
Tag Archives: value trend analysis

ValuePublishing Canon Stories.001

By Andreas Weber

Note: This market trend analysis by Andreas Weber appeared in modified form in the drupa run-up special by VDI-nachrichten dated May 13, 2016. VDI-nachrichten addresses a premium reader target group of more than 310,000 technical and innovation experts in German industry.  

More than half of all packaging volume worldwide is attributed to printed packaging – and the trend is rising. Packaging printing is thus becoming the most important market of the future for the printing press. This is reflected at the upcoming world’s leading trade fair of the industry, drupa (Dusseldorf, May 31-June 10, 2016). The packaging industry has been booming for years. In 2012, proceeds worldwide were around €600 billion, in 2018 it should be a rich €758 billion. At least, that is what the British market research company Smithers Pira predicts.

The reasons for this are first, the increasing need for packaging in the developing and emerging countries due to rising prosperity and growing populations. China is at the top. Secondly, the packaging sector in the western industrial countries is benefiting from increasing variety and more competition in trade. And thirdly, the volume itself of packaging is growing, as noted here in Germany by the consumer consultancy of North Rhine-Westphalia. For 40% of the packaging contained air.

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Boom-market packaging unleashes new printing techniques 

That makes it clear why the printing and paper branches are heavily banking on innovation owing to the eye-catching differentiation of packaging. To date, these have been mostly unusual finishing options such as varnish or metallic colours and non-standard configurations of machines and media specially designed for packaging printing.

Up to now, packaging has primarily been printed and finished using flexo, offset, gravure and screen printing processes. These are able to accommodate the high volume as well as quality and cost demands. Together, flexo and offset printing currently cover around two-thirds of the world market for packaging printing. According to Smithers Pira, it had a volume of $415 billion in 2015.

At less than 10%, the proportion of digital printing is still relatively small and thus presents room for growth. This should change though in the midterm with progress being made in digital print technology, because even in packaging the numbers are sinking. And then there is the trend to customisation.

Printed and varnished cardboard and metal sheets should remain the domain of sheet-fed offset printing for the time being. Yet, digital printing is gradually feeling its way into this market. For flexible packaging, flexo printing is dominant in Europe and America; in Asia, it is gravure. The latter is losing ground, however, due to its expense.

For corrugated board and labels, flexo printing is likewise the process most used, although in labels, digital printing is gaining strength. Screen printing was previously used mostly for signs, displays and hollow articles. There, too, digital inkjet printing is gaining importance. Experts assume that the corrugated board wrapping commonly used in e-commerce today will become increasingly more colourful.

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Photo: Gundlach Group


German printing press manufacturers are searching for cooperation partners in digital printing

In particular, the German printing press manufacturers Koenig & Bauer (KBA) and Heidelberger Druckmaschinen have been focussing on packaging printing for years. Now it is industrial digital printing that should benefit from global collaborations: KBA cooperated with HP Inc. to harness inkjet printing for itself through HP’s own PageWide printing technology.

Heidelberg and Japanese Fujifilm with its expertise in inkjet printing technology jointly developed a new technology platform within 15 months. The first machine based on this, called Primefire, targets premium quality packaging printing with the inkjet printing of sheets in large format (70cm x 100cm).

Event tip: During drupa 2016, a trade day devoted to packaging and printed electronics will take place on June 2 in the drupa cube in Hall 5. Register at

Many new players who have developed additional processes are entering the game owing to the trend to packaging printing, particularly from Israel. These include new digital printing technologies such as the one from Landa Nanography. Scodix has developed digital finishing machines and Highcon relies on laser-based high-speed presses for folding carton. Pure digital printing technology experts such as Canon and Xerox also want to leverage the potential of print applications in packaging including label printing. In printed electronics this includes the integration of Near Field Communication (NFC) that can be processed in inkjet printing.

KBA boss Claus Bolza-Schünemann, in his position as president of the world’s leading trade fair drupa, strikes a blow for packaging printing. For its content, printed packaging serves a protective, preservative, promotional and increasingly also a communicative function. Here the topic of consumer protection comes to mind with respective notices on packaging. What’s more, packaging cannot be replaced by flat screens or smartphones. Unlike with printed newspapers or catalogues, it is not affected by changing media behaviour, but rather benefits from it. More single households with a preference for convenience foods and the booming online mail-order trade are likewise growth drivers.

What can be easily overlooked in the classic printing sector is the interplay of multichannel solutions in marketing, “augmented reality” and personalised advertising. This combination can make any type of packaging become the starting point of new contact and dialogue opportunities with the buyer through “augmented reality” and therefore represents enormous potential for brand-name companies.

To realise this, digital printing is vital. Only with it can the printed image be varied ad hoc. New multichannel software solutions such as those from Xerox subsidiary XMPie enable packaging to be personalised and thus become a part of a measurable marketing campaign.


Photo: Heideldruck


Multi-coloured muesli containers are the market of the future

But there are also some obstacles: Fogra, the Munich-based graphic technology research association has found out that the print image quality of inkjet printing can easily result in a very “ragged” print image. This cannot be seen with the naked eye, but causes problems particularly with barcodes. The highly sensitive barcode readers then generate error messages. Any printer that has produced high print-runs with poorly printed barcodes that then cause reader errors has a huge problem.

One of the most exciting packaging printing projects was realised by Heidelberg in tandem with online start-up at the beginning of the year. is a mail-order company for customised muesli. After initial success, the online company opened shops and online print expert Bernd Zipper came up with the idea that people buying muesli on-site could print their own muesli packaging – and not just a label – using an iPad.

That was made possible thanks to a printing technology from Heidelberg called 4D in which the object to be printed is fixed inside the cabin of the printing press and is then printed by movable inkjet print heads. The online editing and process management stems from Longo, Augsburg. The result is a muesli container with personalised text, self-designed and produced in real-time. The customers love it and it is now to go into production.

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Photo: KBA


ValuePublishing Facts:
drupa president Bolza-Schünemann listed the following reasons for the strong, sustained growth of packaging:

  1. Printed packaging serves a protective, preservative, and advertising function for its contents and, increasingly, a communication function, too. Just think of consumer protection with appropriate references on the packaging.
  2. Packaging cannot be replaced by flatscreens or smartphones. Unlike printed newspapers or catalogs, it remains unaffected by the changed media behavior and actually tends to benefit from this.
  3. The global population is rising and international prosperity is increasing. The middle class with disposable income is growing in emerging markets such as China, India, and Brazil. Growing prosperity goes hand in hand with higher consumption and that in turn means more packaging and printing, all the more since shopping malls are springing up everywhere in emerging markets, too.
  4. Packaging is becoming increasingly classy and sophisticated – the only way to attract the necessary attention at the point of sale. This trend results in greater added value for the printing industry and machines with more elaborate configurations for the supply industry.
  5. More single-person households with a preference for ready meals and the booming online mail-order business are also driving growth.

ValuePublishing Canon Stories.001

Von Andreas Weber

Der holländische Maler Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606 bis 1669) gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Maler der Kulturgeschichte. Seine Werke sind bis heute unübertroffen. Neben rund 600 Gemälden sollen über 300 Radierungen und mehr als 1500 Handzeichnungen erhalten sein. Seine in dieser Perfektion unerreichte Kunstfertigkeit überführte er in einen einzigartigen Atelierbetrieb, mit dem Anspruch, dass die Werke seiner Schüler/Mitarbeiter kaum von den eigenen zu unterscheiden waren.

Zum Atelier gehörte eine Druck-Kunst-Werkstatt. Als „Maler-Radierer“ schuf er mit seinen Parallel- und Kreuzschraffuren und insbesondere mehrfacher Plattenüberarbeitungen gedruckte Unikate. Seine Druck-Auflagen bestanden aus bis zu 11 Zustandsdrucken, da er immer wieder während des Druckprozesse die Druckplatten überarbeitete. Er trieb auf diese Weise die Druck-Kunst zu enormer Blüte, fast besessen erfand er neue Methoden für seine Radierungen. Bis heute konnte es ihm keiner seiner Künstlerkollegen gleich tun. Das besondere an Rembrandts Druck-Kunst bestand darin, mit akribischer Strichführung, unregelmäßigen Linienzügen und ohne Umrisse, ein tiefes, kraftvolles Helldunkel von höchster malerischer Wirkung hervorzurufen, wie Experten aus dem Berliner Kupferstichkabinett (eine der weltweit größten Sammlungen von Rembrandts grafischen Arbeiten) bestätigen.




Das Ergebnis: Rembrandts Radierungen zählen neben Albrecht Dürers Kupferstichen zu den großartigsten Kunstwerken überhaupt. Die Druck-Kunst beschäftigte den Meister während seiner gesamten Laufbahn (von etwa 1626 bis 1661) und war stets gleichbedeutend mit seinen Malereien und Zeichnungen.  



The Next Rembrandt: So sieht das Daten-Druck-Kunstwerk final aus. Beeindruckender als das Digitalfoto per Web ist allerdings der Spezialdruck, den Inkjet-Technik-Spezialisten gekonnt realisierten.

Digitale Druck-Kunst ermöglicht „The Next Rembrandt“

Kunstexperten des Museums Het Rembrandthuis in Amsterdam und Wissenschaftler der Delfter University of Technology knüpften aktuell an die Druck-Kunst Rembrandts in besonderer Weise an — und fanden ein weltweites Echo. Mit Unterstützung des Technologie-Partners Microsoft wertete man alle verfügbaren Daten und Informationen aus, die Rembrandt hinterlassen hat, insgesamt rund 15 Terrabytes an Daten.

„The Next Rembrandt“ sollte entstehen aus all diesen Informationen plus 168.263 Rembrandt-Bild-Einzelteilen, die per 3D-Scan vorlagen und in einem aufwändigen, digitalen 3D-Composing zu einem synthetisierten neuen Bildwerk führten.



Ziel war es im finalen Schritt, das neu erschaffene 3D-Bildmotiv per digitalem Spezialdruckverfahren auf Leinwand zu bringen. Medienberichten zufolge wurden 3D-Drucker eingesetzt, was ein Novum wäre für nahezu zweidimensionale Objekte wie ein Bild auf Leinwand. Hierzu gibt es bis dato keine weiteren Informationen. Aber: Wer Mitte März 2016 als Besucher der Canon Business Days im niederländischen Venlo (dort befindet sich das wohl weltweit größte Technikzentrum für die Inkjet-Drucktechnikentwicklung) konnte dem Rembrandt-Kunst-Druck-Motiv bereits begegnen. Diesbezügliche offizielle Verlautbarungen gibt es dazu nicht. Bekannt ist aber, dass ein Drucker, basierend auf der in der Arizona-Serie eingesetzten Océ VariaDot Imaging-Technologie eingesetzt wird, um Bildmotive reliefartig am besten auf Basis von 3D-Scans wiederzugeben, z. B. für die Reproduktion alter, von Künstlern ehedem erstellter Stofftapeten, wie letztes Jahr im September 2015 auf den motio-Netzwerktagen in Kassel zu sehen war.

Wie auch immer, das „The Next Rembrandt“-Druck-Kunst-Objekt geht nun noch eine Stufe weiter. Denn tatsächlich ist die Anmutung des Rembrandt-Drucks einem Original des Meisters unglaublich nahe, zumal, wie das „The Next Rembrandt“-Projektteam der Presse gegenüber betonte, durch die spezielle Drucktechnik in insgesamt 13 Schichten Pinselstriche und Farbflächen farblich brillant in Halbton-Qualität erscheinen und reliefartig, partiell erhaben abgehoben sind. Gerade so, wie der Maler Pigmente und Lasuren auf dem Malgrund mehrfach sich überdeckend schichtet. Die Fachwelt darf gespannt sein, ob auf der drupa 2016 „The Next Rembrandt“ ebenfalls präsentieren wird.


Website Screenshots. Quelle:


Wichtig ist übrigens festzuhalten: Die Projektinitiatoren und -partner maßen sich nicht an, wie in manch einem Feuilletonbericht kritisch angemerkt, es dem Meister gleich tun zu wollen, ihn sozusagen digital zu kopieren oder gar mit modernen Mitteln übertreffen zu wollen. Gemäß dem Motto: Maschinenkunst übertrifft menschliches Können. Denn gerade Rembrandt besticht nicht nur durch seine Maltechnik und Farbsensivität, sondern v. a. durch sein unübertreffliches Kompositionstalent. Nein, ganz im Gegenteil geht es vielmehr darum, in Referenz und tiefster Ehrfurcht vor dem Maler und Druck-Kunst-Meister Rembrandt zu zeigen, wie ein idealtypisches Bildwerk als Synthese seines Gesamtschaffens und Lebenswerkes mit modernster Digital-, 3D- und hochspezialisierter Inkjet-Digitaldrucktechnik manifestiert werden kann. Durch Druck-Kunst neuster Art. Haptisch-optisch beeindruckend. Anfassbar — und nicht flüchtig wie sonstige Werke der „Digital Media Art“. Bravo. Bravissimo. Das ist für die weltweite Kunstszene eine echte und herausragende Innovation. Allen Respekt, dass Technik- und Druckexperten dies bewerkstelligt haben. — Hinweis: Falls es hierzu auf der drupa 2016 neues gibt, gehe ich dem gründlich nach!


the-next-rembrandt Presentation

Video der Projektinitiatoren:

ValuePublishing Canon Stories.001

Von Andreas Weber

Hinweis: Der Fachartikel erschien in abgewandelter Form im Auftakt-drupa-Special von VDI-nachrichten, Ausgabe vom 13. Mai 2016. VDI-nachrichten spricht als Premium-Leserzielgruppe über 310.000 Technik- und Innovations-Experten der deutschen Wirtschaft an.  

Mehr als die Hälfte aller Verpackungsumsätze weltweit entfällt auf bedruckte Verpackungen – Tendenz steigend. Der Verpackungsdruck wird somit zum wichtigsten Zukunftsmarkt des Druckmaschinenbaus. Dies spiegelt sich wider auf der kommenden Weltleitmesse der Branche, der Drupa (Düsseldorf, 31. 05.2016 bis 10. 06.2016). Die Verpackungsindustrie boomt seit Jahren. 2012 erlöste sie weltweit rund 600 Mrd. €, 2018 sollen es satte 758 Mrd. € sein. Das jedenfalls prognostiziert das britischen Marktforschungsunternehmen Smithers Pira.

Die Gründe hierfür sind zum Ersten der steigende Bedarf an Verpackungen in den Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern aufgrund zunehmenden Wohlstands und wachsender Bevölkerungen. China liegt an der Spitze. Zum Zweiten profitiert die Verpackungssparte in den westlichen Industrieländern von zunehmender Sortenvielfalt und mehr Wettbewerb im Handel. Und drittens nimmt das Volumen von Verpackungen zu, wie hierzulande die Verbraucherberatung NRW feststellte. Denn 40 % der Verpackungen enthielten Luft.


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Boom-Markt Verpackung entfesselt neue Print-Techniken 

Damit wird deutlich, warum die Druck- und Papierbranche mit großer Wucht auf die Innovation durch die aufmerksamkeitsstarke Differenzierung von Verpackungen setzt. Bis dato waren dies vor allem außergewöhnliche Veredelungsmöglichkeiten wie Lacke sowie Metallfarben und speziell für den Verpackungsdruck konzipierte Sonderkonfigurationen von Maschinen und Medien.

Bedruckt und veredelt werden Verpackungen bisher vor allem im Flexo-, Offset-, Tief- und Siebdruckverfahren. Dies trägt der hohen Auflagen sowie Qualitäts- und Kostenanforderungen Rechnung. Gemeinsam decken Flexo- und Offsetdruck aktuell rund zwei Drittel des Weltmarkts für Verpackungsdruck ab. Laut Smithers Pira hatte er 2015 ein Volumen von 415 Mrd. $.

Der Anteil des Digitaldrucks ist mit weniger als 10 % noch relativ klein, bietet also genug Raum für Wachstum. Dies dürfte sich aber mittelfristig durch die Fortschritte bei digitalen Drucktechniken ändern, denn auch bei den Verpackungen sinken die Auflagen. Hinzu kommt der Trend zur Individualisierung.

Bedruckte und lackierte Kartonagen sowie Blechtafeln dürften vorerst eine Domäne des Bogen-Offsetdrucks bleiben. Der Digitaldruck tastet sich aber allmählich in diesen Markt hinein. Bei flexiblen Verpackungen dominiert in Europa und Amerika der Flexodruck, in Asien der Tiefdruck. Letzterer verliert aber aufgrund der teuren Druckform an Boden.

Bei Wellpappe und Etiketten ist der Flexodruck ebenfalls noch der am meisten genutzte Prozess, obwohl bei den Labels der Digitaldruck stark im Kommen ist. Der Siebdruck wurde bisher vor allem bei Schildern, Displays und Hohlkörpern eingesetzt. Auch dort gewinnt das digitale Inkjet-Druckverfahren an Bedeutung. Experten gehen davon aus, dass die heute im E-Commerce üblichen braunen Umverpackungen aus Wellpappe zunehmend farbiger werden.

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Foto: Gundlach Group.

Deutsche Druckmaschinenbauer suchen im Digitaldruck Kooperationspartner

Besonders die deutschen Druckmaschinenbauer Koenig & Bauer (KBA) und Heidelberger Druckmaschinen setzen hier seit Jahren ihren Schwerpunkt auf den Verpackungsdruck. Nunmehr liegt er im industriellen Digitaldruck, der von globalen Kooperationen profitieren soll: KBA kooperiert mit HP Inc., um den Inkjetdruck für sich über HPs eigene Pagewide-Drucktechnologie nutzbar zu machen.

Heidelberg entwickelte mit der japanischen Fujifilm und dessen Expertise in der Tintenstrahldrucktechnik binnen 15 Monaten eine neue Technologieplattform. Die erste darauf basierende Maschine, Primefire genannt, zielt mit Inkjetdruck für Bögen im Großformat (70 cm x 100 cm) auf Verpackungsdruck in Premiumqualität.

Event-Tipp: Im drupa cube findet auf der drupa 2016 in Halle 5 am 2. Juni ein Fachtag zu Packaging und Printed Electronics statt. Anmeldungen über

Viele neue Player, die zusätzliche Verfahren entwickelten, kommen durch den Trend zum Verpackungsdruck ins Spiel, vor allem aus Israel. Dazu gehören neue Digitaldrucktechnologien wie die von Landa Nanography. Scodix entwickelt digitale Veredelungsmaschinen und Highcon setzt auf laserbasierte Hochgeschwindigkeitsmaschinen für die Faltschachtelherstellung. Auch reine Digitaldrucktechnikexperten wie Canon oder Xerox wollen bei Print-Anwendungen die Potenziale bei Verpackungen inklusive des Etikettendrucks heben. Dies schließt über printed electronics die Integration von Near Field Communication (NFC) ein, die beim Inkjetdruck mitverarbeitet werden kann.

KBA-Chef Claus Bolza-Schünemann bricht in seiner Funktion als Präsident der Weltleitmesse Drupa daher eine Lanze für den Verpackungsdruck. Bedruckte Verpackungen habe für ihren Inhalt eine Schutz-, Konservierungs-, Werbe- und zunehmend auch eine Kommunikationsfunktion. Man denke hier nur an das Thema Verbraucherschutz mit entsprechenden Hinweisen auf der Verpackung. Zudem könnten Verpackungen nicht durch Flatscreens oder Smartphones ersetzt werden. Anders als gedruckte Zeitungen oder Kataloge seien sie nicht vom veränderten Medienverhalten betroffen, sondern profitierten eher davon. Mehr Single-Haushalte mit einer Vorliebe für Fertiggerichte und der boomende Onlineversandhandel seien ebenfalls Wachstumstreiber.

Was im klassischen Drucksektor leicht übersehen wird, ist das Zusammenspiel von Multichannel-Lösungen beim Marketing, „Augmented Reality“ und individualisierter Werbung. Diese Kombination kann jede Art von Verpackung über die „Augmented Reality“ zum Startpunkt neuer Kontakt- und Dialogmöglichkeiten mit dem Käufer machen und stellt daher ein ungeheures Potenzial für Markenunternehmen dar.

Um dies zu realisieren, ist der Digitaldruck unerlässlich. Nur durch ihn kann das Druckbild ad hoc variiert werden. So ermöglichen neuartige Multichannel-Softwarelösungen wie die von der Xerox-Tochter XMPie, Verpackungen zu individualisieren und sie zu einem Teil von messbaren Marketingkampagnen werden zu lassen.


Foto: Heideldruck.

Kunterbunte Müslidosen sind der Zukunftsmarkt

Doch gibt es auch Hemmnisse: Die Münchner Forschungsgemeinschaft Druck (Fogra) hat herausgefunden, dass die Druckbildqualität per Inkjetdruck leicht ein zu sehr „ausgefranstes“ Druckbild ergeben kann. Das ist mit dem bloßen Auge nicht erkennbar, bereitet aber vor allem bei Barcodes Probleme. Die hochsensiblen Barcode-Lesegeräte erzeugen dann Fehlermeldungen. Wer als Druckerei hohe Auflagen mit schlecht gedruckten Barcodes erzeugt hat, die dann Lesefehler verursachen, hat ein Riesenproblem.

Eines der derzeit spannendsten Verpackungsdruckprojekte hat Heidelberg im Team mit dem Online-Start-up bereits zur Jahreswende realisiert. ist ein Versandhandel für individuell konfigurierte Müslis. Nach ersten Erfolgen eröffnete die Onlinefirma Ladengeschäfte und es entstand durch den Online-Printexperten Bernd Zipper die Idee, dass der Müslikäufer vor Ort per iPad seine Müsliverpackung – und nicht nur ein Etikett – selbst bedruckten kann.

Möglich macht das eine Drucktechnik von Heidelberg, genannt 4D, die in der Kabine der Druckmaschine den zu bedruckenden Gegenstand im Raum fixiert und dann mit beweglichen Tintenstahldruckköpfen bedruckt. Das Online-Editier- und Prozessmanagement stammt von Longo, Augsburg. Heraus kommt die Müslidose mit individuellem Text, selbst gestaltet und in Echtzeit produziert. Das kommt bei Kunden bestens an und soll nun in Serie gehen.

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Foto: KBA.



KBA-Chef Claus Bolza-Schünemann bricht in seiner Funktion als drupa-2016-Präsident eine Lanze für den Verpackungsdruck. Seine Argumente für das starke, nachhaltige Wachstum bei Verpackungen:

  1. Bedruckte Verpackungen haben für ihren Inhalt eine Schutz-, Konservierungs-, Werbe- und zunehmend auch eine Kommunikationsfunktion. Man denke hier nur an das Thema Verbraucherschutz mit entsprechenden Hinweisen auf der Verpackung.
  2. Verpackungen können nicht durch Flatscreens oder Smartphones ersetzt werden. Anders als gedruckte Zeitungen oder Kataloge sind sie nicht vom veränderten Medienverhalten betroffen, sondern profitieren eher davon.
  3. Die Weltbevölkerung und der internationale Wohlstand wachsen. In Schwellenländern wie China, Indien oder Brasilien wächst die kaufkräftige Mittelschicht. Mit dem Wohlstand wächst der Konsum und wo mehr konsumiert wird, wird mehr verpackt und bedruckt, zumal auch in Schwellenländern Shopping Malls aus dem Boden schießen.
  4. Verpackungen werden immer raffinierter und edler. Nur so finden sie am Point of Sale die nötige Aufmerksamkeit. Dieser Trend bringt mehr Wertschöpfung für die Druckbranche und aufwendiger ausgestattete Maschinen für die Lieferindustrie.
  5. Mehr Single-Haushalte mit einer Vorliebe für Fertiggerichte und der boomende Online-Versandhandel sind ebenfalls Wachstumstreiber.

Graphic Repro On-line News Review to Friday 13 May 2016

Welcome to another roundup of 29 news highlights for the past week together with Laurel Brunner’s Verdigris Blog on Friday, which this week discusses the World Economic Forum and its Project Mainstream’s most recent white paper, which deals with paper.

We also have three new additions in Online Features Chapter 05, highlighting UPM Biofore in Beijing with a unique project which has little to do with printing or paper, but is just too beautiful and stunning to ignore; then we have the BPIF’s Printing Outlook for Q2; and then SF Taylor in the UK with its new KBA Rapida 75.

You will also find a new drupa ante portas Blog article featuring Objectif Lune, by Andreas Weber, as well as another 14 new additions in our drupa Newsroom from Exhibitors. These are led by KBA Digital, Hybrid Software, Heidelberg Workflow, Heidelberg CTP, Durst Inkjet, Tecnau, Agfa Graphics CTP, Leonhard KURZ with a new foil; Chili Publish, Domino with high-speed Inkjet; Fujifilm wide-format Inkjet, Alwan Color Expertise, and Techawa, and these latest additions now bring the total of pre-show announcements to 188, with just two weeks to go before the show opens its doors a fortnight tomorrow on Tuesday 31 May.

Major news leads with week came from Sappi on Monday with its Q2 and half-year 2016 results which were excellent; then on Tuesday from Heidelberg with its preliminary figures for 2015/2016 and also very positive and correspond to a Euro 100 million turnaround. On Wednesday, KBA announced its new Website for the Group; and on Thursday we had KBA’s interim Q1 report for 2016. Friday saw the BPIF’s Printing Outlook for Q2 take the lead.

This week has seen a few nice sales and installations successes, and also some new kit which is non-drupa related, specifically from Agfa Graphics with PrintSphere, a cloud-based data exchange service for PSPs, and from Quark on Friday. You’ll also find a couple of software upgrades.

Recent sales and installations kicked off on Monday with IFS and Horizon at Windsor Print; Tuesday saw Bertelsmann Printing Group’s direct mail and document solutions division, Campaign, opts for Screen’s Truepress Jet 520ZZ inkjet system for direct marketing; also ProImage with OnColor in the USA. On Wednesday, Muller Martini highlighted 13 Presto and Presto Digital saddle stitcher installations in the UK and Ireland over the past year, this was followed by Xeikon at DOCUsystem in Frankfurt, Germany. Thursday saw Portuguese fashion printer Blur extend its direct-to-garment business with Kornit Digital‘s Allegro and a Zund cut solution. To round off the week on Friday, Cheadle, UK-based Cestrian Imaging announced a UK first with its EFI Reggiani PRO 340 digital textile inkjet printer purchase; and lastly Manroland Sheetfed highlighted its latest eight-colour Roland 700 press installation in China.

The tailender this week goes to the Ghent Workgroup, which welcomed two new members on board: Ricoh and CHILI Publish, in the headlines on Wednesday. 

That’s it until next time. I hope you find more of interest among the links below.
With my best regards, 
Mike Hilton 


Heidelberg Figures 2015:2016.png

Our e-News comprises:  Headline News – Online Feature Articles – the Verdigris initiative from Digital Dots. Our Drupa and FESPA Newsrooms can be accessed from the Index on our Home Page, as well as News in Review, which provides a weekly overview and listing of all news added to the site. 

Headline News
Over 28,000 news items have now gone online since we launched our Website in September 2001. News for the past 24 months can still be accessed via the Home Page and its continuation news pages

Mon 09 May…   
Sappi Second Quarter and Half Year Results 2016
Sappi profits double for second quarter and half-year ended March 2016, with repositioning well on track…

Hybrid Software and Cerm create new partnership
provides significant opportunities for label printers to improve efficiency and profitability…

Alwan to showcase complete CxF/X-4 solution at drupa
Alwan to showcase CxF/X-4 solution for brand owners and designers to accurately define, predict and reproduce their spot colours…

Alwan to demonstrate inline profiling at drupa in Hall 7
Alwan enables printers to automatically calibrate and profile print devices without any dedicated resources or print sessions…

Windsor Print creates new finishing production landscape
Horizon bookletmaker and Foliant spend with IFS brings greater control, cuts costs and reduces outsourcing…

Tue 10 May…   
Heidelberg announces preliminary figures for 2015/2016
Heidelberg grows and records significant annual net profit for FY 2015 / 2016 that corresponds to a Euro 100 million turnaround…

Campaign chooses Screen Truepress Jet520ZZ for Gütersloh
Bertelsmann Printing Group’s direct mail and document solutions division opts for Screen inkjet for direct marketing…

Goss and DG press announce partnership for packaging
Goss International acquires the Thallo press system as part of the agreement, enhancing Goss’ portfolio of packaging solutions…

Kurz: Print finishing that will make people look twice
The new stamping foil changes colour at different viewing angles. KURZ will be at drupa 2016 in Hall 3, in dip in Hall 7, and in Hall 12…

Fujifilm to debut new Acuity LED 3200R at drupa
Fujifilm announces new wide-format Acuity LED 3200R UV inkjet printer at drupa 2016 in Hall 8b…

OnColor ECO Ink Optimization for The Sun Chronicle
The Sun Chronicle taps into ProImage OnColor ECO Ink Optimization Software to reduce ink consumption and cost…

Wed 11 May…   
New Internet Website for the KBA Group
Printing press manufacturer Koenig & Bauer AG has completely redesigned and modernised its Internet Website…

Durst single-pass inkjet for corrugated and labels at drupa
Durst to unveil new corrugated packaging & display printing segment with single-pass and multi-pass technologies, and more…

Agfa to launch Advantage N Essentials CTP series at drupa
Agfa Graphics now offers a series of low-cost engines that take CTP technology for newspaper prepress back to its essence…

Ricoh and CHILI Publish join the Ghent Workgroup
The Ghent Workgroup (GWG) is pleased to welcome two new members on board: Ricoh and CHILI Publish…

Muller Martini Presto: 817 job changes in nine days
In one year, 13 UK and Ireland companies have invested in a Presto II or Presto II Digital Saddle Stitcher from Muller Martini…

Xeikon helps DOCUsystem open new market opportunities
Flyers, invoices, photo wallpapers and more: Rödermark-based DOCUsystem leverages the Xeikon 8500 for expansion…

Thu 12 May…   
Koenig & Bauer Group interim Q1 report for 2016
A positive start for the KBA Group with revenue in the first quarter up 46 per cent and EBT up ?18m year-on-year…

Hybrid Software to debut PACKZ RoundTrip at drupa
Hybrid Software provides missing link between package design in Adobe Illustrator format and production…

CHILI publish to highlight Asian expansion at drupa 2016
Move supports increased demand for the production of personalised, shorter runs of marketing materials in the APAC region…

The Smart Print Shop for everyone: thanks to Prinect
With the new Prinect Production Manager, print shops of all sizes can completely automate their production processes…

GMG announces release of OpenColor 2.0.4
OpenColor 2.0.4 offers separation profiles for GMG ColorServer, packaging editors, and Adobe Photoshop…

New Kornit Allegro joins Barcelos-based Blur’s press fleet
Portuguese fashion printer Blur, extends direct-to-garment business with Kornit Digital’s Allegro and Zund Cut solution…

Fri 13 May…   
BPIF Printing Outlook Report Q2 2016
UK printing industry has a case of the wobbles in Q1 – confidence and trade expected to recover in Q2…

Agfa Graphics launches PrintSphere in the cloud
Agfa Graphics launches PrintSphere, a cloud-based data exchange service for print service providers…

QuarkXPress 2016 to ship on 24 May
Limited time left to take advantage of special offers on upgrades and pre-order promotions…

Heidelberg non-stop plate production at drupa 2016
Smart print shop: Heidelberg to showcase a fully automatic production line for CTP plate imaging at drupa…

Cestrian first in UK with EFI Reggiani PRO 340 for textiles
Cheadle, UK-based Cestrian Imaging drives growth with EFI Reggiani PRO 340 digital textile inkjet printer…

Ruicheng Yang Sen Packaging adds first Roland 700
Pharmaceutical packaging printer Shanxi Ruicheng Yang Sen Packaging: a professional service all round…

Last lead articles from previous update…  

Last Friday’s leads…
KURZ: Innovative die technologies for hot stamping
Hinderer + Mühlich presenting novel die designs and setup aids at drupa as a co-exhibitor with the stamping foil manufacturer…

Industrial Inkjet on customer-finding mission at drupa 2016
IIJ targeting 200 new OEM customers for Konica Minolta at drupa on Konica Minolta’s stand in Hall 8b…

GraphicRepro.Net e-News  (ISSN 1814-2923) is sponsored and made possible by:

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG  (Heidelberg), The world’s largest printing press manufacturer for the industry worldwide. Heidelberg customers enjoy the most comprehensive and extensive sales and service network in the industry for JDF compliant workflow, computer-to-plate, sheetfed offset, Web-to-print, digital printing, digital inkjet for labels and packaging, packaging and finishing, all with complementary consumables. Heidelberg has offices in around 170 countries. Visit the Heidelberg Website for more information.

drupa 2016 (drupa), the international flagship fair of the printing and media industry, responds to the challenges of the changing market and provides pioneering solutions for the future. This is highlighted by the new marketing and communication strategy where drupa claims its position as ‘No.1 for Print & Crossmedia Solutions’ with the slogan ‘touch the future’. The issues of ‘package printing’, ‘multichannel’, ‘green printing’, ‘3D printing’, and ‘functional printing’ will become increasingly important to the overall communication strategy. To find out more, visit the drupa 2016 Website.

Online Feature articles 2014 – 2016
There were again well over 70 last year, 90 in 2014, and 92 articles in 2013 which can still be accessed via the Index on the Home Page, with prior years’ via Search Archives (option 2).

Technology-related Chapter 02

Sappi extends an invitation to innovate flexible packaging
With integrated barriers and heat sealing properties this new Sappi paper is suitable for flexible packaging applications…

Online Features May/Jun Chapter 05

The Biofore Tea House at ‘Moi Helsinki’ event in Beijing, China
UPM and Tongji University combine Chinese tea culture with innovative biomaterials for the Biofore Tea House, from 13 – 15 May…

BPIF’s Printing Outlook for the Second Quarter 2016
The UK printing industry has a case of the wobbles in Q1 – confidence and trade expected to recover in Q2…

SF Taylor improves efficiencies and reduces waste with KBA
The Stockport, UK company has doubled its press output by investing in a KBA Rapida 75 4-colour with perfecting…

Online Features Mar/Apr Chapter 04

Traderplus South Africa expands with further IIJ investment
Traderplus South Africa secures a major advantage with additional Industrial Inkjet (IIJ) technology, to be added in July…

Verdigris – Environmental Initiative

Laurel Brunner’s weekly Verdigris Blogs 2016

Paper Chains
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 13 May

Sustainable by Design
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 06 May

Drupa Newsroom
Our Drupa Newsroom with news from Messe Düsseldorf and for Drupa 2016 can be found in the Index, as well as via the special Newsroom button on the right of the Home Page near the top. It is divided into the following Chapters for your convenience and ease of use… but you must scroll down to view each Chapter when you visit the Newsroom

drupa ante portas Blogs 2016

Objectif Lune: Innovative solutions for interactive communications
drupa ante portas: Simply clever – OL turns data into personalised cross-media solutions! By Andreas Weber, Mainz/Germany

BW Papersystems’ strong brands at drupa 2016
drupa ante portas: Interview with BW Papersystems’ Patrick Walczak, who relies completely on customer orientation and individual solutions! By Andreas Weber…

drupa 2016 News from Exhibitors
Latest additions can now be accessed in our drupa Newsroom.

KBA at drupa: A strong focus on packaging producers
The press manufacturer is the market leader in several packaging segments and generates 70% of its revenue in the packaging market…

Hybrid Software to debut PACKZ RoundTrip
Hybrid Software provides missing link between package design in Adobe Illustrator format and production…

The Smart Print Shop for everyone: thanks to Prinect
With the new Prinect Production Manager, print shops of all sizes can completely automate their production processes precisely in line with requirements…

Heidelberg non-stop printing plate production at drupa
Smart print shop: Heidelberg showcasing a fully automatic production line for CTP plate imaging at drupa…

Durst to unveil single-pass inkjet for corrugated and labels
Durst to unveil its new corrugated packaging & display printing segment with single-pass and multi-pass technologies, along with its successful Tau 330 portfolio for label production…

Tecnau show debut for the Libra 800 at drupa
Tecnau to exhibit the Libra 800 automated and variable book finishing line for first time at an industry event at drupa 2016…

Agfa launches Advantage N Essentials CTP series @drupa
Agfa Graphics now offers a series of low-cost engines that take CTP technology for newspaper prepress back to its essence…

Kurz: Print finishing that will make people look twice
New Kurz stamping foil changes colour at different viewing angles…

CHILI publish highlights Asian expansion at drupa
Move supports increased demand for the production of personalized, shorter runs of marketing materials in the APAC region…

Domino to showcase its K630i high-speed inkjet in Hall 5
Domino to launch a high speed variable-pagination digital booklet printing solution with Kern and IBIS at drupa 2016…

Fujifilm to debut new Acuity LED 3200R at drupa
Fujifilm announces new wide-format Acuity LED 3200R UV inkjet printer at drupa 2016 in Hall 8b…

Alwan to showcase ccmplete CxF/X-4 solution at drupa in Hall 7
Alwan to showcase its complete CxF/X-4 solution for brand owners and designers to accurately define, predict and reproduce their spot colours…

Alwan to demonstrate inline profiling at drupa in Hall 7
Alwan Color Expertise enables printers to automatically calibrate and profile their print devices without any dedicated resources or print sessions…

Tichawa Vision CIS innovation at drupa in Hall 3
100% print inspection: Tichawa to present a multicolor Contact Image Sensor (CIS) offering adaptable resolution with minimum space requirements…

Kurz: Innovative die technologies for hot stamping
Hinderer + Mühlich is presenting novel die designs and setup aids at drupa as a co-exhibitor with the stamping foil manufacturer Leonhard Kurz…

Industrial Inkjet on customer-finding mission at drupa
IIJ targeting 200 new OEM customers for Konica Minolta at drupa on Konica Minolta’s stand in Hall 8b…

Masterwork’s extensive postpress for packaging at drupa
At drupa, Masterwork will debut automatic sheet inspection machines, die-cutting and embossing, and folder gluers…

CRON brings major diversification to its drupa campaign
Six new products illustrate company’s dedication to improve value chain from plate to printed product…

MGI to showcase the Future of Print at drupa
MGI Digital Technology announces exclusive world premieres of new products for digital and offset applications…

Adphos Digital Printing at drupa in Hall 6
adphosNIR – drying, curing and other thermal processes at the speed of light at drupa 2016…

Feldmuehle at drupa 2016 in Hall 4
With a focus on VivaCard and MediaLiner high-white, matt materials for holistic packaging design…

The touchpoint 3D fab + print: at drupa
Visionary ideas, best cases and hands-on state of the art…

HP introduces three wide-format Latex Printers for drupa debut
HP Inc. propels print service providers’ profitability with new latex printers as company’s third-generation Latex portfolio delivers new levels of productivity and affordability…

The next step in colour communication at dip on 2 and 8 June
Colour management specialist Erik Koldenhof on stage at the drupa innovation park: ‘Embrace open standards for print quality communication’…

Steinemann at drupa in Hall 1 with new dmax systems
New narrow-format dmax digital varnishing machines attracting great interest. The dmax 106 will be shown live at drupa…

Leonhard Kurz named a HP SmartStream Solutions Partner
The Kurz DM-Liner for creating glossy, metalised surfaces with digital print, to be presented on HP’s stand at drupa in Hall 17…

Kodak’s latest version of Insite Creative Workflow in Hall 5
Kodak Insite Creative Workflow improves collaboration and security with HTML5 will be demonstrated at drupa…

Duplo products to raise the bar in Hall 6 at drupa
Duplo International will be using Hall 6 at drupa as the launch pad for a raft of new, faster, smarter, better, state-of-the-art products…

CP Bourg at drupa in Hall 6 and in Hall 17 with HP Indigo
CP Bourg announces advanced integration with the new HP Indigo 7900 Digital Press and HP Indigo Direct-to-Finish to be debuted in Hall 17…

Unilux to introduce two LED strobes at drupa
Lightweight stroboscopes deliver brighter light, more even coverage, enhanced ability to inspect UV-visible inks, security elements or coatings…

drupa 2016 Expert Article Series and more
Can be found in our Drupa Newsroom via the Index on the Home Page.

Final article in the series…   
Digital versus traditional packaging print
Touch the future. Drupa Expert Article No 8 by Michael Seidl, publisher and editor-in-chief of various specialist publications in Central and Eastern Europe including Print & Publishing, Packaging and Visual Communication….

drupa 2016 News from Messe Düsseldorf

touchpoint 3D fab + print:
Visionary ideas, best cases and hands-on state of the art…

touchpoint 3D fab + print:
Visionäre Ideen, Best Cases & State-of-the-Art zum Anfassen…

drupa cube 2016: With full programme PDF to download
Inspiration and innovation in some 60 keynotes, panel discussions and presentations from international experts…

drupa cube 2016: Mit komplette Programm PDF zum download
Inspiration und Innovation in rund 60 Keynotes, Panel-Discussions und Präsentationen internationaler Experten…

FESPA Newsroom
The dedicated FESPA Newsroom can be found via the Index on our Home Page.

FESPA Federation News in 2016

Most recent…   
FESPA’s Regional events in 2016
FESPA’S worldwide regional events reinforce the central Profit For Purpose philosophy which drives FESPA…

The Graphic Repro On-line Website is supported and sponsored by: 

Antalis South Africa, Canon SA,  Screen Europe,  Drupa 2016,  EFI,  Esko,  FESPA.  Goss International Inc,  Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG,  HP Graphic Solutions,   Koenig + Bauer AG,  Kemtek Imaging Systems,  Krause-Biagosch,  Leonhard Kurz Stiftung,   Manroland Web Systems GmbH,  Muller Martini AG,  POLAR-Mohr, QuadTech Inc,  Quark Inc,  Ricoh Europe ,  Sappi Limited Thunderbolt Solutions, and UPM-Kymmene
If you would like to send news for consideration for the Graphic Repro On-line Website (ISSN 1814-2915) or to submit comments, please e-mail Mike Hilton at:

Our Website urls are:

GraphicRepro.Net e-News (ISSN 1814-2923)  provides weekly updates from the Graphic Repro On-line Website and is  compiled and published by Mike Hilton, graphicrepro.netPO Box 10 Peterburgskoe Shosse 13/1, 196605 Pushkin 5, St. Petersburg,  Russia.

ValuePublishing Canon Stories.001


Von Marc Schnierer, B2B Marketing Manager bei Canon Deutschland

Für Druckdienstleister, die in ein neues Digitaldrucksystem investieren, steht die Produktivität hoch oben auf ihrer Liste der unverzichtbaren Eigenschaften. Aber was genau meinen wir mit Produktivität? Und wie entscheiden wir, ob ein System produktiver ist als das andere?

Zu Zeiten der pre-digitalen Ära, als Offsetdruck die einzig verfügbare Technologie darstellte, war es relativ einfach: Produktivität wurde bestimmt als Kombination von Geschwindigkeit, gemessen in Bögen pro Stunde, und der Zeit, die mit dem Vorlauf und dem Umrüsten zwischen Aufträgen verbracht wird. Aber mit dem Aufkommen des Digitaldrucks ist die Berechnung der Produktivität komplizierter geworden – vor allem aufgrund der Veränderungen zu denen die Digitaltechnologie in Bezug auf die Rolle der Druckdienstleister geführt hat.

Der Begriff „Druckdienstleister“ selbst fand erst mit der Digitaldruckära Verbreitung. Er beschreibt die Veränderungen in der Druck- und Medienindustrie – sowohl bezüglich der Tätigkeit von Druckbetrieben als auch hinsichtlich der Rolle von Print als Ergänzung der neuen elektronischen Medien. Der typische Arbeitstag eines Druckdienstleisters ist weniger vorhersehbar und abwechslungsreicher, als der einer Offsetdruckerei in den 90er Jahren:

  1. Die Auflagen sind kleiner und die Termine sind enger.
  2. Viele Jobs beinhalten wahrscheinlich Personalisierung oder ein spezielle Endverarbeitung zur Verstärkung der Wirkung und kommen eventuell über ein Web-to-Print-Portal zustande.
  3. Darüber hinaus hat sich in der Print-On-Demand-Welt das Kräfteverhältnis zwischen Druckereien und Kunden zu Gunsten der letzteren verschoben.

Aus diesen – und auch noch weiteren – Gründen ist die ausgewiesene Druckgeschwindigkeit bei der Berechnung der Produktivität von Digitaldrucksystemen weniger wichtig als Faktoren wie Zuverlässigkeit, Medienflexibilität, Farbkonstanz von Bogen zu Bogen und Endverarbeitungsoptionen. Wie schnell das System druckt, spielt natürlich eine Rolle, aber was mehr zählt ist, ob es seine angegebene Druckgeschwindigkeit über das volle Spektrum der verschiedenen Substrate aufrecht erhalten kann und dass die Farbe auf dem letzten Bogen mit der Farbe auf dem ersten Bogen übereinstimmt.

Die wichtigsten Faktoren sind:

  • Um die Produktivität eines Drucksystems wirklich beurteilen zu können, müssen sich Druckdienstleister Zeit nehmen und die Technik verstehen, die heute in Digitaldrucksystemen zur Anwendung kommt.
  • Die Toner- und Entwickler-Technologien tragen enorm zu hochwertigen, stabilen Ergebnissen und der gesamten Zuverlässigkeit eines Drucksystems bei.
  • Besuche durch den Wartungsservice wirken sich deutlich auf die Produktivität aus – ganz gleich, ob sie geplant und präventiv oder in Reaktion auf technische Störungen erfolgen.

Das heisst vor allem: Ein Drucksystem zu entwickeln, das Service-Besuche auf ein Minimum reduziert, ist mindestens so wichtig, wie ein paar Bögen extra pro Stunde aus einer Maschine herauszuholen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde bei Canon das Druckwerk der neuesten tonerbasierten Produktionsdruckmaschine neu konstruiert. Neben anderen Verbesserungen kann der Operator so die Fixierbänder in weniger als einer Minute wechseln, was die negativen Auswirkungen auf die Produktivität wesentlich verringert.


Die Canon ImagePRESS C10000 VP ist das Flaggschiff der Toner-Digitaldrucksysteme.

Immer mehr Druckdienstleister erkennen, dass die Produktivität nicht von einem Faktor, sondern von vielen Kriterien bestimmt wird. Und dieses bessere Verständnis ist ein gutes Beispiel für einen größeren Wandel bei Druckdienstleistern – sie nehmen bei ihren Investitionsentscheidung eine breitere Perspektive ein, was die Art der Gespräche verändert hat, die Hersteller mit ihren Kunden führen.

Beispielsweise richtet ein Druckdienstleister jetzt viel seltener seinen Investitionsplan darauf aus, was ein enger Wettbewerber gerade gekauft hat oder glaubt in Bezug auf die Produktivität, dass schneller auch besser ist. Heute suchen mehr Druckdienstleister in ihrem eigenen Unternehmen nach Lösungen. Sie wissen darüber hinaus sehr viel mehr über das Geschäft ihrer Kunden, denn sie erkennen, dass die Fähigkeit, Versprechen gegenüber Kunden einzuhalten das letzte Teilstück der strategischen Herausforderung bildet.

FAZIT: Diese veränderte Haltung der Druckdienstleister hat auch wichtige Konsequenzen für die Hersteller von Digitaldrucklösungen – und das in mehreren Bereichen. Zum einen ist der Vertrieb jetzt ein komplexerer Prozess, in dem die Hersteller mehr wie Berater agieren und den Kunden auf der Basis sowohl von aktuellen als auch von zukünftigen Geschäftsstrategien an eine Investitionsentscheidung heranführen. Zum anderen muss der Prozess in beide Richtungen funktionieren: die Hersteller müssen sich Zeit nehmen, um mehr über das Geschäft ihrer Kunden zu erfahren und ebenso ihre Versprechen erfüllen. Dazu müssen sie Produkte entwickeln, mit denen die Kunden ihre geschäftlichen Ziele erreichen können.

Mehr dazu auf der drupa 2016!

canon drupa2016



Siehe auch den Expertenbeitrag von Canon B2B Marketing Director Mathieu Peeters zu werthaltigen Tipps zu Technik- und Geschäftsaspekten beim Digitaldruck.



ValuePublishingOL Didier Gombert.001

drupa ante portas – automation, flexibilization, and digitization make print a top growth market! Beyond printing technology Multichannel newly defined is focussing communication effectiveness at its best. (See my expert comment as well)A good reason to talk to an extraordinary entrepreneur, Didier Gombert, the Co-Founder and CEO of Objectif Lune (abbreviated to: OL), before drupa 2016 will start to catch his vision and POV of future market developments.  —Interview by Andreas Weber (Editorial Assistant: Sudarsha Rambaran).

Some insights: OL’s offering will touch the areas of pre-media, print, multichannel and future technologies. OL’s performance promise is quite different from other drupa exhibitors: OL is dedicated to simple and effective software that is fun and helps companies around the globe communicate more efficiently with their customers. At drupa 2016 OL will be present in two halls: Hall 7a /E23 close to the drupa innovation parc (dip), plus Hall 8a /D21 close to the digital printing technology world.

Key messages by Didier Gombert

  • I like finding solutions for customer pains and getting rewarded for it
  • Innovation is the cornerstone of our company to make life better for others; we always try to look at it from multiple perspectives
  • Success isn’t something you dream up out of the blue. It is created out of your personal experience.
  • At the end of the day, it’s simply offering proper communication from every aspect by providing the ability to have all of these connections and seamless connectivity. 
  • Creating and optimizing these processes is the foundation of what we bring to the market. All of that inside one single system; that is the key element.
  • I consider the print community to be an industry perfectly capable of competing with many other industries claiming to perform impeccable or better communications. 
  • Consequently, at drupa 2016, we need to emphasize to the world that we understand communications, that we are capable of undertaking web technologies such as email, web pages and portals. That is what Print 4.0 is; it is multi-faceted.
  • drupa 2016 is important because it is way of informing customers by human representation, unlike an email or a web page.


Didier Gombert Detail 1.png

Didier Gombert, Co-Founder and CEO of OL. Photo: Screen from OL’s corporate video.


—PART 1: Insights about entrepreneurship, innovation, connectivity and global business success

Could you please explain what guides you as a visionary entrepreneur?

Didier Gombert: I like to think about how I can make life better for others. It’s what wakes me up in the morning. I like finding solutions for customer pains and getting rewarded for it. In other words, finding solutions for customers and trying to monetize it!

Starting OL more than 20 years ago, did you expect to reach the point where you are today?

Didier Gombert: Definitely not! The bar has been rising higher and higher with time. When we started out the goal was certainly more modest than it is today. But I feel very happy and very lucky for what we have managed to achieve. We expected to do well, but certainly not to the current size and especially the current recognition!

If you were able to re-start, what would be different (or equal)?

Didier Gombert: Interesting question, worth to put quite a bit of thought into it. When you reach a certain stage, you want to go to the next one and see what you can do next. — Naturally, knowledge of the future would put anyone in an advantageous position! I would certainly do a lot of things differently if I had to restart. We were dealt quite a few challenges, but we learned from our mistakes. I like to think that we gain experience the same way I try to solve issues — by finding solutions to problems. I believe that constant need, or drive, to improve things — either for oneself or for others — is what helps in being very innovative. Since innovation is the cornerstone of our company, it’s very difficult to say “lets restart!”. As such, if I had the same set of knowledge, I’d probably do it the same way. It’s the only way I know how to do things.


OL Principles.png


If innovation is OL’s cornerstone how do you deal with it?

Didier Gombert: Innovation is created by being challenged with sets of problems. We try to find ways to do things more efficiently, or more practically, with more benefit and so on and so forth. This is the way we’ve always done things. We look at an issue and think about how we can improve it! We always try to look at it from multiple perspectives.

And in relation to your customers and projects, was it possible to run experimental efforts, or are customers very conservative in that sense?

Didier Gombert: Initially, people were much more willing and open to experiment. However, when you reach a certain size, experimentation carries quite a bit of risk. If you believe in yourself and you have a bunch of people uploading that new version of software — I don’t believe that they would appreciate the word ‚experimental’.

Nowadays, our mode of operation is much more structured, as we need to grab expected results. In the early days, we experimented quite a bit more. Through our experiences of talking to customers and being asked certain questions or having certain requests made of us, we have created our structured approach. Naturally, this approach leads to innovation — of course you come up with certain things that haven’t been thought of before! The catalyst of an idea is undoubtedly something that was shown to you, asked of you, or something from your environment. Success isn’t something you dream up out of the blue. It is created out of your personal experience.

But the whole thing with innovation means for me all the time to have more or less trustable partners, so if I can trust somebody, I’m ready for a journey, even if I don’t know the way. Do you agree?

Didier Gombert: I’m very people-oriented. I absolutely agree with you on that topic — for me it’s important to trust the people around me. Business is driven by relationships. A lot of companies claim that their assets are their people — but they don’t really mean it. I am convinced that people are the real assets. Most companies attach great importance to intellectual property. Yet intellectual property isn’t like wine — it doesn’t age well. Technology, fashion, language all change and develop with time. What is really important is the people who create and maintain intellectual property, not the intellectual property itself. At the end of the day, you need to trust your partners, your employees, and the customer. The trust relationship you have with them is a vital basis.  



I checked a lot of OL’s blog posts and Twitter posts and also you shot a personal video on your website. If I got it right, one of your key words is “connect”. From your personal point of view, what is the secret of connectivity?

Didier Gombert: Connectivity, or connecting, is synonymous with communication. People connect through some form of communication. Nowadays, the pace of change is accelerating at an alarming pace! As such, the companies of the future will need to adapt to new requirements, new ways of doing business, new ways of talking to their customers. Hence connecting to their customers, their employees or even connection between systems is crucial. There are an ever-increasing amount of systems, more ways of talking to a person rather than a system or a machine. That is what connectivity is for me. We need to have something which is flexible and thus future-proof.  There is no company out there who could claim that their communication is perfect. Accordingly, better communication is a universal goal. The words connect and communication are the same to me, and they describe perfectly what we are trying to do with our new products.


Interjection (by Andreas Weber)

I love that term connectivity as well because when I was rethinking what I’m doing as a communications analyst, dealing with all those suppliers for more than twenty five years and then I started publishing a lot because everything was about innovation, nobody knew what we were thinking and talking about. Then I have those three terms which work for me, advise, knowledge and connectivity. I think they are strongly related to each other, and when I screened what OL is also doing with blog posts other things it’s exactly that! Giving good advice, being good advisors share your knowledge and always struggle to give the best connectivity you can.



That means connectivity also has importance beyond technology?

Didier Gombert: Most certainly! What are we if we don’t connect to others? Think of social networks! I’m not saying that we’re involved in social networks, at least not yet. Social networks provide a way of connecting to a larger, wider audience and a way for that audience to connect to you. Communication is one of the key processes in life — whether it’s business or personal, we all like to be communicated with in a proper way, in a timely manner among many other sorts of criteria on communicating, or connecting. 

Words such as ‘disconnect’ have very negative connotations, and correspondingly, ‘connect’ is an extremely positive word! Right?

Didier Gombert: I’m an engineer. As such, the word connectivity initially meant machine talking to machine in my days at university. Entering the world, I believed connectivity was more about machines talking to humans, especially considering things like page composition and languages like PostScript. This is evident in the fact that we have interactive software rather than just a piece of paper — you have web forms, inputs and buttons you can click, even in an email! This form of connectivity is human connecting to a machine, which is the reverse of what we traditionally did when we started out. At the same time, however, we also offer options for electronic communication. That means machine to machine communication and connectivity, so going back to my old definition of connectivity! At the end of the day, it’s simply offering proper communication from every aspect by providing the ability to have all of these connections and seamless connectivity. Creating and optimizing these processes is the foundation of what we bring to the market. All of that inside one single system; that is the key element.



—PART 2: drupa ante portas — how to touch the future?

According to my personal view Drupa 2016 will be very different compared to the past. The expectation is already extremely high to celebrate “Print 4.0”. Beyond relevant  digital technologies what will be key to augment the customer experience and to ‘orchestrate’ the (new) customer journey?

Didier Gombert: There is a lot to be said to this question. In my view, things are evolving tremendously, and digital is certainly one of those things. Nevertheless, print is also evolving. People going to a print show expect to see a lot of paper. Since the evolution of the PDF, not necessarily the early days, but the actual evolution as in the content, the management system etc. and things such as the option to attach files to email. Print has evolved a lot. People still print today…

… and attaching a PDF file to an email is effectively a doing digital print?

Didier Gombert: I think it is going even further than that. We will be showing some web technology and some tablet technology. This demonstrates that we can print directly from a tablet or an email. The important thing about drupa 2016 is the fact that the print community has an opportunity here that is completely misunderstood. There are many people out there who are capable of creating websites or doing web developments. It is a widespread skill among university students nowadays — many of them are competent in html, java script or other web technologies and understand platforms such as WordPress amongst others. These kinds of skills are very easy to find.

However, there are very few people who understand print and the value of print. People need to realize that print is still relevant! It isn’t a growing thing, but it is certainly still relevant and necessary in the digital age. There is still a need to compose a proper page on which information is easy to find, which is appealing to the eye, which is attractive and efficient. Then if you add all the other technical aspects, you begin to see how print is still relevant.


Didier Gombert Detail 2.png

Didier Gombert, Co-Founder and CEO of OL. Photo: Screen from OL’s corporate video.


You mean print and the print industry are not out of time?

Didier Gombert: The print industry is an industry which is capable of doing print properly, but it has trouble understanding web technologies, multi-channel distribution of information, and new connectivities. I consider the print community to be an industry perfectly capable of competing with many other industries claiming to perform impeccable or better communications. Consequently, at drupa 2016, we need to emphasize to the world that we understand communications, that we are capable of undertaking web technologies such as email, web pages and portals. That is what Print 4.0 is; it is multi-faceted.

So in the past the print industry focus was on efficiency, especially to make their own workflows and processes efficient. If I got your message right, in the meantime it’s all about effectiveness but the technology has to be efficient, but communication needs effectiveness. Is that what you mean? 

Didier Gombert: Absolutely, in every aspect! What I mean, though, is that people are looking for printables. Printable avoidance does not mean they don’t want to print — it just means they are avoiding the cost of paper, envelopes and so on. drupa 2016 is important because it is way of informing customers by human representation, unlike an email or a web page. Anyone can create an email or a webpage, but not everyone is able to print. So the print industry could profit greatly from adding to their skill set, as in the web or email representation of information.


It is all about managing the best way of informing customers by human representation. Photos: Screens from OL’s corporate video.



What kind of visitors do you expect to come to OL’s drupa 2016 booth? What will be their benefit?

Didier Gombert: This is an industry, so naturally the who’s who of the industry is going to be there. I recently had a chat with our Australian people and they said they are expecting a lot of their customers from Australia to be there! — In all honesty, our main customers are usually the people who have their own booths at the show. We sell our software to the seller community, and since they are all present at drupa 2016, we are expecting to, and hoping to, talk to them more than anyone else. The people that are walking in aisle are generally end-users — that means they obtain our software through our first-hand customers. From that perspective, I’m expecting mail service providers, creators of big print rooms, medium to large, migrant customers. This is great, because we have the opportunity to demonstrate what we can do and we are definitely excited to show our newest and latest, and our capacity.

So everything you do at drupa 2016 is more or less on a strategic level but even if operators come they could learn about your solutions?

Didier Gombert: Absolutely! We believe that we have a good brand and good brand recognition as well as a good reputation. As such, we definitely think that our customers will look for us at drupa 2016. There are also likely to be many people in other booths who will talk about us, so we’re expecting to see that traffic, and of course we will support out partners in their own booths.

You are experienced in running a global business successfully. What is your key success factor to ‘harmonize’ all those different cultures different levels with different needs?

Didier Gombert: I have a personal definition of success. The first ingredient of success is luck. I don’t think you can be successful without being lucky. Mind you, the ability to recognize that luck and acting on it is what drives success. The best way to do this is to find the right talented people, and keep them around you. 

You have to think local and act global. You need good people that work for you on a local basis to be your eyes and ears. They tell you what’s important. Once you have a basis of this, you can start to see what is important on a global level. Obviously, there are different ways of doing certain things in different countries. At the end of the day though, you need to pick and choose what is best on a global level. It’s best to try to take the thing that is most widespread, most rewarding from a global perspective, and then you have a chance to see what you can do for the most benefit in a specific region. That is the approach to being successful on an international level.


OL Mission


Quite impressive: OL is able to handle a customer base of 20,000+ organizations while having around 240 employees. What is your secret to keep this successful? And; what kind of talents characterize your staff?

Didier Gombert: In the first place, we look for people with the right kind of attitude. Aptitude comes second. Why? Because aptitude can always be learned, but attitude can rarely be changed. If you have people with the right kind of attitude, it allows you to forge better relationships with your partners.

As to the 20,000+ customers, we did not do them one by one. The fact is that we are good with our resellers and partners. The kind of people we look for are people who care, who work very hard, which is not always easy considering the work multiplies corresponding to the number of customers you reach.

What also sets us apart is that we offer products that cater to a wide range of company types. We are capable of providing for small to medium size companies as well as very large corporations. There are companies out there that only serve the Fortune 500. The fact is, this limits you to 500 customers!

Do you monitor the happiness of your customer base dealing with your products, do you have the possibility to monitor that?

Didier Gombert: We do inquire and do our surveys, but we try to limit this, as we don’t want to annoy the customers with survey after survey. We certainly welcome feedback, especially good feedback! I must admit that I am very pleased with customer satisfaction. I get a lot of emails from customers saying they were well served, and we are very sensitive to this sort of thing. We could always do better, though. We are always working on improving our method of feedback. Ultimately, though I think that the fact that we have so many customers for such a long time, that they keep coming back for more, shows that we have happy customers.


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Good approach: Share your knowledge and reduce complexity by Online Learning.


What is your advice for the drupa 2016 audience to transform the drupa motto ‘touch the future’ into sustainable business success?

Didier Gombert: First and foremost, my advice would be to show up with an open mind. The future is very hard to predict. Our industry has been very conservative. When I came out of university, the goal was the paper technology and what you could do with that. People are still talking about it. The development in the past years has been astounding — in the last decade the phone has become a radio, a walkman, a TV, a movie theater, a concierge and so on and so forth. I don’t think the industry was ready for that!

I think that people out there are looking to make more money out of communication, or to make it cost-efficient. Thus, the audience coming to drupa 2016 needs to look at print with a new mindset, and with an open mind. I think that productivity is a prominent factor in all of this; in challenging times, we all want to perform better. The audience needs to open their minds and then they might be touched by seeing what the future has in store for them!


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Didier Gombert is the Co-Founder and CEO of Objective Lune (abbreviated to: OL). His mission (on a worldwide level) is to create and market efficient solutions for interactive business communication, which open up innovative paths in customer communication, giving immediate access to all the advantages of the digital age.

Profile via LinkedIn:

Visit OL’s Media Center as well:


OL drupa invite mobile

ValuePublishingOL Company Profile.002


ValuePublishing Recommendation for drupa 2016:
Visit Objectif Lune visit! – Hall 7a, Stand E23

See as well:

• ValueDialog by Andreas Weber with Didier Gombert, Co-Founder and CEO of Objectif Lune)

• #drupa2016: Exceeding All Expectations- Objectif Lune Expands Their Market Position Remarkably

Objectif Lune (OL) develops and sells software technology, worldwide, creating innovative solutions for interactive business and customer communications, giving immediate access to all the advantages of the digital age. This significantly eases digital transformation as well as the optimisation of communication processes. The advantage: the processes of capturing your business-critical data & documents and transforming them into digital communications with interactive workflows is what the OL Connect solutions offer. Typical documents flowing through such a process could be: invoices, statements, purchase orders, shipping documents, average looking boring emails, personalized datasheets, flyers, mailings and invitations. OL Connect facilitates the entry into a clever mix of digital and print-based solutions, from small & simple to large & complex projects.

Objectif Lune cultivates long-standing partnerships with top-class print, technology and business partners who are concerned with customer communication management and are working with the range of solutions we offer. At the core of everything stands a constant exchange of knowledge, experience and state-of-the-art-technology.


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One of the technical aspects is that OL (one of the few independent providers) whose portfolio includes the possibility of connecting non-related software solutions, which structure and administer the entire document cycle efficiently with a “perpetually mobile effect”. The results are targeted digital solutions that significantly improve business relationships and therefore promote customer relationships, long term.

Seen from a business perspective, OL has taken a unique route: starting out with a philosophy of turning visions into reality, and always following new paths. OL has developed into the first company on the market that provides a range of applications that span from beginner to top expert-use, in all important areas — especially document design, process automation, personalisation/individualisation (with variable data print), postal sorting and preparation, as well as electronic forms. Thanks to the OL company philosophy, prices to this day remain to be very reasonable, and the solutions are designed in a simple and adaptable manner, throughout.


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Big progress: OL presented already Software-Suite Connect 1.4.


Important milestones

For OL customers the acquisition of PrintSoft (the manufacturer of PReS) in 2011 opened doors to new applications of a powerful solution for large print volumes. — At the end of 2015 the OL solutions were improved further with the release of the version 1.3 of the OL Connect software suite, now including a number of multilingual user interfaces. — With Capture OnTheGo, OL offers a mobile solution to capture data from electronic forms, which triggers processes when on the go per digital signature. — OL has also found a way to reduce paper use and paper-based processes, with a digital pen.

The special feature

OL solutions allow all companies to undertake a seamless transformation and experience dynamic growth, long-lastingly. Seeking and finding new paths serves to increase efficiency, all that with the OL customer in mind. OL’s focus is making interactive business correspondence an essential component of an enduring effective Customer Communication Management (CCM).

The OL solutions in detail, which can scale to grow along with the customer’s requirements:

  • PrintShop Mail Connect | A VDP tool for personalization of documents, made easy.
  • PlanetPress Connect | A multichannel solution that includes workflow and process automation
  • PReS Connect | A tailored enterprise solution for high volume business communication, and Hybrid Mail
  • Capture OnTheGo| A solution for process automation, combining on-the-go convenience with fast document processing through digital signature.

Company background

Objectif Lune (OL) develops simple and effective software that is fun and helps companies  communicate more efficiently with their customers. Born in 1993 from an idea by three friends, Objectif Lune now has over 240 employees worldwide, serving over 20 000 organizations, who all want to bring their customer communications to the next level. With technical support around the world and three R&D facilities in Montréal (Canada), The Netherlands, and Australia, OL works hard to make lives easier. The OL mission statement: “Objectif Lune’s mission is to free customers from legacy mentality by creating elegant software tools to help our customers communicate more effectively with their customers.” The OL headquarters are in Montreal, Canada. The German headquarters of the company are in Darmstadt.


Simone Angelica Wolf, OBJECTIF LUNE,
Management OL Italy & Marketing OL EMEA

OL Blog –

OL Media Center –


OL drupa invite mobile

Visit OL’s Media Center as well:

ValuePublishingOL Company Profile.001.jpeg

ValuePublishing-Empfehlung zur drupa 2016:
Objectif Lune besuchen! — Halle 7a, Stand E23

Hinweis/Note: English version available. — Siehe auch unseren ValueDialog von Andreas Weber mit Didier Gombert, Mitgründer und CEO von Objectif Lune (in englischer Sprache). Sowie die OTS News Aktuell-Meldung: #drupa2016: Ziele weit übertroffen – Objectif Lune baut starke Marktposition deutlich aus

Objectif Lune (OL) entwickelt und vertreibt weltweit Software Technologie, die innovative Lösungen zur Abwicklung interaktiver Business- und Kunden-Korrespondenz anbietet. Dabei ermöglicht OL gleichzeitig den direkten Zugang zu allen Vorteilen, die das digitale Zeitalter bietet. Dadurch wird die digitale Transformation und auch die Optimierung der Kommunikationsprozesse erheblich vereinfacht. Der Vorteil: Der Prozess zur Erfassung von relevanten, geschäftskritischen Daten und Dokumenten und die Umwandlung in digitale Korrespondenz mit interaktiven Workflows (einer der allgemein best-bekannten hier sind Emails in ‚responsive Design‘ gestaltet) ist genau das, was die OL Lösungen bieten. Dokumente, die typischerweise durch einen solchen Prozess laufen könnten, sind: Rechnungen, Berichte, Bestellungen, Transport-Dokumente, herkömmlich gestaltete Emails, personalisierte Datenblätter, Flyer, Mailings und Einladungen. OL Connect vereinfacht den Zugang zu einem cleveren Mix digitaler und druckbasierter Lösungen — von kleinen/einfachen bis hin zu umfassenden/ komplexen Projekten kann dies alles umspannen.

Objectif Lune pflegt bewährte Partnerschaften mit erstklassigen Firmen aus den Bereichen Print und Technologie, die sich vorrangig mit Customer Communication Management befassen und dazu mit der OL-Lösungspalette arbeiten. Im Zentrum steht jeweils ein konstanter Austausch von Wissen, Erfahrung und aktueller Technologie. 


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Einer der wichtigen technischen Aspekte ist, dass das Portfolio von OL als einem der wenigen unabhängigen Anbieter auch die Möglichkeit bietet, von einander unabhängige Software-Lösungen zu koppeln, wodurch der gesamte Dokumenten-Zyklus auf effiziente Weise strukturiert und gesteuert werden kann. Das Ergebnis sind zielführende digitale Lösungen, die Geschäftsbeziehungen erheblich verbessern und dadurch Kundenbeziehungen dauerhaft fördern.

Aus unternehmerischer Perspektive, hat OL einen einzigartigen Weg beschritten: Ausgehend von der Philosophie, Visionen Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen und stets neue Wege zu beschreiten, entwickelte sich OL zu einem der ersten Unternehmen auf dem Markt, das eine Reihe von Applikationen anbietet, die sowohl für den Anfänger als auch für den Experten-Gebrauch geeignet sind. Und das in allen wichtigen Bereichen: Speziell im Dokumenten-Design, in der Prozess-Automation, in der Personalisierung/Individualisierung (mit variablem Daten-Druck), in der Postsortierung und -vorbereitung, sowie für elektronische Formulare. Und Dank der OL Firmen-Philosophie konnten Preise bis heute auf einem erschwinglichen Niveau gehalten und die Lösungen stets einfach und anpassungsfähig gestaltet werden.



Wichtige Meilensteine:

Die Übernahme von PrintSoft (der Entwickler von PReS) im Jahr 2011 öffnete für OL-Kunden die Türen zu neuen Anwendungen, die eine leistungsstarke Lösung für große Druckvolumen benötigen. — Die OL-Lösungen wurden Ende 2015 durch die Connect Software-Suite, Release 1.3 nochmals deutlich verbessert, seitdem inkl. multilingualer Bedienoberflächen.— Mit CaptureOnTheGo bietet OL seit jüngstem eine mobile Lösung zur Erfassung von Daten aus elektronischen Formularen, die Prozesse von unterwegs per digitaler Signatur auslöst. — OL hat auch eine neue Möglichkeit gefunden, mit digitalem Stift den Papiergebrauch und papier-basierte Prozesse zu reduzieren.

Das Besondere

Da OL-Lösungen allen Unternehmen einen nahtlosen Wandel und dynamisches Wachstum ermöglichen, kann man sie über sehr lange Zeit einsetzen. Das Suchen und Finden von neuen Wegen dient der Steigerung der Effizienz und liegt gleichzeitig im Interesse der Zufriedenheit der OL-Kunden.Der Blickwinkel von OL liegt darauf, interaktive Geschäftskorrespondenz zum wesentlichen Bestandteil eines nachhaltig wirksamen Customer Communication Managements (CCM) werden zu lassen.

Zum OL-Lösungsangebot im Detail, das skalierbar mit den Kundenanforderungen wachsen kann:

  • PrintShop Mail Connect | Ein VDP-Tool zur Personalisierung von Dokumenten
  • PlanetPress Connect | Eine Multichannel-Lösung für Dokumenten-Workflow und Prozessautomatisierung
  • PReS Connect | Eine maßgeschneiderte Multichannel-Unternehmenslösung für jeden Abschnitt des Dokumenten-Kreislaufs inklusive Hybrid Mail
  • Capture OnTheGo | Eine Lösung zur Prozessautomatisierung, die Prozesse von unterwegs per digitaler Signatur auslöst

Hintergrund zur Firma

Objectif Lune entwickelt einfache und effektive Software, die Spaß macht und Unternehmen dabei hilft, besser mit ihren Kunden zu kommunizieren. Die Gründung von OL entstammt der Idee dreier Freunde aus dem Jahr 1993. Heute, im Jahr 2016, werden weltweit mehr als 240 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt, die ihre Dienste mehr 20.000 Firmen und Organisationen zur Verfügung stellen.

Der technische Support reicht rund um die Welt; drei Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentren sind in Nord-Amerika (Montréal, Canada), in Europa (Niederlande) sowie in Australien angesiedelt, um fokussiert daran zu arbeiten, das Geschäftsleben einfacher zu gestalten. Das Mission-Statement von OL lautet: „Objectif Lune’s mission is to free customers from legacy mentality by creating elegant software tools to help our customers communicate more effectively with their customers.“

OL hat seinen Hauptsitz in Montréal, Canada. In Deutschland hat die Firma ihren Hauptsitz in Darmstadt.

Weitere Infos/Kontakt:

Simone Angelica Wolf, OBJECTIF LUNE,
Management OL Italy & Marketing OL EMEA

OL Blog –

OL Media Center –


OL drupa invite mobile

Besuchen Sie auch das OL Media Center:

Kommunikationsparadies 2015.001

© 2015 Grafik: Andreas Weber, Mainz. Kalligrafie: Prof. Hermann Zapf.


Eine Ehre. Eine Freude: Im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung der Hochschule RheinMain, Wiesbaden, wurde ich gebeten, mitzuwirken. “Das Vortragsprogramm zum Thema ‘Strategien’ ist dank Ihrer Bereitschaft mitzumachen ein spannendes geworden. Rund 30 Studierende im Masterprogramm (davon hälftig Designer und Mediamanager) freuen sich auf Sie und Ihr Thema”, verkündete Prof. Gregor Krisztian. Mein Thema am 2. Dezember 2015, ab 17.45 Uhr: “Willkommen im Kommunikationsparadies, dem Reich der Kunstsinnigkeit.” Anbei erste Infos. Eine Doku folgt, inkl. den Anmerkungen der Zuhörer. Ich bin gespannt. —Andreas Weber


Kunst ist Kommunikation. Und Kommunikation ist Kunst.

Damit ist das Fundament unseres Mainzer Kommunikationsparadieses gelegt. Ein Ort als ein Wirkungsraum für Gespräche. Gespräche über das Leben, die Kunst, die Technologien, die Sinnhaftigkeit unseres Daseins und Tuns. Diese Gespräche werden beflügelt durch das künstlerische Schaffen aller Disziplinen, multisensorisch und vielfältig erfahrbar.

Das Kommunikationsparadies ist daher Dreierlei:

  1. Eine Geisteshaltung.
  2. Eine Methodik.
  3. Ein Erlebnisraum!

Das Kommunikationsparadies ist kein ›L’art pour l’art‹-Geplänkel. Sondern adressiert die Kultur- und Kreativ-Wirtschaft* mit ihren spezifischen Anforderungen als drittgrößtem Sektor nach Automotive und Maschinenbau!

* Laut Untersuchungen der Deutschen Bundesregierung mit 249.000 Betrieben, 1,5 Mio. Beschäftigen, € 145 Mrd. Jahresumsatz (krisenfest!) und einer Bruttowertschöpfung von > € 60 Mrd.



Wer mehr erfahren will über das Kommunikationsparadies, es aktiv nutzen, sich einbringen möchte, der wende sich bitte persönlich an Andreas Weber.

header_global_insigh#107DE4 Kopie

The first results of the 2nd drupa Global Insights Report “Touch the future – Applications that can create growth” are out now. Implementing new print applications is for many the best way to regain growth in the demand for print.

Graphic Repro On-line News Review from 16 November 2015

Welcome to another week of news highlights with Laurel Brunner’s Verdigris Blog for Friday 13 November, which examines an ongoing European initiative linked to the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) directive which could perhaps spell the end of gravure printing in Europe. For the full article, please visit our Verdigris environmental section. The link appears below, or via the index on our Website.

The week’s news began with Durst at ITMA, where the company launched a new series of super high-performance multi-pass inkjet printers for digital textile production and a new pigmented ink; while Goss International’s new owners have announced the appointment of a new president and chief executive officer. Tuesday saw KBA publish its third quarter 2015 figures, having achieved a pre-tax profit with a turnaround in earnings and with continued solid order intake. It really is beginning to look good.

On Wednesday, Messe Düsseldorf led the headlines as it announced that its Second Global Insights Report is nearing completion and will be available soon in English (and in 7 languages overall). The detailed announcement appears in both English and German in our drupa Newsroom, Please don’t miss it. Bobst also in the headlines with a Gold Award at FEFCO 2015 in Barcelona, for its advanced digital inkjet corrugated press which uses Kodak’s high-speed Stream Inkjet technology.

On Thursday, Sappi Limited published its results for the fourth quarter and full 2015 financial year and is also looking good, with a strong performance and with full year earnings per share excluding special items up 55% for the financial year ended 30 September. FESPA announced its call for entries for the 2016 Awards, marking the start of its search for pioneering and innovative projects in the industry.

Friday’s headlines began with Heidelberger Druckmaschinen revealing that it is on course after the first half of financial year 2015/2016, with sales and result up on the previous year. The second half was also boosted by the sale of the company’s central-Heidelberg headquarters which was posted as income.

You will find quite a number of show-related articles again this week, led by EFI Reggiani on Tuesday, as it showcased new innovations in textile technology at ITMA 2015, including the debut of the new ReNOIR NEXT system. Then we have Mimaki with new inks. Also DuPont and EFI Reggiani on Wednesday, with new inks. Then we have ColorGATE at InPrint in Munich. You will also find an announcement from Baumer on Friday with the world première of a new Tesla family of innovative, high-performance application heads for hot melt adhesives, out of the recent FachPack show in Nuremberg.

A selection of sales and installations successes began with numerous sales from Duplo on Monday out of its recent and successful London Calling event. There’s also a separate announcement from Rapidity with Duplo. On Wednesday Goss International announced that Sandhills Publishing has invested in a new eight-unit Sunday 2000 web press and Pacesetter high-speed saddlestitcher; while EDS Group chose Manroland Web Systems for its latest Lithoman relocation and a Lithoman upgrade. On Thursday Heidelberg UK announced that a Speedmaster XL 75-5+L will be delivered to Thomson Print & Packaging in Edinburgh, Scotland early next year; and the first all-in-one design and print shop in Cape Town’s exclusive Atlantic seaboard suburb of Sea Point, All@OneStop, has added a Xerox press from Bytes.

On Friday, Altacel Flexible Packaging in Weesp, The Netherlands, announced that it has recently fired up a gearless 10-colour KBA-Flexotecnica EVO XG flexo press. This article also appears in Online Features to enable additional photographs to be included, so please don’t miss it. It’s stunning!  Also on this day, independently-owned South African print and design store Wizardz has added a new Xerox Colour C70 printer in TygerValley, Cape Town; while also in South Africa, JMB Labels has invested in a second MPS flexo press and first EB machine in Africa for its Amalgam, Johannesburg plant.

If you work down the list carefully, you will also find other key announcements this week from Xeikon, Gandy, Ricoh Europe with Elsevier, UPM at the CBD Business and Biodiversity Forum 2015 in Helsinki, and from Imaging Solutions and Taopix, among others.

Until next time. My best regards,

Mike Hilton

Fespa Awards 2016

Our e-News comprises:  Headline News – Online Feature Articles – the Verdigris initiative from Digital Dots. Our Drupa and FESPA Newsrooms can be accessed from the Index on our Home Page, as well as News in Review, which provides a weekly overview and listing of all news added to the site. 

Headline News
Over 27,000 news items have now gone online since we launched our Website in September 2001. News for the past 24 months can still be accessed via the Home Page and its continuation news pages

Mon 09 November…    Durst to launch new Alpha series inkjet printers at ITMA 2015
New generation of super high-performance multi-pass inkjet printers for digital textile production and a new pigmented ink…

Goss International Corporation appoints new CEO
Goss International has announced the appointment of Mohit Uberoi as its new president and chief executive officer…

Xeikon expands DecoFlex partnership in Southern Africa
Digital print specialist to target growth in South Africa and Southern Africa with additional expert representation…

Gandy Digital announces new EMEA facility in Zaventem
New Facility in Zaventem, Belgium, close to Brussels airport to boost EMEA customer service and business growth…

007 Theme helps Bonding for Duplo’s London Calling

Duplo’s London Calling has been hailed yet another success, with deals signed at the show worth almost £750,000…

Rapidity chooses Duplo iSaddle to ramp up A4 landscape work
Rapidity has embarked on a new wave of investment for its modern Ricoh-equipped digital print hub in Central London…

Tue 10 November…   Third quarter 2015 report for Koenig & Bauer (KBA)
KBA has achieved a pre-tax profit with the turnaround in earnings announced, and with continued solid order intake…

Duplo announces new PFI brand for growth drive
Duplo International to introduce new PFI-branding to open up global market opportunities with wider product range…

EFI Reggiani to debut new printer at ITMA 2015
EFI Reggiani to showcase new innovations in textile technology at ITMA 2015, including debut of the new ReNOIR NEXT system…

Mimaki to demo new neon and flourescent inks at ITMA
New Neon Yellow and Pink Fluorescent inks ideal for low-volume high-quality use in fashion, sportswear, swimwear and shoes…

ColorGATE solutions for industrial printing at InPrint 2015
Extensive solutions portfolio includes new Industrial Productionserver, Colorrizer, Rapid Spectro Cube, and PrintProcessLab…

Wed 11 November…  Out soon: 2nd drupa Global Insights Report
Touch the future – Applications that can create growth…

Gold for Bobst at FEFCO 2015 in Barcelona
The Bobst digital printing press for corrugated with Kodak Stream Inkjet technology won the Gold Award for Innovation…

DuPont Artistri inks for EFI Reggiani at ITMA 2015
DuPont Digital Printing collaborates with EFI Reggiani to deliver new Artistri digital textile pigment inks…

Goss Sunday 2000 and Pacesetter 2200 for Sandhills
Sandhills Publishing invests with Goss again for efficiency and sustainability with new eight-unit web and saddlestitcher…

EDS opts for Manroland Web for its Lithoman support

Long-term partnership success as EDS Group chooses Manroland Web Systems for new Lithoman relocation and a Lithoman upgrade…

Thu 12 November…   Sappi Limited Results for 2015 and fourth quarter
Strong performance with full year earnings per share excluding special items up 55% for year ended 30 September…

Ricoh Pro VC60000 wins Elsevier print quality approval
Following extensive testing, the Ricoh Pro VC60000 gains validation to Elsevier’s list of High Quality inkjet print engines…

FESPA Awards 2016 now open for entries
FESPA’s call for entries for its 2016 Awards, marks the start of its search for pioneering and innovative projects in the printing industry…

UPM showcases its biodiversity initiatives in Helsinki

UPM participates in the CBD Business and Biodiversity Forum 2015, held on 11 and 12 November in Helsinki, Finland…

Thomson Print & Packaging to add a B2 facility
A Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 75-5+L will be delivered to the Edinburgh print and packaging producer early next year…

Xerox first for All @ One Stop in Sea Point, Cape Town
The first all-in-one design and print shop in Cape Town South Africa’s exclusive Atlantic seaboard suburb of Sea Point…

Fri 13 November…   Heidelberg results for Q2 and first half 2015/2016
Heidelberg on course after the first half of financial year 2015/2016 with sales and result up on previous year…

Imaging Solutions and Taopix announce new partnership
Co-operation to provide a front end design and ordering platform and a back end range of lay-flat bookbinding solutions…

Baumer moves the hot melt market at FachPack in Nuremberg
The world première of the new Tesla family of innovative, high- performance application heads from Baumer hhs…

Altacel invests in ‘the difference’ from KBA-Flexotecnica
Altacel Flexible Packaging fires up a KBA-Flexotecnica EVO XG flexo press. Said CEO Alec Frijlink: ‘Our company is a racetrack’…

Wizardz Tyger Valley in Cape Town makes magic with Xerox
The independently-owned South African print and design store has added a new Xerox Colour C70 printer…

MPS EB label press from Rotocon for JMB Labels in Amalgam
JMB Labels invests in second MPS flexo press and the first EB machine in Africa for its Amalgam, Johannesburg, South Africa plant…

Lead articles from Friday 06 November and previous update… 

Previous…   InPrint 2015 Show and Conference starts Tuesday 10 November
Industrial Speciality, screen, digital, inkjet and 3D technologies for functional, decorative, packaging printing…

Fujifilm announces series of global Corrugated Summits
Fujifilm is launching a series of one-day Corrugated Summits to be held in November and December at its Broadstairs, UK facility…

GraphicRepro.Net e-News  (ISSN 1814-2923) is sponsored and made possible by:

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG  (Heidelberg), The world’s largest printing press manufacturer for the industry worldwide. Heidelberg customers enjoy the most comprehensive and extensive sales and service network in the industry for JDF compliant workflow, computer-to-plate, sheetfed offset, Web-to-print, digital printing, digital inkjet for labels and packaging, packaging and finishing, all with complementary consumables. Heidelberg has offices in around 170 countries. Visit the Heidelberg Website for more information.

Electronics For Imaging  (EFI) is a world leader in digital imaging and print management solutions for the commercial printing market. Its portfolio of integrated solutions span production and superwide format printing, graphic arts, advanced professional printing software, and industrial inkjet systems. Its technologies increase productivity by automating print and business processes To find out more visit the EFI Website.

Kodak Commercial Imaging  (Kodak) is a leading provider of innovative solutions for conventional, digital and hybrid print production environments. With the most expansive portfolio for the graphic communications market,  Kodak features technologies, products and services that help print providers streamline processes, optimise efficiencies, broaden services, and grow businesses. To find out more, visit the Kodak Graphics Website.

drupa 2016 (drupa), the international flagship fair of the printing and media industry, responds to the challenges of the changing market and provides pioneering solutions for the future. This is highlighted by the new marketing and communication strategy where drupa claims its position as ‘No.1 for Print & Crossmedia Solutions’ with the slogan ‘touch the future’. The issues of ‘package printing’, ‘multichannel’, ‘green printing’, ‘3D printing’ and ‘functional printing’ will become increasingly important to the overall communication strategy. To find out more, visit the drupa 2016 Website.

Online Feature articles 2014 – 2015
There were again well over 90 last year, including nine downloads, as well as 92 articles in 2013 which can still be accessed via the Index on the Home Page, with prior years’ via Search Archives (option 2) on the Website.

Downloads in 2015 Chapter 01

Previous…    Alpha version of Paper Guide launched for industry comment
The best practice guide, ‘Optimised Paper Handling and Logistics’ will shortly be released in an Alpha version for open industry comment. You can also take part!…

Technology-related 2015 Chapter 02

Previous…    Heidelberg launches LED drying technology in Europe, too
A full range of UV applications from full UV, to LE UV, and LED from Heidelberg drive productivity up and energy costs down…

Nov/Dec 2015 Chapter 08

Altacel invests in ‘the difference’ from KBA-Flexotecnica
Altacel Flexible Packaging in Weesp fires up a EVO XG flexo press from KBA-Flexotecnica a few weeks ago. CEO Alec Frijlink: ‘Our company is a racetrack’…

Previous…    Ricoh Europe research warns businesses are unprepared
A massive 92 per cent of European businesses admit they aren’t ready for the Digital Single Market due to come into force in 2016…

Verdigris – Environmental Initiative

Laurel Brunner’s weekly Verdigris Blog 2015

Chemical Reactions
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 13 November

Previous…    Fresh Air Thinking
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 06 November

Drupa Newsroom
Our Drupa Newsroom with news from Messe Düsseldorf and for Drupa 2016 can be found in the Index, as well as via the special Newsroom button on the right of the Home Page near the top.

drupa 2016 News from Messe Düsseldorf

Out soon: 2nd drupa Global Insights Report

Touch the future – Applications that can create growth…

2. drupa Global Insights Report erscheint in Kürze
Touch the future – Anwendungen mit Wachstumspotenzial…

Previous…    Packaging Touchpoint at drupa 2016:
The packaging of tomorrow – experience the future, now…

Touchpoint packaging zur drupa 2016:
Verpackungen von morgen – schon heute zum Anfassen…

3D fab+print Touchpoint for drupa 2016
3D printing up close: Innovation, Vision and Best Practices.

Touchpoint 3D fab+print zur drupa 2016

3D-Druck zum Anfassen: Innovationen, Visionen und Best-Practices…

drupa 2016 Expert Articles series
Can be accessed via our Drupa Newsroom, in the Index on the Home page.

Most recent…    Crossing the finish line – a Cinderella story
Touch the future. Drupa expert Article No 4, by Cary Sherburne, well-known author, journalist and marketing consultant focused on marketing communications for the printing and publishing industries…

drupa 2016 News from Exhibitors

Previous…    Entries are open for the third Lenstar Lenticular Print Awards
Drupa venue announced for 2016 Lenstar Lenticular Print Awards to be held in the drupa innovation park on 2 June 2016…

Ricoh to showcase innovative new ways to transform business at drupa 2016
Ricoh will bring a range of products and services to drupa 2016 that will enable Print Service Providers to step ahead on their paths of transformation…

FESPA Newsroom
The dedicated FESPA Newsroom can be found via the Index on our Home Page.

FESPA Awards 2016 now open for entries

FESPA’s call for entries for its 2016 Awards, marks the start of its search for pioneering and innovative projects in the printing industry…

Previous…    FESPA Asia returns to Bangkok in 2017
FESPA is delighted to announce FESPA Asia will take place in February 2017 at the BITEC exhibition centre, Bangkok, Thailand…

FESPA Global Summit returns for 2015
FESPA offers growth planning insights to leading printers at its Global Summit, from 1 – 2 December 2015, at the Andaz Hotel in Amsterdam…

Textile print heroes converge at FESPA Textile 2016
FESPA Fabric rebrands to reflect fast-expanding, multi-application textile sector…

The Graphic Repro On-line Website is supported and sponsored by: 

Antalis South Africa, Dainippon Screen,  Drupa 2016,  EFI and EFI Vutek, Esko,  Epson Europe BV,  FESPA. Goss International Inc,  Heidelberger Druc kmaschinen AG,  HP Graphic Solutions,  Kodak,  Koenig + Bauer AG,  Kemtek Imaging Systems,  Krause-Biagosch,  Leonhard Kurz Stiftung,   Manroland Web Systems GmbH,  Muller Martini AG,  POLAR-Mohr, QuadTech Inc,  Quark Inc,  Ricoh Europe,  Sappi LimitedThunderbolt Solutions, and UPM-Kymmene.

If you would like to send news for consideration for the Graphic Repro On-line Website (ISSN 1814-2915) or to submit comments, please e-mail Mike Hilton at:

Our Website urls are:

GraphicRepro.Net e-News (ISSN 1814-2923)  provides weekly updates from the Graphic Repro On-line Website and is  compiled and published by Mike Hilton,PO Box 10 Peterburgskoe Shosse 13/1, 196605 Pushkin 5, St. Petersburg, Russia.