Commerce and they plan to continue this full effect as of 2015. As planned, printing volumes from myphotobook have been moved to Elanders’ production units during the second quarter.


Exclusive Interview


Value Communication’s CEO Andreas Weber was able for an exclusive interview with Magnus Nilsson on July 17th., 2014. It was about if Elanders Group is ready to become the leading and most innovative print communication service provider.



„Our new business areas which combines supply chain, 

commercial and packaging printing and e-commerce are 

compatible to all kinds of social business trends.“


Bildschirmfoto 2014-07-23 um 11.43.40

Magnus Nilsson, CEO of Elanders AB


Andreas Weber: Magnus, you stated, that printing trade shows, which always have been important for printers’s market approach and strategy, have not too much affect on Elanders´s strategy any more. You said, it was good to see them, however. So do you think that technology is not solely enough for success?

Magnus Nilsson: Elanders’ target is to make it as easy as possible for a customer to get the best benefit out of our offering and solutions. So we act as a global service company which could manufacture and deliver high print volumes for customers. The combination of supply chain, packaging, e-commerce to create solutions is very important for Elanders. The best way to develop our strategy comes from our business insights and what we learn from our customers.


Andreas Weber: On a global scale, which are the most relevant markets for you?

Magnus Nilsson: Our presents in markets like China, USA, and new ones in Europe made Elanders very strong. But we see that even innovative applications like Photo books are not growing so fast anymore in our established market areas. So it is more in the consideration process on a high and solide level. We are planning to invest in new markets such as Asia and South America as well. And in new application areas wherever they are needed.


Andreas Weber: Regarding Elanders go-to-market approach, what is special or unique?

Magnus Nilsson: The important thing is for Elanders to reach the client in an easiest way. Crucial is if people want to get their print products in a smart way and it cannot take too much time to order and get it. And therefore they don´t need too much investment. We have really great optimized tools for business and consumer markets. And our solutions are accompanied by our Solutions Expert. We made sure by new global business management operation structure that we act with one face to the customers.


Andreas Weber: How is Elanders success in the packaging solutions business?

Magnus Nilsson: It works very well. Specially Elanders Germany is very successful for new solutions for packaging customers. Therefore we installed last year in Waiblingen/Germany our Elanders Packaging Innovation Centre. For sure our huge digital printing capacities have a great impact to convince major brands to innovate the packaging of there products on a high quality level.


Andreas Weber: 2014 is more than ever the year of Social Media, driven by Facebook, founded only 10 years ago. Do you think that Social Media and Social Business will influence your business?

Magnus Nilsson: It already does in a positive way. Social Media is very important for e-commerce, our team is working for it quite successful. Till now it has more impact on consumers behavior than in the B2B sector. But for sure: Business innovation is happening via the internet. Gaining more real time insights via social media and social media communication became crucial for success. We observe that exactly. But nevertheless we are still very optimistic about the future of Elanders like before. Because our new business areas which combines supply chain, print & packaging and e-commerce solutions are compatible to all kinds of social business trends.


Our Take: Elanders AB creates its leadership by …

  • a unique combination of a clear business and management focus on customer needs  in valuable market segments,
  • a deep understanding of the right usage of relevant technologies
    (IT, Digital print, E-Commerce),
  • clever acquisitions (with almost a seamless integration into the group),
  • a smart communication approach to keep investors and share holders up-to-date and highly motivated,
  • and at least by a permanent approach to justify and optimize it’s go-to-market approach dedicated to customer satisfaction.
Value Art & Com Project 2014.001

© 2014 by Value Communication AG, Mainz/Germany




The value of Mainz as a centre for the culture of communication


Who we are:

As a global research & publishing company Value Communication AG was founded in 2007 by its CEO Andreas Weber based in Mainz/Germany, the hometown of Johannes Gutenberg.


The Aim of Our Project:

Our Value Art & Com ( i.e. Communication) project came up as an idea after Sükran Ceren Salali who came to Mainz from Istanbul as an Erasmus intern in Value Communication AG, inspired by the rich cultural and artistic environment of the city of Mainz and decided to experience it in order to find out the interaction between the rich culture of the city of Johannes Gutenberg and the real value of communication. The project includes photographs and movies taken with a different perspective in various points of Mainz, interviews with people from different countries and professions who live in Mainz and also ValueCheck! surveys as a valuable resource to experience the effectiveness of communication.


Why You Should Participate:

In the age of digital transformation, the importance of communication reached its high levels and also transformed into various platforms and tools. In order to become more successful in the market, businesses should adapt their strategies based on this new face of communication process. Moreover, the satisfaction of customers become more and more as the center of business process. For this reason, Value Communication AG guides companies on track of achieving the effectiveness of communication and acquiring right strategies so as to satisfy their customers and having more profits.

After participating our project and as an option applying our ValueCheck! approach, companies have the chance to see on which areas they have deficiencies and how they can strengthen their business processes via having the support of Germany´s leading business communication analyst and innovation expert, Andreas Weber.


Value Art & Com Project 2014.002

@ 2014 by Value Communication AG, Mainz/Germany

 Watch our ValueTalk! Video on YouTube as well!


The Interview Project:

Ten years ago from now, Andreas Weber and Guido Ludes prepared the book „Mainz — Stadtlandschaften 2“ including various artworks of Ludes, texts related with Mainz and short comments by people from different professions from the owner of a bakery to the minister-president of Mainz. — BTW: It happened exactly in the same year, 2004, when Marc Zuckerberg founded Facebook!

Even though it was a great resource and a stylish book, so many things are changed in Mainz last 10 years, as is with many other phases of life. Therefore, we think that it would be very useful to repeat a similar project with new candidates and a new content.

The interview project includes a question:


What is the real value of communication?

We have already interviewed around 20 experts; almost half of them are business executives from Rheinland-Pfalz region, with different business backgrounds, some of them international students, and finally we talked in Mainz to the governor of Rheinland-Pfalz region, Ministerpräsidentin Malu Dreyer, Staatssekretär Walter Schumacher and SWR Journalist Sabine Hampel at Pressefest Ministerpräsidentin 2014, July 22nd., 2014.




Please watch the great ValueTalk! videos on YouTube as well!


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Further information:

Value Art & Com Project 2014.003