
Tag Archives: Information Management

drupa2016 - In Medias Res ValuePublishing REVIEW 2.001

Die drupa ist stets ein Ort der Top-Gespräche und einzigartigen Momente, wie mit Didier Gombert (großes Foto am Stand von Objectif Lune). Foto/Collage: Andreas Weber


Kritische und bewusst streng gehaltene, selektive Analyse von Andreas Weber, Head of Value, im Rückblick auf die famose #drupa2016 — Lesezeit: 10 Minuten. Halbwertzeit min. bis zur #drupa2020 — Die Themengliederung aller drei Berichte im Überblick:

Fazit Teil 1

Kommunikation über Print ist wahrhaft eine Kunst. Wer sich auch nach der #drupa2016 über Print adäquat informieren will, muss maximale Online-/Twitter-Kompetenz besitzen. Sonst landet man im Nirwana des Lost in details“-Syndroms und holt aus seinem hohen Messe-Investment viel zu wenig raus! — Übrigens ist es anders als über Twitter/Posten kaum möglich, in Echtzeit das Wichtigste auf den Punkt zu bringen und multimedial durch Text, Foto, Video in einer digitalen und globalen Welt erlebbar zu machen! Dies gelingt vor allem durch ValueStorifys. Siehe: #drupa2016 review — All about the role of print in the communications mix sowie #drupa mc — print re-invented!


Frage: Ist es möglich, das Angebot einer drupa als globale Leitmesse komplett zu erfassen?
Antwort: Nein! Das ist auch gar nicht nötig. Das beste Prinzip lautet: Reduktion auf das maximal Wichtige. Daher nachfolgend eine analytisch-subjektive Selektion dessen, was aus ValuePublishing-Sicht relevant war!

Vorspiel: Wo bleibt der Bezug zu dem, was die Printbranche voranbringt?

„Rund 260.000 Besucher (2012: 314.248 Besucher) aus 188 Ländern und rund 1.900 Journalisten aus 74 Ländern sind nach Düsseldorf gereist, um sich über technologische Innovationen, Weiterentwicklungen und neue Geschäftsfelder zu informieren,“ verlautbarte die Messe Düsseldorf am 10. Juni 2016 stolz. Und mit 76 Prozent lag die Quote der internationalen Besucher um 16 Prozentpunkte höher als im Jahr 2012. Deutschland markiert damit einen riesigen Besucherrückgang! Quelle: drupa/Messe Düsseldorf

Ob die Zahl der Besucher den Ausschlag für nachhaltigen Erfolg gibt, sei dahingestellt. Aber eine Schrumpfung um fast 55.000 Besucher im Vergleich zur drupa 2012 ist in jedem Fall bedenkenswert. Zu behaupten, das sei OK, weil die Messedauer ja verkürzt worden sei, erscheint ungefähr so „logisch“ wie das Argument, gutes Essen schmecke umso besser, je mehr man davon mengenmässig verspeist.

Fakt ist vielmehr: Der allseits herausgestellte Dreiklang der modernen Druckindustrie — Digitalisierung, Automatisierung und Flexibilisierung, kurz mit Print 4.0 in Anspielung an Industrie 4.0 charakterisiert – hat zur Folge, dass immer weniger Betriebe mit immer weniger Personal ein inzwischen wieder dynamisches Produktionsvolumen stemmen. Ergo: Weniger ist mehr! ABER: Für die #drupa2016 hätte die beste Voraussetzung bestanden, neue Zielgruppen zu motivieren und zu mobilisieren, um die ambitionierte globale Leitmesse zu besuchen. Das hat aber (wie schon 2012) nur marginal/punktuell geklappt, aber nicht breitenwirksam. Denn neue Besuchergruppen sind durch „Wir können Print 4.0“-Rufe und „Wie toll, was wir da machen-Selbstdarstellungen von Ausstellern nicht zu mobilisieren. Aus meiner Sicht ist eine riesige Chance vergeben worden. Viele Marktteilnehmer werden sich dadurch unnötig schwer tun, um das zu kompensieren. 

Vortrag Andreas Weber Swiss Publishing Days 2016.001

Der kompakte Vortrag mit dem #drupa2016 Review von Andreas Weber kam sehr gut an auf dem Swiss Publishing Day 2016 am 30. Juni 2016 in Winterthur. — Doku via YouTube (Live-Video-Doku) oder via Slideshare (42 Min.-Video plus alle Charts).

Zu vielen Ausstellern muss es wohl egal sein, was die Kunden ihrer Kunden denken. Einige Hersteller betonten, das Wichtigste sei, dass sie weit über ihre Erwartungen hinaus Verkaufsabschlüsse tätigten.

  • Beispiel: Landa verkaufte nach eigenem Bekunden für über 450 Millionen EURO Nano-Druckmaschinen, die (allerdings) immer noch nicht lieferfähig sind. — Siehe dazu meine Traumgeschichte „Danke Benny. Touch the future again and again…”
  • Seriöser resp. sinnvoller aus meiner Sicht: Heideldruck erwähnte bei seiner Annual Analyst Conference am 8. Juni 2016 über 1.000 Kaufverträge über lieferfähige Produkte und Lösungen, um Kunden zu ermöglichen, ihr Kerngeschäft Offsetdruck zu stärken und/oder gleichzeitig sich der Herausforderung „Digitaldruck auf industriellem Fertigungsniveau“ anzunehmen; mehr als 5.500 Heideldruck-Kunden meldeten sich für den neuen Heidelberg eShop an.
  • HP Inc. rühmte sich, mit der kompletten Halle 17 im Gepäck, der größte Aussteller der drupa 2016 gewesen zu sein, und lobt sich selbst: „HP experienced its best attended drupa ever with sales far exceeding expectations, achieving 150 percent of our sales goal,” urteilte laut Branchendienst Francois Martin, Global Marketing Lead Graphics Solutions Business HP Inc. Fast schon pingelig wird aufgezählt, wieviel Maschinen man verkauft habe, um zu dokumentieren, dass man die eigenen Lösungen zur Marktführerschaft gebracht habe. — Nur mit dem von HP vielgelobten PrintOS, dem neuen und ultimativen Betriebssystem fürs Drucken, kam man laut divergierenden Medienmitteilungen mit 200 resp. 500 Subskribenten, in jedem Falle also weniger als 5% aller Kunden, nicht so weit. — Damit ist HP entgegen der eigenen Einschätzung vom Mainstream weit entfernt und  immer noch nicht vollständig im Print 4.0-Zeitalter der durchgängigen Digitalisierung, Automatisierung und Flexibilisierung angekommen.

Die Umsätze bei Heidelberg wie auch bei KBA, Canon, Xerox, Ricoh und KonicaMinolta liegen allesamt höher als beim „größten“ Aussteller der #drupa2016, der zudem deutlich höhere Stand- und Werbekosten zu verzeichnen hat. (Kann man so etwas einen Pyrrhussieg nennen?). Allein drei Aussteller als Newcomer aus Israel konnten in Summe HP’s Umsätze weit übertreffen resp. eine sehr viel bessere Relation zwischen Invest und Return-on-Invest erzielt haben; neben Landa sind dies Highcon und Scodix, wie der israelische Wirtschaftsdienst Globes vermeldet hat. — Learning: Wer wie HP darauf setzt, sich Erfolg erkaufen zu wollen, muss nicht automatisch erfolgreicher sein als andere. Zumal, wenn wie im Falle HP zur #drupa2016 eigentlich nur Optimierungen der bestehenden HP-Lösungen geboten wurden. Tatsächlich Neues und für die Print-Branche im Sinne des „Touch the future“ insgesamt Relevantes hat sich für mich bei HP auf der #drupa2016 nicht erschlossen. Schon gar nicht durch HP’s mediale Kommunikationsarbeit!

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Petra Lüftner kommentierte am 4. Juli 2016 per XING als Reaktion auf mein Traum-Erlebnis — Danke, Benny! Touch the future again and again… — wie folgt: „Ich war total traumatisiert von so viel Zukunftsvisionen und der ernsthaften Frage, für WEN und welchen MARKT all dieses dort stattgefunden hat. Die Realität sieht meines Erachtens heute und auch in den kommenden Jahren ganz anders aus. Verkaufen, nur um des Verkaufens Willen, ohne fachliche und zeitnahe Analyse der Marktes? Wie oft schon wurde in der Vergangenheit der Hype um neue Technologien zum Untergangsszenario mancher Firma 🙁  Denn nicht die ‚Technology’ ist es, was wir zuerst überdenken müssen, vielmehr die Wertschöpfungskette und die Anwendbarkeit des vorhandenen Instrumentariums.  Ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen zeichnet sich durch einen realistischen Bezug zum Markt und die darauf optimierten Prozesse und Produkte, nicht durch blinkende Displays aus.  So stellte sich am Ende meines Traums die Frage, ist alles was glänzt Gold oder sollte man doch den guten alten Fadenzähler zur genaueren Betrachtung des Ganzen nutzen? Herzliche Grüße in die Stadt des URSPRUNGS, die Gutenberg-Stadt Mainz“.

In medias res: Willkommen im digitalen Printmedienkosmos

Wichtiger erscheint mir, der Nabelschau einiger Top-Aussteller nicht zum Opfer zu fallen, sondern stattdessen konkret aufzuzeigen, welchen Einfluss tatsächlich innovative Technologien-Angebote auf der #drupa2016 für die Branchenentwicklung haben. Denn, wie und ob Print gewinnt, hängt nicht von Boxen-Verkäufen, sondern von Lösungskompetenz und drei zentralen Faktoren ab:

  1. Welche Rolle spielt Print im Kommunikationsmix? Gerade mit Blick auf BigData, Cloud, Social Media und IoT.
  2. Wie und warum definiert Inkjet-Druck die industrielle Herstellung von Printmedien neu?
  3. Wer als Aussteller hat auf der #drupa2016 die Messe-Leitidee „Touch the future“ tatsächlich am besten verkörpert und nach vorne gebracht?

Zeit also für eine an der Realität orientierte Bestandsaufnahme, die alle (kaum noch zu überblickenden) Neuheiten der #drupa2016 zusammenfasst, plausibel bewertet und in den Kontext mit den gewachsenen Anforderungen im Digitalzeitalter stellt.

Das Prinzip der Digitalisierung im Kontext mit Print erklärte Heideldruck-CEO Dr. Gerold Linzbach im Vorfeld der drupa 2016 ganz exzellent (Siehe „drupa ante portas: Automatisierung, Flexibilisierung, Digitalisierung machen Print zum Top-Wachstumsmarkt!“). Auf der drupa präsentierten Dr. Linzbach und sein Vorstandsteam am 8. Juni 2016 souverän vor hochrangigen Finanzanalysten, was Heidelbergs Comeback ausmacht  — übrigens von der drupa-Community kaum bemerkt, führte die gelungene Konferenz für #Heideldruck zu einem Kurssprung nach oben, inklusive Kaufempfehlung der Analysten:

  1. Ein radikales Umdenken und Umschwenken Richtung Print 4.0
  2. Maximale Markt- und Kundenorientierung mit Fokus auf ‚Customer Journey‘ (im Sonne von: Welchen Weg wird mein Kunde gehen, wenn er neue Lösungen einsetzen möchte?)
  3. Neupositionierung Richtung autonomes Drucken sowie das „Amazon-für-Printherstellung“ durch eine integrierte Heideldruck eShop-Lösung

07-drupa2016 ValuePublishing Storify on HeideldruckWeitere Informationen zum Comeback von Heideldruck: ValueStorify „drupa 2016 — #Heideldruck: Back to profitable growth!“ mit Live-Texten, -Fotos, -Videos.

Heideldruck sieht für sich gute Chancen, die „alte“ Welt des Offset-Druckens mit der neuen Welt des „digitalen“ Druckens zu vereinen. Das wird belohnt: Wie Mike Hilton in seinem Global News Review dokumentiert, erhielt Heideldruck in mehreren Kategorien den IDG Business Media and Dimension Data Deutschland’s Digital Leader Award 2016.

Daran anknüpfend ist zu beachten, dass der Umgang mit dem Phänomen „Big Data“ in der Printproduktion mehrere Dimensionen und eine dynamisch stärker werdende Priorität aufweist:

  • Aus dem Web resp. der Social Media-Welt und via Cloud-Services explodiert die Datenmenge dessen, was aus der virtuellen Welt ins Print überführt wird;
  • Inhalte können dabei automatisiert auf Basis von intelligenten Algorithmen zusammengestellt werden für massenhaft individuelle, bedarfsgerechte Druckprodukte.
  • Zum anderen müssen riesige Datenströme beim Produktionsmanagement intelligent gehandhabt werden, um effizient, qualitätvoll, ohne Medienbrüche und möglichst schnell, das heisst in Tagesfrist fertigen und liefern zu können.

Dies geschieht auf verschiedenen Ebenen, wobei im Web verstärkt Systemarchitekturen zur freien Verfügung stehen, die nahtlos Druckdaten automatisiert erzeugen und per Internet an selektiertere Dienstleister/Drucksysteme transferieren können. Die einfachste Form sind Drucke beliebiger Daten via Smartphone oder Tablet. Apple mit AirPrint oder Google mit CloudPrint waren die Pioniere der Generation X; Drucksystemhersteller wie Canon oder HP folgten mit eigenen ePrint-Lösungen. Zum Anderen werden Daten aus Wiki—Plattformen zum Beispiel per PediaPress-Technologie in Bücher verwandelt, auf Basis der vom Internetnutzer online selektierten Wikipedia-Artikel. Weiterhin können Social-Media-Nutzer per Knopfdruck ihre Chroniken auf Twitter, Instagram oder Facebook in Publikationen verwandeln, um gedruckte Poster z.B. der Facebook—/Instagram-Freunde, Leinwanddrucke  oder Tagebuch-Chroniken in Buchform aus Twitter und Facebook automatisiert zu erstellen (siehe mySocialBook, Twenty20 oder boomf mit Druck von Instagram-Fotos auf essbare Marshmellows).

Diese Services werden von Konsumenten ebenso genutzt wie von Unternehmen für Werbezwecke, die solche Projekte in ihre digitalen Marketingkonzepte einbinden (Siehe den ValuePublishing drupa-Vorbericht zum Highlight-Thema Multichannel). Bei den reinen Unternehmensanwendungen werden Marketing- und IT-Daten automatisiert ohne Medienbruch zusammengefügt und daraus Cross-Media-Kundenkampagnen erstellt, die Unternehmensangebote wie zum Beispiel Vertragsverlängerungen bei Versicherungen koppeln mit den Feedbacks von zehntausenden Kunden, die dann an die Unternehmens-IT und deren CRM-Systeme zurückgespielt werden, um die Kundenprofile aktuell zu halten und sogar einzelne Transaktionen zu dokumentieren. Alle Unterlagen sind dann sowohl digital als auch gedruckt verfügbar. Der Kunde entscheidet, welche Form er bevorzugt.

 Als Lesetipp empfehle ich die brillanten Kommentare von Christian Kopocz auf LinkedIn, der als Entrepreneur und Finanz-, Marketing-, Digitaldruck- und Multichannel-Profi exzellent twittern sowie bloggen kann und sein #drupa2016-Erleben aus Sicht des kundigen Fachbesuchers schildert:

Druckers Dilemma: „Herrje! Was habe ich denn mit Social Media und Big Data zu tun? — Eigentlich will ich doch einfach nur drucken!“

Naturgemäß stellen Big Data resp. Social Media die Welt der Druckereiunternehmer auf den Kopf. Das Denken und die Technik-Ausstattung in Druckereien sind darauf ausgerichtet, dass der Kunde/Drucksachenbesteller die Pre-Media-Arbeit selbst erledigt. Und der Druckerei druckbare PDF-Dateien übergibt. Man bedient einen Nachfragemarkt. Denn bis dato folgen Printproduktionsprozesse einem starren, linearen Ablaufschema: Daten werden digital editiert, mit Expertenwerkzeugen formatiert und dann unveränderlich für den Druck aufbereitet und an Druckereien übergeben. Der Mensch diktiert sozusagen der Maschine, was sie tun muss. Die Druckerei lebt vom Bereithalten von Produktionsmitteln und -kapazitäten — mit dem Vorsatz bzw. der Verpflichtung, Bedürfnisse der Kunden bestmöglich zu erfüllen. Damit sind Drucker wie ihre Lieferant glücklich. Aber: Tatsächlich haben beide Fraktionen im Drucksektor die Kontrolle über den Markt längst abgeben. Und wer kennt schon durch Innovationen hervorgerufene Bedürfnisse, die sich erst noch entwickeln können, wenn das neue auch bekannt ist? Wie gesagt, die Kunden der Druckerei waren kaum auf der #drupa2016 zugegen und können sich auch nicht über klassische Fachmedien oder durch bloggende Marktforscher  informieren, weil die sich in Details verlieren…

 Zwischenruf: Anders agieren!

Kai Büntemeyer„Den schlimmsten Fehler, den man machen kann, ist auf der drupa einfach eine Maschine zu kaufen, ohne vor- und nachgelagerte Prozesse zu bedenken!“ — Kai Büntemeyer, Vorsitzender VDMA Druck- und Papiertechnik sowie Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter von Kolbus GmbH & Co KG auf der pre-drupa-Pressekonferenz des VDMA am 4. April 2016.

Der einzig mögliche Innovationsansatz ist daher, den starren Prozess aufzulösen, indem Daten von verschiedener Seite stationär und mobil bearbeitet werden, also von Analog zu Digital und umgekehrt als iterativer Prozess nahtlos automatisiert transformiert, inhaltlich angereichert sowie individuell und „on-demand“ per Digitaldruck ausgegeben werden können. Workflow-technisch gesehen, wird ein Pipeline-Prozess in ein vernetztes, interaktives, individuell auszugestaltendes  Plattform-Konzept überführt, das neue Formen der Konnektivität bietet.

Ganz nah an Big Data: Print 4.0 braucht Communication 4.0

Auf der drupa 2016 konnte man darüber mit Pionieren und Unternehmern wie Didier Gombert, einer der Gründer und Vorstandsvorsitzender des Technologie-Entwicklers Objectif Lune (OL), bestens und auf hohem Niveau diskutieren. Gombert hatte vor einiger Zeit schon den technischen Umbau aller seiner Software-Lösungen vorgenommen. HTML, CSS und JavaScript bilden nunmehr den Ausgangspunkt. Der Fokus liegt auf digitalem Business Communication Management (kurz: ccm). Print kann sich dort stets nahtlos „andocken“ und wird Teil digitaler Kommunikations- und Geschäftsprozesse.

„In der Auseinandersetzung mit der Digitalisierung hat sich die Printmedienbranche lange auf die Steigerung der Herstellungseffizienz fokussiert. Entsprechend folgt jede Art Printmedienherstellung stets digitalen Prozessen. Das ist gut so. Aber: Die Effektivität von Print als vernetzbarem Medium im Digitalzeitalter kam zu kurz und hat jetzt höchste Priorität“, stellt Gombert fest. Der visionäre Unternehmer gilt seit über 20 Jahren als Vorreiter einer neuen „digitalen“ Philosophie, die Printmedien zeitgemäß im Kommunikationsmix einbindet. Grundlage bildet für Gombert das „Connect“-Prinzip. Aus einem „digitalen“ Baukasten verschiedenster Lösungen entwickelte sich ein skalierbares Lösungsszenario, das Einsteigern wie Profis hilft, Print in der Geschäfts-/Kundenkommunikation optimal einzusetzen und stets mit digitalen Kommunikationsprozessen einfach und kostengünstig zu vernetzen. Themenhighlights zur drupa 2016 sind für Gombert sozusagen „beyond technology“ neue Kommunikationsaufgaben wie „Customer Experience“ und „Customer Journey“. Darunter wird verstanden, hundertprozentig markt- und kundenorientiert Produkte und Lösungen im Dialog mit Kunden (weiter) zu entwicklen. Im Fokus: Optimale Schnittstellen zwischen Mensch-Maschine — Maschine-Maschine — Maschine-Mensch. Kein Wunder, dass Gombert auf der drupa 2016 mit allen seinen wichtigen Kunden und Partnern zusammentraf, um den Ball weiter zu spielen. Dazu gehören Konzerne wie Canon, Konica Minolta Pitney Bowes und Ricoh.

ValuePublishing Big Data Visuals.001Ganz nah an Big Data ist auch der Titel eines Reports, den Andreas Weber für das #drupa2016-Print-Special der führenden Technik&Innovations-Zeitung VDI nachrichten verfasste. — Erweiterte Fassung des Reports als Trendanalyse (in englischer Sprache).

Fazit Teil 2

Print als Medientechnologie spielt nicht mehr eine Sonderolle quasi als Analog-Relikt in einer digitalen Welt. Print ist und bleibt die tragende Säule der Geschäfts- und Kommunikationswelt und kann nahtlos in digitale Geschäfts- und Kommunikationsprozesse eingliedert werden! Um in der neuen Welt des Print bestehen zu können, erfordert es seitens der Druckereien den Neustart-Knopf zu drücken. Mit Technik-Käufen oder dem Versuch, durch Technik-Einsatz gar neue Geschäftsmodelle zu entwicklen, kommt keiner weiter. Alle sind aufgefordert, das Zusammenspiel von Brainware, Software und Hardware neu zu definieren und daraus Markt-konforme Lösungsangebote im Dialog mit Kunden zu entwickeln.

Fortsetzung folgt mit Teil 3 — Des Pudels Kern: #unleashprint („entfessele Print“)


Im Fokus dieses umfassenden #drupa2016 Review stehen drei wesentliche Überlegungen als Leitlinie, die sich durch meine umfassenden Vor-drupa-2016-Analysen bereits abzeichneten:

  • Was bringt die Branche und den Markt tatsächlich voran?
  • Wie ordnet sich Print in der Big Data-Welt ein?
  • Welche Player/hidden Champs sind wichtig?

Da sich dieser Sachverhalt nicht trivial erschließen lässt, indem man einfach eine Vielzahl an Neuheiten und Presemeldungen auflistet, nachfolgend mein Bericht in drei Teilen, der das #drupa2016-Messegeschehen bewertet, plausibel in den Kontext stellt, Hintergründe erläutert und am Beispiel des für mich gelungensten Messeauftritts detailliert erklärt, welche Lösungsansätze Sinn machen. — Stichwort: #unleashprint!

Wer sich für alles bis ins feinste Detail informieren möchte, kann dies im ValueBlog in besonderer Form tun. Unter dem Suchwort: „Mike Hilton’s Global News“ finden sich über 600 Pressemeldungen zu allen relevanten drupa-2016-Neuheiten. — Siehe auch den Vortrag mit dem kompakten #drupa2016 Review auf dem Swiss Publishing Day 2016 in Winterthur vom 30. Juni 2016 via YouTube (Live-Video-Doku) oder via Slideshare (42 Min.-Video plus alle Charts).

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Graphic Repro On-line News Review to Friday 24 June 2016

Welcome to this week’s second post-drupa news roundup, with another 50 articles in the headline news for this week, plus a further 30 in our own drupa Newsroom and around another 500 or so articles, comprising key interviews, feature articles, surveys, news, new kit and sales successes in the series of eleven complete drupa daily news magazines, published on each day of the fair in Düsseldorf. But please note, there is a correction, as last week’s series was incomplete, which has now been rectified…  Thanks to Refik Telhan, one of our followers and subscriber in Istanbul, Turkey, for helpfully drawing attention to the error and omissions.

Correction! We have a really exciting new addition for you in our own drupa Newsroom. If you weren’t at the show, or even if you were at this year’s event in Düsseldorf, you can now get your hands on all eleven issues of the drupa daily show magazine, with complete PDFs of each issue to download.

These are jam-packed with news and highlights and the daily ‘Red Sofa’ interview with key exhibitors’ starting with drupa President and Koenig & Bauer chief executive Claus Bolza-Schünemann; followed by Kodak chief executive Jeff Clarke; Canon EMEA president and chief executive Rokus van Iperen; Benny Landa; Enrique Lores, HP president of Imaging and Printing; Konica Minolta’s Olaf Lorenz general manager Business Solutions Europe; Jean-Pascal Bobst; Eijiro Hori, president of post-press kit manufacturer Horizon; Massivit chief executive Avner Israeli; Marabu chief executive York Boeder; and lastly, Wolfgang Kroplunik, head of business development & Western Europe, Uncoated Fine Paper at Mondi; talking to two of Europe’s top trade press editors: Thomas Fasold of Druck&Medien in Germany; and Daryl Danielli, of PrintWeek UK.

The drupa daily also includes some of the hottest show technology, sales and products that were the buzz words at drupa 2016, and breaking news of the day, sourced, curated and produced by a team of the industry’s leading journalists throughout the show. Comments and rumours, photos and all that made it ten fantastic days at drupa and in drupacity Düsseldorf.

Key news headlines this week: Monday’s leads were from KBA featuring newspaper web press orders in Germany, and the Indian Ocean Island of La Réunion. Tuesday saw Screen’s new high-speed roll-fed inkjet press, the Truepress Jet520NX drupa preview debut, lead the day’s selection. On Wednesday, Manroland Web Systems’ new compact web premiere: the Geoman e:line, took the lead; while on Thursday, Canon celebrated its most successful drupa ever.

Friday’s leader crowned the news of the week most appropriately, as the appointment of Jeff Jacobson to head Xerox Corporation was announced by the Xerox board, following completion of the company’s planned separation into two publicly traded companies. My sincere congratulations to Jeff, who has remained a very good friend since we first met at drupa 2000.

This week’s Verdigris Blog from Laurel Brunner, addressing environmental policies, really is an excellent article that should also not be missed.

As a tailender this week, on Wednesday, Kodak announced that it celebrated 21 years of Thermal CTP at drupa. A wonderful celebration indeed, since Dan Gelbart and Boudewijn Neijens of Creo (now part of Kodak) introduced their first thermal platesetter, heralding the birth of computer-to-plate at drupa 1995.

I was there, and followed this new and emerging technology very closely for the next three years, until Ipex in 1998, when commercially viable, reliable and affordable CTP was born with the Trendsetter, using Kodak Polychome Graphics’ thermal plates. It was immediately after this, that Graphic Repro & Print became one of the first five magazines in the world to adopt CTP. I wanted to prove to the industry that it was real and that it really did work.

Our first issue produced using CTP featured Heidelberg CEO Hartmut Mehdorn on its front cover, and the second issue, where we described the move to computer-to-plate from computer-to-film had Scitex’ corporate VP Miki Nagler on its cover. The issues are still in our Website archives for 1998! Wonderful pioneering stuff in those days! The rest, as they say, is history.

That’s it again for another week or so. Please scroll down carefully, as there is so much good stuff to read about.

With my best regards,
Mike Hilton

Our e-News comprises:  Headline News – Online Feature Articles – the Verdigris initiative from Digital Dots. Our Drupa and FESPA Newsrooms can be accessed from the Index on our Home Page, as well as News in Review, which provides a weekly overview and listing of all news added to the site.

Headline News
Over 28,000 news items have now gone online since we launched our Website in September 2001. News for the past 24 months can still be accessed via the Home Page and its continuation news pages

Mon 20 June…   
Druck- und Pressehaus Naumann orders KBA Commander CL
Germany’s youngest independent daily newspaper, the Gelnhäuser Neue Zeitung relies on KBA for the future…

KBA Cortina waterless web offset heads for Indian Ocean
20th KBA Cortina goes to the island of La Réunion for high-quality newspapers and semi commercials…

Warneke signs for Heidelberg Primefire 106 at drupa
Denver company Warneke Paper Box signed for Heidelberg USA’s first Primefire inkjet system at drupa…

Agfa Graphic’s next generation thermal plate system
Always innovating, Agfa Graphics announced its new generation thermal plates solution at drupa 2016…

Elanders boosts commercial printing power with HP
Advanced HP Indigo and PageWide Web Presses offer company next-level productivity and quality for unique campaigns…

Cimpress signs global deal for fleet of HP Indigo presses
Chooses HP Indigo digital presses to boost efficiency and enhance production quality, consistency and versatility…

Belfast printer orders LE-UV long perfector at drupa has ordered a Speedmaster XL 106-8-P LE-UV press for its new plant in England…

Crewe stops by to order new kit from Heidelberg
Crewe’s Phil Edwards and Simon Hughes signed an order for a Versafire CV digital press and Stahlfolder CH 66…

Norwegian PSP signs for two Ricoh presses at drupa
Cicero Digital and Graphic signed for a Ricoh Pro C9110 and Ricoh Pro C7110 on Ricoh’s stand at drupa 2016…

Highly automated Rapida 145 large-format for France
A&R Carton to receive largest sheetfed offset press exhibited at Drupa 2016 on KBA’s stand in Hall 16…

Tue 21June…   
Screen’s new Truepress Jet520NX in drupa preview debut
New high-speed roll-fed inkjet press drives growth of digital printing business with newly-developed printhead…

Screen’s new high-throughput thermal eight-page CTP
New series delivers class-leading productivity of 70 plates per hour; for release immediately after its drupa debut drupa…

Poland’s Multidruk purchases 500th Flexcel NX System
Kodak’s Flexcel NX System confirmed as a leading choice for flexo with 500th order at drupa 2016, and Multidruk’s second system…

Ricoh launches TotalFlow DFE for sheetfed presses
Ricoh has announced that TotalFlow Print Server R-61/R-61A, a new printer Digital Front End for Ricoh sheetfed colour presses…

Nationwide Print to implement Ricoh’s Marcom Central
Nationwide Print enhances client experience with Ricoh’s MarcomCentral and a new Ricoh Pro C7100 press…

Acanthus extends its digital portfolio with Versafire CV
Acanthus Press is to supplement its HP Indigo digital technology with a Versafire CV from Heidelberg…

Fourth Muller Martini Connect system bound for Latvia
Livonia in Riga, invests in a fourth Connect system with two new brand-new dynamic Ventura MC 200 machines…

Centrum Printing purchases KBA Rapida 145
On the first drupa day: KBA large-format Rapida 145 press sold to Centrum Printing in Sydney, Australia…

Adverset Media Solutions signs drupa Horizon deal
Horizon AFC566F folder chosen to bring complex folding in-house for Scarborough print and display company Adverset…

Blackman & White Versa-Tech cutter for Practical Minds
Practical Minds finds the Versa-Tech from Blackman & White a practical solution to in-house cutting and finishing…

Wed 22 June…    
Manroland Web’s new compact web press premiers at drupa
At drupa 2016, Manroland Web Systems presented its new compact newspaper press: the Geoman e:line…

CHILI publish celebrates success at drupa 2016
CHILI publish conducted demos of its latest CHILI publisher online editor and new CHILI rendro to crowds that packed the stand…

Kodak celebrates 21 years of Thermal CTP at drupa
And signs its 21,000th customer at drupa: Poland’s Karton-Pak orders its second CTP VLF Kodak platesetter…

Bobst wins EDP Award with digital press for corrugated
Bobst won the 2016 European Digital Press Association award for ‘Best corrugated printer/solution’…

UPM Raflatac announces senior appointment
Antti Jääskeläinen has been appointed executive vice president, of UPM Raflatac to further develop the business…

Route One Print converts Speedmaster SX 102 to LE-UV
IST (UK) converts Rotherham trade printer’s eight-colour B1 SX 102 long perfector to LE-UV for speed and quality lift…

KBA Rapida 106 for Premier League city Leicester
Qualvis Print and Packaging in the East Midlands city of Leicester on a growth curve with luxury packaging and KBA…

Simply Cartons opts for second Rapida 106 at drupa
Second 20,000sph KBA Rapida 106 with double coater for Nottingham firm, equipped for conventional and UV printing…

Rotolito Lombarda to add third Corona C15 binding line
Rotolito Lombarda invests in a third high-spec Muller Martini Corona C15 perfect binding line at drupa…

Ecograf Denmark signs for two Ricoh Pro C9110 presses
Danish company Ecograf invests in its quality service by ordering two Ricoh Pro C9110 presses at drupa…

Thu 23 June…   
Canon Europe has its most successful drupa ever
Canon celebrates its most successful drupa ever as customers are inspired to extend their capabilities to unleash print…

FINAT’s sparkling 2016 winning line-up announced
Highlights of this year’s FINAT Label Competition…

Epson reports significant orders at successful drupa
Epson increases production to meet high demand after biggest ever showcase for its complete range of inkjet printers at drupa…

Hybrid Software’s innovation stands out at drupa
The fastest growing software company in the graphic arts sector has announced record-breaking results from drupa 2016…

Epson Italia to acquire Fratelli Robustelli
Epson to acquire ‘Monna Lisa’ Italian textile printer manufacturing company Robustelli, based in La Guardia, Como…

Two new ‘Push to Stop’ XL 106 eight-colours for Lonnemann
Media group Cramer + Lonnemann invests in industrial production and autonomous printing to continue its growth…

Magneet orders second Ricoh Pro C9110 at drupa
Dutch print service provider Magneet Communicatiecentrum adds second heavy duty digital colour sheetfed press…

Datum picks Ricoh Pro C9110 press at drupa 2016
The Hatfield, UK cross media specialists signed the deal for the heavy duty colour press on Ricoh’s drupa stand…

Ten-colour KBA Rapida 106 bound for Wiesbaden
Druckerei Chmielorz from Wiesbaden, Germany, invested in a ten-colour Rapida 106 for 5-over-5 perfecting at drupa 2016…

First new QuadTech DeltaCam sale at drupa
First QuadTech DeltaCam and QuadTech Color Control with SpectralCam chosen for new Goss Thallo order for Russia…

Fri 24 June…   
Jeff Jacobson appointed to head Xerox Corporation
Xerox board appoints Jeff Jacobson to become CEO of Xerox Corporation following completion of separation…

drupa daily news issues 1 – 11 to download as PDFs
These eleven jam-packed drupa daily issues are ready to read now. We have them all here for you in our drupa Newsroom…

New Sun Technical Centre in Karlstein, Germany
Sun Chemical Advanced Materials and the DIC Corporation open new European PPS Technical Centre…

Largest FESPA Mexico event to date now sold out
Central America’s largest event dedicated to wide-format printing and textile decoration, 18 – 20 August 2016…

Fujifilm’s first Onset X3 sale at drupa to Bachman, Germany
Screen printer from North Rhine-Westphalia to boost capacity with the high-production Onset X3 with Hostert Automation…

Augustus Martin adds two Inca Onset X2s and one Onset X3
Fujifilm confirms triple Onset X series investment by Top-50 UK printer Augustus Martin at drupa 2016…

Second Fujifilm Jet Press 720S and Award for Straub Druck
Second Jet Press 720S investment from Straub Druck & Medien in Germany, plus ‘Jet Press Print Innovation Award’…

Another KBA Rapida 106 for Allied Printing at drupa
Allied Printing Services in Manchester/Connecticut, USA has ordered its fourth Rapida 106 within a period of just 48 months…

Mount Street Printers undertakes front to back investment
Royal Warrant Holder Mount Street Printers in Mayfair will take delivery of its largest Polar guillotine to date…

Modern Litho opts for latest XL 106 long perfector
Modern Litho, Jefferson City, USA signs for latest Speedmaster XL 106-5-LYYL-P+5+L technology at drupa…

Alphagraphics aims to triple productivity with drupa buys
AlphaGraphics Idaho Falls purchases full suite of Heidelberg products from Prinect Workflow to press to folding and finishing at drupa…

Last lead article from Friday in previous update…  

Last issue’s Friday lead article…

Manroland Web: Strong drupa performance with great prospects
The fully networked production for the future: Manroland Web Systems is very satisfied with its showing at drupa 2016…

GraphicRepro.Net e-News  (ISSN 1814-2923) is sponsored and made possible by:

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG  (Heidelberg), The world’s largest printing press manufacturer for the industry worldwide. Heidelberg customers enjoy the most comprehensive and extensive sales and service network in the industry for JDF compliant workflow, computer-to-plate, sheetfed offset, Web-to-print, digital printing, digital inkjet for labels and packaging, packaging and finishing, all with complementary consumables. Heidelberg has offices in around 170 countries. Visit the Heidelberg Website for more information.

drupa 2016 (drupa), the international flagship fair of the printing and media industry, responds to the challenges of the changing market and provides pioneering solutions for the future. This is highlighted by the new marketing and communication strategy where drupa claims its position as ‘No.1 for Print & Crossmedia Solutions’ with the slogan ‘touch the future’. The issues of ‘package printing’, ‘multichannel’, ‘green printing’, ‘3D printing’, and ‘functional printing’ will become increasingly important to the overall communication strategy. To find out more, visit the drupa 2016 Website.

Online Feature articles 2014 – 2016
There were again well over 70 last year, 90 in 2014, and 92 articles in 2013 which can still be accessed via the Index on the Home Page, with prior years’ via Search Archives (option 2).

Technology-related Chapter 02

Online Features May/Jun Chapter 05

Verdigris – Environmental Initiative

Laurel Brunner’s weekly Verdigris Blogs 2016

Environmental policies
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 24 Jun

Preparing for drupa 2020
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 17 Jun

Paperlab Update
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 10 Jun

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Sun 05 Jun

Drupa Newsroom
Our Drupa Newsroom with news from Messe Düsseldorf and for Drupa 2016 can be found in the Index. It is divided into the following Chapters for your convenience and ease of use… but you must scroll down to view each Chapter when you visit the Newsroom

drupa daily to download as PDFs
These jam-packed drupa daily news issues are ready to read now. You can download each one complete as a PDF…

drupa daily issue No 1 on 31 May 2016
Includes drupa President and Koenig & Bauer chief executive Claus Bolza-Schünemann’s Red Sofa chat with Thomas Fasold…

drupa daily issue No 2 on 1 June 2016
Includes Kodak chief executive Jeff Clarke talking to Darryl Danielli about the business’s evolution and how it’s getting back to its roots…

drupa daily issue No 3 on 2 June 2016
Includes Canon EMEA president and chief executive Rokus van Iperen’s talk with Darryl Danielli about the importance of merging cultures…

drupa daily issue No 4 on 3 June 2016
Includes Landa Digital Printing founder and chairman Benny Landa as he tells Darryl Danielli how he has been retired for 50-plus years…

drupa daily issue No 5 on 4 June 2016
Includes Enrique Lores, HP president of Imaging and Printing talking to Darryl Danielli about growth…

drupa daily issue No 6 on 5 June 2016
Includes Olaf Lorenz, GM of Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe, as he discusses the KM-C with Darryl Danielli…

drupa daily issue No 7 on 6 June 2016
Includes Jean-Pascal Bobst, chief executive of Swiss manufacturer
Bobst talking to Darryl Danielli about the importance of family…

drupa daily issue No 8 on 7 June 2016
Includes Eijiro Hori, president of post-press kit manufacturer Horizon sharing his thoughts on the importance of partnerships with Darryl Danielli…

drupa daily issue No 9 on 8 June 2016
Includes Massivit chief executive Avner Israeli emphasises to Darryl Danielli that printers should embrace the 3D opportunity sooner rather than later…

drupa daily issue No 10 on 9 June 2016
Includes Marabu chief executive York Boeder talking with Thomas Fasold about digitisation in printing and the strengths of screen printing…

drupa daily issue No 11 on 10 June 2016
Includes Wolfgang Kroplunik, head of business development & Western Europe, Uncoated Fine Paper at Mondi, talking with Thomas Fasold about paper and changing requirements in the digital transformation…

drupa 2016 Exhibitors’ show + post-show News
Latest additions can be accessed in our drupa Newsroom.

Decisive impulses for the global print industry at drupa 2016
drupa 2016 was a resounding success with excellent business deals concluded in an outstanding investment climate…

Finest finishing with the KBA Rapida RSP 106
Rotary screen printing made by KBA. Print finishing and for the first time post-press were major topics on the KBA stand at Drupa which recently closed its doors…

KBA at Drupa 2016 in Hall 16
Diversity in print with strong focus on digital and packaging and industrial functional printing, as well as innovative processes, such as LED-UV printing defined KBA’s stand…

KBA Flexodruck with water-based inks at drupa
The new NEO XD LR: Hybrid web press from KBA-Flexotecnica for all typical ink systems, and at drupa with low-migration water-based inks…

KBA posted positive half-time result from Drupa
Koenig & Bauer Group announced a positive verdict on group performance at half-time with high visitor numbers and new orders on schedule…

KBA RotaJET L-Series wins over Drupa visitors
At this year’s Drupa KBA-Digital & Web Solutions present the RotaJET L-series live in action several times a day…

KBA’s return to sheetfed flexo for corrugated
New-generation Corrugraph to be ‘Made in Germany’…

Canon Europe has its most successful drupa ever
Canon celebrates its most successful drupa ever as customers are inspired to extend their capabilities to unleash print…

Canon Europe impressed at drupa with industrial-scale live production
Canon shows leadership in continuous feed inkjet for industrial production print and book production on Hall 8a at drupa 2016…

Canon shows prototype ‘View & Cut’ with Océ ProCut devices
Canon Europe & Zünd Skandinavien show prototype ‘View & Cut’ solution to automate industrial wide-format finishing at drupa…

New Océ ColorStream 6000 Chroma debuted at drupa
Canon launches brand new Océ ColorStream 6000 Chroma continuous feed inkjet press at drupa 2016…

Océ Arizona 2200 UV Series launched at drupa
Canon launches Océ Arizona 2200 UV Series for best in class quality and productivity in flatbed printing…

Agfa: Workflow management in the cloud has many advantages
Agfa Graphics’ Apogee Cloud users minimise IT investments, saving costs and maximising flexibility…

Epson reports significant orders at successful drupa
Epson increases production to meet high demand after biggest ever showcase for its complete range of inkjet printers at drupa…

Kodak announces Prinergy Workflow partnerships at drupa
Kodak confirms partnerships with Komori, Konica Minolta, Landa and Ricoh, extends reach of Prinergy workflow…

Kodak Prosper Stream Inkjet integration shown at drupa
Kodak announces Prosper OEM partnerships with Manroland Web Systems and Matti Technology…

Kodak’s new NexPress ZX Digital Production Colour Presses
NexPress Opaque White Dry Ink and the ‘Max Platform’ – the next-generation NexPress Colour Platform…

Manroland Web Systems’ flexible, compact press premieres at drupa 2016
At drupa 2016, Manroland Web Systems presented its new newspaper press: the more compact Geoman e:line…

CHILI publish celebrates success at drupa 2016
CHILI publish conducted demonstrations of its latest CHILI publisher online editor and the new CHILI rendro solution to crowds that packed the stand…

Hybrid Software’s innovation stands out at drupa
The fastest growing software company in the graphic arts sector has announced record-breaking results from drupa2016…

Display design simplified with ArtiosCAD Display Store
New online portal delivers professional, pre-tested, standard designs for quick-start business opportunities…

MarcomCentral’s new tool debuted by Ricoh at drupa
MarcomCentral empowers users to seamlessly submit jobs and helps simplify print providers’ workflow…

Müller Martini and Enfocus team up for Connex
Enfocus and Müller Martini team up to enhance book production with Enfocus Switch to Connex LineControl for SigmaLine process management…

Ricoh launches TotalFlow DFE for sheetfed presses
Ricoh has announced that TotalFlow Print Server R-61/R-61A, a new printer Digital Front End, will be launched globally for Ricoh sheetfed colour presses…

AVT’s Jet-IQ to be integrated on EFI’s Nozomi C18000
EFI chooses AVT as strategic partner for integrated inkjet print quality control for the new corrugated board inkjet press…

Manroland Web Systems in good shape at drupa 2016
Manroland Web Systems presented its financial results, strategy and technological highlights at its drupa press conference.

Screen introduces new inkjet inks for coated paper at drupa
Screen develops inks that enable printing on coated paper using high-speed roll-fed inkjet presses…

Screen revamps its after-sales management system
Screen expands new IoT and cloud-based service system: TRUST Service Desk to further improve customer satisfaction…

Screen Truepress Jet520NX finalised for drupa preview debut
New high-speed roll-fed inkjet press drives growth of digital printing business with newly-developed printhead, to launch in early 2017…

Screen’s new high-throughput eight-page CTP at drupa
New series delivers class-leading productivity of 70 plates per hour; for release immediately after drupa…

Fujifilm and Heidelberg target growth potential of the industry
Successful partnership between Fujifilm and Heidelberg confirmed as CEOs agree to target growth potential of the industry…

Manroland: Strong drupa performance with great prospects
The fully networked production for the future: Manroland Web Systems is very satisfied with drupa 2016…

Muller Martini’s drupa leaves a convincing impression
Muller Martini CEO, Bruno Müller, looks back at the company’s successful participation at drupa 2016…

Print makes strong comeback at the ‘Best drupa’ since 2000
Claus Bolza-Schünemann, CEO and president of Koenig & Bauer (KBA) and drupa president 2016, announced a decidedly positive closing verdict…

Kodak demonstrates leadership through innovation at drupa
Kodak generates significant industry buzz at the largest print show on earth with outstanding results at 181% of target…

Decisive impulses for the global print industry at drupa 2016
drupa 2016 was a resounding success with excellent business deals concluded in an outstanding investment climate…

drupa to stick to its proven 4-year cycle
The No. 1 trade fair for print and cross-media solutions to be held in Düsseldorf again from 23 June to 3 July 2020…

Agfa Graphic’s next generation thermal plate system
Always innovating, Agfa Graphics announced its new generation thermal plates solution at drupa 2016…

EFI adds new, scalable blade-based Fiery DFEs
Power the latest generation of ultra high-speed inkjet presses supporting packaging and transactional applications…

EFI launches new, cloud-based Fiery Navigator software
A new cloud-based product that gives digital print service providers insight into their production data…

EFI newest Midmarket Print Suite European debut at drupa
The updated Productivity Suite, with EFI Pace as the core MIS and a rich collection of print specific components, delivers certified, end-to-end business and production workflows…

EFI’s advanced portfolio showcased in Hall 9 at drupa
Fuelling Customer Success: EFI’s Breakthrough New Digital Print Platforms at drupa spark New ‘Imaging of Things’ opportunities for Print Providers…

EFI’s Groundbreaking LED inkjet single-pass platform for corrugated
EFI launches revolutionary single-pass inkjet press for high-speed corrugated board production…

Heidelberg’s ‘Simply Smart’ motto for drupa 2016
drupa 2016: Heidelberg continues growth course – new market opportunities in the digital age…

Heidelberg Cloud forms the basis for future-oriented services
Smart Collaboration: Heidelberg Cloud, Heidelberg Assistant, and Heidelberg eShop are setting new standards in customer/supplier relationships…

Heidelberg’s Primefire 106: World premiere for industrial inkjet
drupa 2016: With the Primefire 106 Heidelberg presented a world premiere for industrial inkjet printing in 700 x 1000 format…

HP unleashes industry-leading digital printing portfolio
At drupa, HP reimagines possibilities of printing with new Pagewide, Indigo, HP JetFusion 3D printing solutions and more…

NXP Europe invests in new DM-Liner from Leonhard Kurz
British digital printing company NXP Europe is first worldwide to invest in B2 format Digital Metal technology from Leonhard Kurz…

Push to Stop – Heidelberg makes autonomous printing a reality
The new generation Speedmaster ushered in a paradigm shift in industrial print production with its new ‘Push to Stop’ operating philosophy…

World premiere of the new drupa-generation Speedmaster XL 106
Peak performance redefined: drupa-generation Speedmaster XL 106 revolutionises industrial print production…

drupa 2016 News from Exhibitors (now in alphabetical order)
The full series can now be accessed in our drupa Newsroom in alphabetical order.

post-drupa 2016 News from Messe Düsseldorf

Decisive impulses for the global print industry at drupa
drupa 2016 was a resounding success with excellent business deals concluded in an outstanding investment climate…

drupa to stick to its proven 4-year cycle
The No. 1 trade fair for print and cross-media solutions to be held in Düsseldorf again from 23 June to 3 July 2020…

drupa ante portas Blogs 2016
Includes the tenth and final article in this series from Andreas Weber in Mainz, Germany…

drupa 2016 Expert Articles – and more
Includes the tenth and final article in this series from Claus Bolza-Schünemann, CEO and president of Koenig & Bauer (KBA) and drupa president 2016…

FESPA Newsroom
The dedicated FESPA Newsroom can be found via the Index on our Home Page.

FESPA Federation News in 2016

Largest FESPA Mexico to date now sold out
Central America’s largest event dedicated to wide-format printing and textile decoration, 18 – 20 August 2016…

The Graphic Repro On-line Website is supported and sponsored by: 

Antalis South Africa, Canon SA, Screen Europe,  Drupa 2016,  Esko,  FESPA.  Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG,  HP Graphic So lutions, Kemtek Imaging Systems,  Krause-Biagosch,  Leonhard Kurz Stiftung,   Manroland Web Systems GmbH, Muller Martini AG,  Ricoh Europe,  Sappi LimitedThunderbolt Solutions, and UPM-Kymmene.

If you would like to send news for consideration for the Graphic Repro On-line Website (ISSN 1814-2915) or to submit comments, please e-mail Mike Hilton at:

Our Website urls are:

GraphicRepro.Net e-News (ISSN 1814-2923)  provides weekly updates from the Graphic Repro On-line Website and is  compiled and published by Mike Hilton, graphicrepro.netPO Box 10 Peterburgskoe Shosse 13/1, 196605 Pushkin 5, St. Petersburg, Russia.  e-mail

drupa2016 ValuePublshing Review Social Media Heroes.001

Great work. Great tweets. Great results. And a lot of fun beyond technology by LOVRA’s amazing chill-out sessions. Last but not least: Many THANKS to the Xerox Social Media team members Stefan, Bill, Jenna.

#drupa2016 Review: Print wins! If…

Dear friends of drupa!

Please read and share our unique series of #drupa2016 reports. We are proud to enable a real multimedia and multichannel experience. And we are happy to interact with a huge global audience covering 120+ countries.

Kick-off: splendid #drupa2016

Our ValuePUBLISHING TRILOGY — a quite critical, selective analysis looking back at the splendid #drupa2016 (in german language)

Topics Outline Overview:
• Part 1 – Proof of concept: Does the printing community communicates properly?
• Part 2 – Crucial: Reduce to the max — don’t get lost in details!
• Part 3 – The crux of the matter: #unleashprint 


Back to the future: Some fun

#drupa2050 — TX to Benny: Touch the future again and again…
#drupa2050 — Danke, Benny! Touch the future again and again…

Enjoy ValuePUBLISHING’s #Storify stories the most valuable way to catch up all major topics of #drupa2016 in a smart multimedia format. Convenient to navigate, wonderful to explore and easy to share. Our guideline: Less is more — so reduce to the max!


Note: We are proud of the fact that around the globe hundreds of thousands of unique viewers follow us already and interact with our content — shared via Twitter (@ValueCommAG plus @zeitenwende007), Facebook, LinkedIn, XING and Google+. — More than 70 % of our viewers are leading innovators dedicated to all kind of graphic communications applications. 



The secret of #drupa2016 in 20 sec. — Summary by Andreas Weber, Head of Value.




drupa2016 REVIEW — ValuePublishing Storify:
All about the role of print in the communications mix

drupa2016 — ValuePublishing Storify:
Pre-drupa media conference March 2016





drupa2016 — ValuePublishing Storify:
Ready for #unleashprint? YES WE CAN(on)

drupa2016 — ValuePublishing Storify:
Heideldruck back to profitable growth

drupa2016 — ValuePublishing Storify:
Heideldruck Press Conference Feb 2016

drupa2016 — ValuePublishing Storify:
PitneyBowes reinvented mail (live at drupa may/June 2016)

drupa2016 – ValuePublishing Storify:
Objectif Lune put business communications to the next level

drupa2016 — ValuePublishing Storify:
Automated Digital Cutting made by Zünd Systemtechnik


Das Geheimnis der #drupa2016 in 23 Sekunden — Von Andreas Weber, Head of Value.


In addition for extended reading check out our focused trend reports via ValueBlog posts by Andreas Weber

Note: Almost all Blog posts are available in english and german.


ValuePublishing Storify Review 18062016.001

As well you can find a whole series of ValueDialog stories:

ValueDialog — Christian Kopocz: “Multichannel ensures relevance!”

To get access to more ValueDialog stories use our Blog search tool.


Value Publishing About @drupa2016.001



Graphic Repro On-line News Review to Friday 17 June 2016

Welcome to this first post-drupa news roundup, with over 50 news items for you in the headlines since last Monday, plus late additions to the pre-drupa News in our own dedicated Newsroom from Asahi, Fujifilm and Agfa Graphics, and another important initial 20 ‘at-show and post-show’ announcements… from Heidelberg, Koenig & Bauer, Kodak, EFI, Muller Martini, Leonhard Kurz, Manroland Web Systems, and Fujifilm with Heidelberg; and especially from drupa 2016 show organiser Messe Düsseldorf with its end-of-show closing announcement, following what has been described as ‘the best drupa since 2000’. This drupa article also contains 21 endorsements and personal comments from key exhibitors, such as Guy Gecht, EFI; Benny Landa; Gerold Linzbach, Heidelberg; Jean-Pascal Bobst; Francois Martin, HP; John Blyth, Ricoh Europe; and 15 others. All of the above articles and announcements do not include the mass of at-show sales successes which appeared in our daily news columns throughout the week – with masses still to come, and with more still arriving on a daily basis.

What is the secret of #drupa2016 in 20 sec. — Summary by Andreas Weber, Head of Value.

Then we have a really exciting new addition for you in our drupa Newsroom. If you weren’t at the show, or even if you were at this year’s event in Düsseldorf, you can now get your hands on all nine daily issues of the drupa daily show magazine, with complete PDFs of each issue to download. These are jam-packed with news and highlights and a daily ‘Red Sofa’ interview with key exhibitors’ starting with drupa President and Koenig & Bauer chief executive Claus Bolza-Schünemann; followed by Canon EMEA president and chief executive Rokus van Iperen; Benny Landa; Enrique Lores, HP president of Imaging and Printing; Konica Minolta’s Olaf Lorenz general manager Business Solutions Europe; Jean-Pascal Bobst; Eijiro Hori, president of post-press kit manufacturer Horizon; Kodak chief executive Jeff Clarke, and lastly, Marabu chief exec utive York Boeder, talking to two of Europe’s top trade press editors: Thomas Fasold of Druck&Medien, Germany; and Daryl Danielli, of PrintWeek UK. 

The drupa daily also includes some of the hottest show technology, sales and products that were the buzz words at drupa 2016, sourced, curated and produced by a team of the industry’s leading journalists throughout the show. Comments and rumours, photos and all that made it ten fantastic days at drupa and in drupacity Düsseldorf.
The world’s biggest and most important trade fair for print and cross-media solutions also announced that it is to stick to its proven four-year cycle and drupa will be held again in Düsseldorf from Tuesday, 23 June, to Friday, 3 July 2020. 
Please scroll down very carefully this week. You will also find three Verdigris Blogs from Laurel Brunner, all published since our last update. There is a message from Laurel in her most recent Blog for the drupa organisers, who missed a great opportunity in not taking a sustainability lead at this year’s event, and hopes the environment will be in sharper focus in 2020.
I hope you enjoy this week’s selection.
Until next time, when I shall strive to bring you lots more.
My best regards,
Mike Hilton

Our e-News comprises:  Headline News – Online Feature Articles – the Verdigris initiative from Digital Dots. Our Drupa and FESPA Newsrooms can be accessed from the Index on our Home Page, as well as News in Review, which provides a weekly overview and listing of all news added to the site. 

Headline News
Over 28,000 news items have now gone online since we launched our Website in September 2001. News for the past 24 months can still be accessed via the Home Page and its continuation news pages 

Mon 13 June…   
Decisive impulses for the global print industry at drupa 2016
drupa 2016 was a resounding success with excellent business deals concluded in an outstanding investment climate…

Novus Holdings South Africa adds Kodak Prosper S-Series
Kodak and Novus Holdings South Africa celebrate biggest Kodak Prosper Installation in Southern Hemisphere at drupa 2016…

Caxton and CTP in African first with Kodak Prosper Inkjet
Kodak and Thunderbolt Solutions to Change the Face of Leading South African Newspapers with Prosper S-Series variable inkjet…

NXP Europe invests in new DM-Liner from Leonhard Kurz
British digital printing company NXP Europe is first worldwide to invest in B2 format Digital Metal technology from Leonhard Kurz…

Ricoh SA dedicates June as Eco Action Month
Ricoh puts the green muscle of over 100 000 employees globally, behind World Environment Day on Sunday 5 June…

EDP Awards Heidelberg Omnifire 250 for colour 4D printing
The European Digital Press Association selected the Omnifire 250 4D printing system for ‘Technical Committee Award’ 2016…

New super-fast Epson SureColor printer wins EDP Award
Epson’s new SureColor SC-P20000 won ‘Best Photographic Printer’ at the European Digital Press Association Awards…

Rotometrics European Open House in September 2016
BPIF Labels to partner this key biennial event in the label calendar since 2012, with additional 40% space for this year…

The next InPrint in Munich, Germany in 2017
From 14 to 16 November, InPrint offers exhibitors a platform for showing cutting-edge printing technology…

drupa to stick to its proven 4-year cycle
The No. 1 trade fair for print and cross-media solutions to be held in Düsseldorf again from 23 June to 3 July 2020…

Tue 14 June…   
Sappi continues move to biomaterials and bio-energy
Sappi to construct a second-generation renewable sugar extraction demonstration plant at its Ngodwana Mill in South Africa…

Print makes strong comeback at the ‘Best drupa since 2000’
Claus Bolza-Schünemann, CEO and president of Koenig & Bauer and drupa president 2016, announced a positive closing verdict…

Heidelberg on course for growth
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG set the course for growth and sustained profitability in the financial year 2015/2016…

CTP Printers Cape Town launches new Lithoman IV
Special 24 hour print event in May at CTP Printers Cape Town introduced the latest Manroland Lithoman IV web press…

Kodak demonstrates leadership through innovation at drupa
Kodak generates significant industry buzz at the largest print show on earth with outstanding results 181% of target…

BHS Corrugated and Screen announce partnership
Screen and BHS to develop high-volume inline industrial digital printing solution for the corrugated board industry…

Adare SEC to add two full-colour Ricoh Pro VC60000s
UK-based Adare SEC makes multi-million pound commitment to colour personalisation with two Ricoh Pro VC60000s at drupa 2016…

EDC Expert first to invest in Ricoh Pro VC60000
EDC Expert (former Emerson DC) invests in Eastern Europe’s first Ricoh Pro VC60000 continuous feed inkjet platform…

Antalis Packaging offers free audits in UK
Free comprehensive packaging auditing services now available through latest Antalis Packaging investment…

Tipografic signs drupa order for Christmas delivery
Label producer Tipografic signs with Heidelberg UK for latest Speedmaster XL 106-7+L, Polar 115 Autotrim, and Bander…

Wed 15 June…   
Muller Martini’s drupa leaves a convincing impression
Muller Martini CEO, Bruno Müller, looks back at the company’s successful participation at drupa 2016 and Finishing 4.0…

Springfield buys third Screen Truepress digital label press
Springfield Solutions, UK, invests in third Truepress Jet L350UV press at drupa to keep pace with steady growth…

Heidelberg grows with digital as 1000th Versafire sold
Heidelberg has sold its 1000th Versafire digital printing system worldwide (formerly named Linoprint prior to drupa)…

Ricoh SA has chosen to focus on the Western Cape
Ricoh SA Western Cape assembles top industry teams for services-led operations in document imaging and production print…

Mimaki hat-trick at European Digital Press Awards
Accolades for Mimaki UJV55-320, Mimaki UJF-7151 plus and Mimaki TX300P-1800 at the EDP Awards presented at drupa 2016…

Agfa Graphics Jeti Mira recognised in EDP Awards
European Digital Press Association rewards Agfa Jeti Mira as ‘Best wide-format flatbed printer up to 250 sq/m hour’…

SPGPrints PIKE digital textile printer wins EDP Award
SPGPrints’s PIKE digital textile printer has won the European Digital Press Award for ‘Best Industrial Textile Solution’…

Canon South Africa makes moves to become carbon neutral
Canon SA is steadfast in its commitment to optimise resource efficiency and contribute to environmental sustainability…

EFI and Esko to bring combined workflow solution to market
EFI and Esko announced a LOI at drupa for workflow collaboration in the high-growth packaging segment…

Ricoh partners with EFI Vutek for large-format inkjet
Ricoh partners with EFI Vutek to offer market-leading large-format flatbed printing solutions…

Thu 16 June…   
HP’s largest customer deal in HP Indigo history
Shutterfly signs for 25 HP Indigo 12000 Digital Presses to capture 2016 holiday peak season production demands…

UPM: Students need fluent reading skills
The Finnish Reading Centre to organise 100 literacy workshops for technical studies students with UPM’s support…

EDP Awards with three product wins for HP Inc. at drupa
HP SmartStream Mosaic, HP PrintOS and HP DesignJet T830 were each named the best product in their category…

Exclusive carbon-neutral Eco-Range boxes from Antalis
Antalis Packaging in the UK has launched its Eco-Range of single wall corrugated box products…

LED-UV and perfecting from KBA bound for Glasgow
Two Rapida 106s for J Thomson Colour Printers in a two-press deal signed at drupa: a six colour and a ten-colour…

World’s first Book of One Bookline for NBD Biblion
The world’s first Muller Martini Diamant MC Digital Book of One Bookline goes to NBD Biblion in The Netherlands…

CEWE adds three Versafire CPs from Heidelberg
Europe’s biggest photo service provider CEWE chooses Versafire CP digital printing systems from Heidelberg…

Vale Press unveils B2 expansion with drupa purchase
Huge success following its move into B2 two years ago has led Vale Press back to Heidelberg…

Two iconic newspapers now printed in Turenki, Finland
Hansaprint prints Financial Times and International New York Times on the World’s First Ricoh Pro VC60000…

Crossprint adds perfect binding to support new business
Isle of Wight commercial printer adds Horizon perfect binder and three-side trimmer to expand in-house services…

Fri 17 June…   
Manroland Web: Strong drupa performance with great prospects
The fully networked production for the future: Manroland Web Systems is very satisfied with its showing at drupa 2016…

EFI acquires Optitex and its 3D design technology
EFI acquires emerging and fast-growing Optitex to extend its leadership in the digital transformation of the textile industry…

Konica Minolta wins two cut-sheet EDP Awards
Konica Minolta’s new AccurioJet KM-1 sheetfed B2+ UV inkjet digital press and bizhub PRESS C71hc awarded…

From web to corrugated with Highcon Axis at LxBxH
Beta site LxBxH Verpackung, has gone live with its online customisable corrugated box ordering system…

World’s first LED-UV on high speed web offset press
The Goss M-600 press surpasses expectations with first installation of LED UV drying and VITS Sheeter…

Walsh snaps up Heidelberg’s new high output Stahlfolder
First Irish company to purchase the new Stahlfolder TH 82-P that was launched by Heidelberg at drupa…

CFI Technologies orders second Ricoh Pro VC60000
Galiote Prenant Group has ordered a second line just months after becoming first in France with a Ricoh Pro VC60000…

IME by Estimprim orders KBA Rapida 105 PRO
Eight-colour KBA B1 perfector for French book specialist…

KMS Litho seeks digital expansion with Versafire CV
KMS Litho undertook extensive research into digital options and came down in favour of the Heidelberg Versafire CV…

Micropress orders Primera MC saddle stitcher at drupa
The new Muller Martini Primera MC will boost Micropress UK’s productivity…

Last lead article from previous update…  

Last issue’s lead article…

UPM is changing its corporate structure in Finland
UPM-Kymmene Corporation is proceeding with the plan announced last December, to change its corporate structure in Finland…

GraphicRepro.Net e-News  (ISSN 1814-2923) is sponsored and made possible by:

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG  (Heidelberg), The world’s largest printing press manufacturer for the industry worldwide. Heidelberg customers enjoy the most comprehensive and extensive sales and service network in the industry for JDF compliant workflow, computer-to-plate, sheetfed offset, Web-to-print, digital printing, digital inkjet for labels and packaging, packaging and finishing, all with complementary consumables. Heidelberg has offices in around 170 countries. Visit the Heidelberg Website for more information.

drupa 2016 (drupa), the international flagship fair of the printing and media industry, responds to the challenges of the changing market and provides pioneering solutions for the future. This is highlighted by the new marketing and communication strategy where drupa claims its position as ‘No.1 for Print & Crossmedia Solutions’ with the slogan ‘touch the future’. The issues of ‘package printing’, ‘multichannel’, ‘green printing’, ‘3D printing’, and ‘functional printing’ will become increasingly important to the overall communication strategy. To find out more, visit the drupa 2016 Website.

Online Feature articles 2014 – 2016
There were again well over 70 last year, 90 in 2014, and 92 articles in 2013 which can still be accessed via the Index on the Home Page, with prior years’ via Search Archives (option 2).

Technology-related Chapter 02

Asahi mini-white paper: Water- vs Solvent-washable
Making flexographic printing more sustainable and efficient with water-washable flexo plates as compared to conventional solvent-washable plates…

Online Features May/Jun Chapter 05

Canon SA a sponsor for South African Disabled Golf Open
Canon SA was proudly part of the 2016 Nedbank South African SA Disabled Golf Open at Zwartkop Country Club in Pretoria from 2 to 4 May 2016…

Verdigris – Environmental Initiative

Laurel Brunner’s weekly Verdigris Blogs 2016

Preparing for drupa 2020
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 17 Jun

Paperlab Update
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 10 Jun

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Sun 05 Jun

Drupa Newsroom
Our Drupa Newsroom with news from Messe Düsseldorf and for Drupa 2016 can be found in the Index. It is divided into the following Chapters for your convenience and ease of use… but you must scroll down to view each Chapter when you visit the Newsroom

drupa daily to download as PDFs
These jam-packed drupa daily news issues are ready to read now. You can download each one complete as a PDF…

drupa daily issue No 1 on 31 May 2016
Includes drupa President and Koenig & Bauer chief executive Claus Bolza-Schünemann’s Red Sofa chat with Thomas Fasold…

drupa daily issue No 2 on 2 June 2016
Includes Canon EMEA president and chief executive Rokus van Iperen’s talk with Darryl Danielli about the importance of merging cultures…

drupa daily issue No 3 on 3 June 2016
Includes Landa Digital Printing founder and chairman Benny Landam as he tells Darryl Danielli how he has been retired for 50-plus years…

drupa daily issue No 4 on 4 June 2016
Includes Enrique Lores, HP president of Imaging and Printing talking to Darryl Danielli about growth…

drupa daily issue No 5 on 5 June 2016
Includes Olaf Lorenz, GM of Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe, as he discusses the KM-C with Darryl Danielli…

drupa daily issue No 6 on 6 June 2016
Includes Jean-Pascal Bobst, chief executive of Swiss manufacturer
Bobst talking to Darryl Danielli about the importance of family…

drupa daily issue No 7 on 7 June 2016
Includes Eijiro Hori, president of post-press kit manufacturer Horizon sharing his thoughts on the importance of partnerships with Darryl Danielli…

drupa daily issue No 8 on 8 June 2016
Includes Kodak chief executive Jeff Clarke talking to Darryl Danielli about the business’s evolution and how it’s getting back to its roots…

drupa daily issue No 9 on 9 June 2016
Includes Marabu chief executive York Boeder talking with Thomas Fasold about digitisation in printing and the strengths of screen printing…

drupa 2016 Exhibitors’ show + post-show News
Latest additions can be accessed in our drupa Newsroom.

Fujifilm and Heidelberg target growth potential of the industry
Successful partnership between Fujifilm and Heidelberg confirmed as CEOs agree to target growth potential of the industry…

Manroland: Strong drupa performance with great prospects
The fully networked production for the future: Manroland Web Systems is very satisfied with drupa 2016…

Muller Martini’s drupa leaves a convincing impression
Muller Martini CEO, Bruno Müller, looks back at the company’s successful participation at drupa 2016…

Print makes strong comeback at the ‘Best drupa’ since 2000
Claus Bolza-Schünemann, CEO and president of Koenig & Bauer (KBA) and drupa president 2016, announced a decidedly positive closing verdict…

Kodak demonstrates leadership through innovation at drupa
Kodak generates significant industry buzz at the largest print show on earth with outstanding results at 181% of target…

Decisive impulses for the global print industry at drupa 2016
drupa 2016 was a resounding success with excellent business deals concluded in an outstanding investment climate…

drupa to stick to its proven 4-year cycle
The No. 1 trade fair for print and cross-media solutions to be held in Düsseldorf again from 23 June to 3 July 2020…

Agfa Graphic’s next generation thermal plate system
Always innovating, Agfa Graphics announced its new generation thermal plates solution at drupa 2016…

EFI adds new, scalable blade-based Fiery DFEs
Power the latest generation of ultra high-speed inkjet presses supporting packaging and transactional applications…

EFI launches new, cloud-based Fiery Navigator software
A new cloud-based product that gives digital print service providers insight into their production data…

EFI newest Midmarket Print Suite European debut at drupa
The updated Productivity Suite, with EFI Pace as the core MIS and a rich collection of print specific components, delivers certified, end-to-end business and production workflows…

EFI’s advanced portfolio showcased in Hall 9 at drupa
Fueling Customer Success: EFI’s Breakthrough New Digital Print Platforms at drupa spark New ‘Imaging of Things’ opportunities for Print Providers…

EFI’s Groundbreaking LED inkjet single-pass platform for corrugated
EFI launches revolutionary single-pass inkjet press for high-speed corrugated board production…

Heidelberg’s ‘Simply Smart’ motto for drupa 2016
drupa 2016: Heidelberg continues growth course – new market opportunities in the digital age…

Heidelberg Cloud forms the basis for future-oriented services
Smart Collaboration: Heidelberg Cloud, Heidelberg Assistant, and Heidelberg eShop are setting new standards in customer/supplier relationships…

Heidelberg’s Primefire 106: World premiere for industrial inkjet
drupa 2016: With the Primefire 106 Heidelberg presented a world premiere for industrial inkjet printing in 700 x 1000 format…

HP unleashes industry-leading digital printing portfolio
At drupa, HP reimagines possibilities of printing with new Pagewide, Indigo, HP JetFusion 3D printing solutions and more…

NXP Europe invests in new DM-Liner from Leonhard Kurz
British digital printing company NXP Europe is first worldwide to invest in B2 format Digital Metal technology from Leonhard Kurz…

Push to Stop – Heidelberg makes autonomous printing a reality
The new generation Speedmaster ushered in a paradigm shift in industrial print production with its new ‘Push to Stop’ operating philosophy…

World premiere of the new drupa-generation Speedmaster XL 106
Peak performance redefined: drupa-generation Speedmaster XL 106 revolutionises industrial print production…

drupa ante portas Blogs 2016
The tenth and final article in this series from Andreas Weber in Mainz, Germany…

drupa ante portas: Big Data Up Close
Digital technologies impact the entire cosmos of print media and complete workflow, too. By Andreas Weber, Mainz/Germany…

drupa 2016 News from Exhibitors (now in alphabetical order)
Latest additions can now be accessed in our drupa Newsroom.

Asahi: Gearing Up for drupa 2016
At Asahi Photoproducts, we are busy getting ready for drupa. We hope we will see you there; we’ll be located in Hall 11, stand A60, at the show, and we have some great technologies to share!…

Fujifilm ‘5D Printing Strategy’ at drupa 2016
Fujifilm to unveil its 5D Printing Strategy at drupa 2016 in partnership with EPAC Technologies…

Agfa to demo new Arkitex Production at drupa
Agfa Graphics announces latest Arkitex Production newspaper prepress workflow to be demonstrated at drupa in Hall 8a…

post-drupa 2016 News from Messe Düsseldorf

Decisive impulses for the global print industry at drupa
drupa 2016 was a resounding success with excellent business deals concluded in an outstanding investment climate…

drupa to stick to its proven 4-year cycle
The No. 1 trade fair for print and cross-media solutions to be held in Düsseldorf again from 23 June to 3 July 2020…

FESPA Newsroom
The dedicated FESPA Newsroom can be found via the Index on our Home Page.

FESPA Federation News in 2016

The Graphic Repro On-line Website is supported and sponsored by: 

Antalis South Africa, Canon SA, Screen Europe,  Drupa 2016,  Esko,  FESPA.  Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG,  HP Graphic So lutions, Kemtek Imaging Systems,  Krause-Biagosch,  Leonhard Kurz Stiftung,   Manroland Web Systems GmbH, Muller Martini AG,  Ricoh Europe,  Sappi LimitedThunderbolt Solutions, and UPM-Kymmene.

If you would like to send news for consideration for the Graphic Repro On-line Website (ISSN 1814-2915) or to submit comments, please e-mail Mike Hilton at:


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Graphic Repro On-line News Review to Friday 27 May 2016

Welcome to another roundup of 38 news highlights for the past week together with another 24 new articles pre-drupa articles from Exhibitors, bringing the total so far to around 238; plus a further 61 from Messe Dusseldorf, along with 10 Expert Articles from ten of the world’s leading graphic arts-related editors and journalists, and ten drupa ante portas Blogs from Andreas Weber in Mainz.

I wasn’t going to send another e-News before drupa, which opens its doors next Tuesday, with now less than four days to go to the world’s biggest event this year, but so many really excellent news articles and important announcements came in, I just had to. Hence my reason for sending it today, as I shall already be in drupacity Düsseldorf on Monday, preparing for the pre-show press conferences. As one of drupa’s Media Partners for this year’s event, we will obviously try to bring you as much post-show news as possible – but only after the show finishes.

Key news leaders this week include KBA on Monday, as it announced plans to takeover die-cutter manufacturer Iberica AG S.A. in Barcelona. Spain. A second article from KBA announced its surprise partnership with Xerox, which will see a first-of-Its-kind 1060mm sheetfed press – that’s digital – using Impika inkjet on a Rapida platform, debuted at drupa next week.

On Tuesday Leonhard Kurz led with its plans to add a transfer unit with inkjet technology to its product line for digital print finishing; the DM Liner UV, and to be debuted at drupa in three Halls. On Wednesday we had Heidelberg and Masterwork announce the new Masterwork postpress products for packaging and commercial printers to be launched at drupa 2016 in Hall 1.

Thursday saw Manroland Web Systems lead, as it prepares to welcome customers and other visitors to its stand in Hall 14. While on Friday (today) UPM-Kymmene Corporation announced that it is proceeding with its plan announced last December, to change its corporate structure in Finland; but there’s lots more if you check them out carefully as you scroll down.

Some magnificent sales and installations this week included KBA on Thursday, as B&K Offsetdruck in Germany orders a further Compacta C16 16pp commercial web press; while Precision Printing in the UK has upgraded its Horizon StitchLiner to a new 5500 system. On Friday, German web-to-print giant, PosterXXL became the first in Europe to invest in two Jet Press 720S B2 digital inkjet presses from Fujifilm; while Garvey Group West in the United States has added its third Rapida 205 large-format six-colour press at its Los Angeles facility. Packaging printer Cartotecnica Jesina in Ancona Province in Italy, has added its second six-colour large-format Roland 900 from Manroland Sheetfed; while TRESU has received an order from WestRock in the US for an eight-colour hybrid Flexo Innovator press to be installed later this year.

Please check out the rest carefully as there really are some good articles and announcements this week, including my choice of tailender (Tuesday), which goes to the House of Besserat de Bellefon, which has chosen Sappi’s ultra-bright white Algro Design carton board to showcase its iconic Champagne.

That’s all until next time, which will definitely be after drupa when things will eventually get back to normal again. I hope you find more of interest among the links below.
With my best regards, 
Mike Hilton 


Our e-News comprises:  Headline News – Online Feature Articles – the Verdigris initiative from Digital Dots. Our Drupa and FESPA Newsrooms can be accessed from the Index on our Home Page, as well as News in Review, which provides a weekly overview and listing of all news added to the site.

Headline News
Over 28,000 news items have now gone online since we launched our Website in September 2001. News for the past 24 months can still be accessed via the Home Page and its continuation news pages

Mon 23 May…   
KBA plans takeover of die-cutter manufacturer Iberica
Portfolio expansion in growth market packaging with the takeover of Iberica AG S.A. in Barcelona. Spain…

KBA Rapida platform integrated with Xerox Impika inkjet
KBA and Xerox partnership to target folding carton market with first-of-Its-kind 1060mm sheetfed press – that’s digital…

Heidelberg announces successful collaboration with PTC
Heidelberg invests in PTC cloud-based service solutions to take its digitisation to the next level…

drupa ante portas: Focus Packaging – Selling is everything!
More than half of all packaging volume worldwide is attributed to printed packaging – and the trend is rising. By Andreas Weber…

Enfocus at drupa: Disruptive solutions that ensure success
At drupa 2016, Enfocus will showcase solutions that transform how business gets done, to ensure success for users globally…

Drupa collaboration between Duplo International and HP
Duplo International will be present on the HP stand at drupa in Hall 17, showcasing connectivity between print and finishing…

Taopix announces HP PrintOS collaboration
UK software developer Taopix has announced its commitment to the HP PrintOS cloud-based operating system…

Tue 24 May…   
Kurz: New DM-Liner UV Inkjet for digital metallisation
Leonhard Kurz adds a transfer unit with inkjet technology to its product line for digital print finishing; to be debuted at drupa in 3 Halls…

EFI to provide Fiery DFEs for Riso inkjet printers
EFI and Riso Kagaku partner to bring Fiery digital front ends to Riso ComColor inkjet technology printers…

drupa ante portas: Big Data Up Close
Digital technologies impact the entire cosmos of print media and complete workflow, too. By Andreas Weber, Mainz/Germany…

KBA-Metronic and DataLase in strategic partnership
KBA-Metronic and DataLase partnership aims to further the development of high-speed inline digital printing solutions…

Esko at the core of a broad packaging print ecosystem
Collaboration with packaging print ecosystem partners and engagement in numerous drupa 2016 events underlines Esko as a preferred supplier in packaging, label, signage and display production…

Heidelberg’s new generation Stahlfolder TH/KH 82-P at drupa
New users of the new Stahlfolder TH 82-P folding machine report higher productivity and better process planning…

Agfa Anapurna i air-cooled LED UV to debut at drupa
Anapurna i-series LED wide-format inkjet printers from Agfa Graphics to be launched at drupa 2016 in Hall 8a..

A toast to Sappi’s ultra-bright white Algro Design
House of Besserat de Bellefon has chosen Sappi’s carton board to showcase its iconic Champagne…

Wed 25 May…   
Heidelberg and Masterwork postpress at drupa
Heidelberg and Masterwork showcasing new postpress products for packaging and commercial printers at drupa 2016…

Thinking at the leading edge with FINAT
Strategic insights characterise FINAT 2016 European Label Forum taking place in Amsterdam, 16 – 18 June…

Canon SA a sponsor for South African Disabled Golf Open
Canon SA was proudly part of the 2016 Nedbank South African SA Disabled Golf Open at Zwartkop Country Club in Pretoria…

Agfa launches version 10 of the Apogee print hub
The latest version of this workflow software brings extra features, quality improvements and performance enhancements…

QuarkXPress 2016 Offers Built-in HTML5 Publishing
Designers Just a Click Away from Creating and Delivering Interactive, App-like Web Experiences…

HP adds Chromatic Red Ink to new DesignJet Z-series
Extended colour gamut makes an impact for high-impact PostScript printers for graphics and technical applications…

Ink Zone Control: Retrofit upgrade that quickly pays off
With Muller Martini’s ink zone control system, corrections are transferred to the substrate in a split second…

Thu 26 May…   
Innovations and highlights: Manroland Web Systems at drupa
From 31 May to 10 June Manroland Web Systems welcomes customers and other visitors to drupa 2016 to its stand in Hall 14…

Ghent Workgroup releases new PDF Processing Steps spec
Standardised way to identify production processing information enables increased interoperability and automation…

Further KBA C16 for B&K Offsetdruck in Ottersweier
Continuation of a successful partnership as B&K orders a further 16pp commercial web press from KBA-Digital & Web Solutions…

Agfa Graphics announces new Avalon platesetters at drupa
The new Avalon N8-90 model for the 8-up or B1 market comes in three different speed options; plus an entry-level B8 version…

MadeToPrint for QuarkXPress 2016 available immediately
Axaio export Xtension MadeToPrint for XPress 2016, for an even faster and more reliable output workflow…

Going digital inkjet with Tolerans and stitching in-line
In order to fulfil current needs, Tolerans has taken in-line stitching into digital inkjet presses with the Manroland Web FoldLine…

Flint Group is first ink licensee of Variprint
Flint Group to become first licensee of ground-breaking DataLase Variprint Inline Digital Printing technology…

Precision Printing chooses Horizon StitchLiner 5500
Integration with Precision’s One-Flow will ensure automated data transfer resulting in a streamlined throughput for web to print…

Fri 27 May…   
UPM is changing its corporate structure in Finland
UPM-Kymmene Corporation is proceeding with the plan announced last December, to change its corporate structure in Finland…

Marabu Inks to sell the Inca SpyderXi in Germany
Inca Digital appoints Marabu to distribute SpyderXi dual flatbed / roll-to- roll printer into industrial markets in combination with its inks…

Heidelberg Performance Services boost productivity over 40%
Heidelberg continues to enhance its SystemService portfolio with services that improve production processes…

Customised inkjet solutions: Siegwerk goes into digital inks
The global printing ink manufacturer is set to offer inkjet inks for labels, and later for packaging applications…

PosterXXL invests in two B2 Jet Press 720S presses
German web-to-print giant first in Europe to invest in two Jet Press 720S B2 digital inkjet presses from Fujifilm…

Third KBA Rapida 205 for Garvey Group West
A triple play with the first in North America to operate three of the world’s largest sheetfed offset presses…

Cartotecnica Jesina adds six-colour Roland 900 6B1
Shorter makereadies give Cartotecnica Jesina an edge with Simultaneous Plate Loading (SPL) technology a key factor…

TRESU eight-colour hybrid Flexo Innovator for WestRock
TRESU announces the sale of Flexo Innovator hybrid printing line to WestRock of Norcross, Georgia…

Last lead articles from previous update…  

Last issue’s leads…
Koenig & Bauer AG’s 91st AGM held in Würzburg
Shareholders satisfied with company’s development following the positive results achieved through the Fit@All programme…

Rhein-Zeitung to receive further compact KBA web press
Commitment to the printed newspaper: Mittelrhein-Verlag in Koblenz orders an additional 6/2 KBA Commander CT web press…

GraphicRepro.Net e-News  (ISSN 1814-2923) is sponsored and made possible by:

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG  (Heidelberg), The world’s largest printing press manufacturer for the industry worldwide. Heidelberg customers enjoy the most comprehensive and extensive sales and service network in the industry for JDF compliant workflow, computer-to-plate, sheetfed offset, Web-to-print, digital printing, digital inkjet for labels and packaging, packaging and finishing, all with complementary consumables. Heidelberg has offices in around 170 countries. Visit the Heidelberg Website for more information.

drupa 2016 (drupa), the international flagship fair of the printing and media industry, responds to the challenges of the changing market and provides pioneering solutions for the future. This is highlighted by the new marketing and communication strategy where drupa claims its position as ‘No.1 for Print & Crossmedia Solutions’ with the slogan ‘touch the future’. The issues of ‘package printing’, ‘multichannel’, ‘green printing’, ‘3D printing’, and ‘functional printing’ will become increasingly important to the overall communication strategy. To find out more, visit the drupa 2016 Website.

Online Feature articles 2014 – 2016
There were again well over 70 last year, 90 in 2014, and 92 articles in 2013 which can still be accessed via the Index on the Home Page, with prior years’ via Search Archives (option 2).

Technology-related Chapter 02

Asahi mini-white paper: Water- vs Solvent-washable
Making flexographic printing more sustainable and efficient with water-washable flexo plates as compared to conventional solvent-washable plates…

Online Features May/Jun Chapter 05

Canon SA a sponsor for South African Disabled Golf Open
Canon SA was proudly part of the 2016 Nedbank South African SA Disabled Golf Open at Zwartkop Country Club in Pretoria from 2 to 4 May 2016…

Eversfrank and Xeikon explore new avenues in customer communications
Emphasis on one-to-one marketing with customised, long run printed communications: Xeikon plays a key role in the successful concept…

Micro Lynx adds Scodix Foil Station to its workflow
Micro Lynx in Rennes, France democratises high-end finishing with its latest Scodix Foil investment…

Verdigris – Environmental Initiative

Laurel Brunner’s weekly Verdigris Blogs 2016

Climate scientists and carbon accountants
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 20 May

Drupa Newsroom
Our Drupa Newsroom with news from Messe Düsseldorf and for Drupa 2016 can be found in the Index. It is divided into the following Chapters for your convenience and ease of use… but you must scroll down to view each Chapter when you visit the Newsroom

drupa ante portas Blogs 2016

The tenth and final article in this series from Andreas Weber in Mainz, Germany prior to drupa…

drupa ante portas: Big Data Up Close
Digital technologies impact the entire cosmos of print media and complete workflow, too. By Andreas Weber, Mainz/Germany…

Focus Packaging: Selling is everything!
drupa ante portas: More than half of all packaging volume worldwide is attributed to printed packaging – and the trend is rising. By Andreas Weber, Mainz/German…

drupa 2016 News from Exhibitors
Latest additions can now be accessed in our drupa Newsroom.

Enfocus and Esko bring power of preflight to packaging industry
Companies are the first to use new industry standard to improve the packaging production process: They can both be found in Hall 8b at drupa…

Agfa set for dialogue at drupa’s touchpoint packaging
Agfa set to impress with smart advanced packaging security technologies at drupa’s Touchpoint Packaging in Hall 12…

Flint Group launches VIVO Colour Solutions at drupa
Flint Group is set to revolutionise print colour management with VIVO Colour Solutions, launched to the global market at drupa 2016…

Manroland Web Systems’ Innovations and Highlights at drupa
From 31 May to 10 June, Manroland Web Systems welcomes customers, media representatives and other visitors to drupa 2016 and its stand in Hall 14…

CHILI publish ups the heat at drupa 2016
Attendees will find solutions powered by CHILI publish being demonstrated throughout the show in eight different locations in six Halls…

CP Bourg world premiere with Canon and Polar-Mohr
CP Bourg to demonstrate for the first time ever its in-line perfect binding solution integrated with a Canon digital printing system and Mohr trimmer at drupa 2016…

ColorGATE 10 is just everywhere at drupa
More flexibility and performance with Version 10 on the ColorGATE stand in Hall 6, also in Halls 3, 5, 8a, 8b, 9 and 17…

Heidelberg and Masterwork postpress at drupa
Heidelberg and Masterwork showcasing new postpress products for packaging and commercial printers at drupa…

Kurz: Adds new DM-Liner UV Inkjet for digital metallisation
Leonhard Kurz adds a transfer unit with inkjet technology to its product line for digital print finishing…

HP adds Chromatic Red Ink to new DesignJet Z-series printers
Extended colour gamut of high-impact PostScript graphics printers makes an impact for graphics and technical applications…

Enfocus PitStop 13 update 2 expands preflight possibilities
The latest release of PitStop includes customer-driven features that expand the preflight possibilities to detect and correct errors in the most complex PDFs…

Epson debut for DJet 10000 imposed print system at drupa
Integrates two new Epson SC-P10000 aqueous printers for high-quality, double-sided B1 proofing, display graphics, brochures and bespoke photobook applications…

Heidelberg’s new generation Stahlfolder TH/KH 82-P at drupa
New users of the new Stahlfolder TH 82-P folding machine report higher productivity and better process planning…

Agfa Graphics announces new Avalon platesetters at drupa
The new Avalon N8-90 model for the 8-up or B1 market comes in three different speed options; plus an entry-level B8 version…

Esko solutions at the core of a broad packaging print ecosystem
Collaboration with packaging print ecosystem partners and engagement in several drupa events ensures Esko is a preferred supplier in packaging, label, signage and display production…

Domino to debut N610i 7-colour inkjet digital label press
Make your labels Stand Out from the crowd with Domino Digital Printing Solutions at drupa 2016 in Hall 5…

KBA Rapida platform integrated with Xerox Impika inkjet technology
KBA and Xerox partnership to target folding carton market with first-of-Its-kind 1060mm sheetfed press – that’s digital…

Agfa Graphics launches version 10 of the Apogee print hub
The latest version of this workflow software brings extra features, quality improvements and performance enhancements…

Esko increases cutting table output by up to 80 per cent
Breakthrough automation equipment brings productivity to a completely new level by eliminating idle time and reducing human interaction, to be shown at drupa…

Duplo International and HP collaborate at drupa
Duplo International will be on the HP stand at drupa 2016 in Hall 17, showcasing connectivity between print and finishing devices…

Taopix announces HP PrintOS collaboration
UK software developer Taopix has announced its commitment to the HP PrintOS cloud-based operating system…

Lake Image Systems powered solutions at drupa
Lake Image Systems will be in Hall 11 with 4 zones on its stand, with additional representation on partner stands in Halls 5, 8a, 14 and 16…

Agfa Anapurna i air-cooled LED UV to debut at drupa
Anapurna i-series LED wide-format inkjet printers from Agfa Graphics to be launched at drupa 2016 in Hall 8a..

Enfocus at drupa: Disruptive solutions that ensure success
At drupa 2016, Enfocus will showcase solutions that transform how business gets done, to ensure success for Enfocus users around the globe…

Heidelberg’s Service portfolio at drupa 2016
Smart Services: Both in its entirety and in combination, Heidelberg’s portfolio of ‘Technical Services’ and ‘Performance Services’ is unique in the industry…

Gandy Digital large-format inkjet live at drupa
Gandy Digital to provide first live demonstrations of its latest high resolution five-metre UV roll-to-roll Fascin8tor printer at drupa… 

drupa innovation park 2016:
Smart Business Models in Focus: As around 130 exhibitors will be presenting their innovations in six theme parks…

European football programme will be produced at the show
Screen showing personalised publication printing with on-stand demonstrations at drupa 2016…

Global Graphics to unveil Inkjet ‘Fundamentals’ at drupa
A new software and engineering services package for inkjet press manufacturers that will help them get to market quicker…

Muller Martini at drupa: The Future Is Now
Using nine fully connected systems, Muller Martini will showcase the key topic of Finishing 4.0 live at its stand in Hall 2…

Kurz: Allrounders and specialists for any case
Leonhard Kurz to present its latest stamping foil developments at drupa in Hall 3, at the dip in Hall 7, and for packaging in Hall 12…

Kodak: Inkjet Book Printing at drupa 2016
Kodak to usher in next adopters of inkjet for book printing at drupa 2016, at the Kodak Quarter in Hall 5..

X-Rite announces InkFormulation Software Version 6.3
Provides a more robust ink formulation data exchange across the workflow, faster run-up to colour on press; to be demonstrated at drupa…

Industry first: Eagle Systems Cold Foil on uncoated paper
Sheetfed Cold Foiling is an industry first due to the complex characteristics of uncoated stocks, and made possible by the sophistication of Eagle’s system…

Meet the OE-A and the Printed Electronics Industry at drupa
Attend OE-A’s sessions on printed electronics and visit its stand in the dip in Hall 7 and seminars in the drupa cube…

Hybrid invites visitors to run live jobs at drupa 2016
Hybrid Software to prove the complete confidence it has in its products by inviting drupa visitors to bring live production jobs to its stand to be run on its software…

DuPont to launch Cyrel FAST 2000TD
DuPont Advanced Printing introduces next generation plate processor Cyrel FAST 2000TD offering improved plate quality and machine performance…

Techkon’s new products on show in Hall 9
Techkon continues its success with the SpectroDens and SpectroDrive devices, with new generation models set to debut at drupa…

Leibinger: Double monitoring during numbering at drupa
Paul Leibinger to feature numbering machines, camera verification systems and industrial inkjet printers at drupa in Hall 3…

X-Rite announces IntelliTrax2 in drupa lineup
Automated Color Management provides printers and converters with M1 measurement support for optically brightened substrates…

UPM Digi papers, there’s always a perfect match
Whether it’s books, photo books, covers or mailings using toner or inkjet printing, UPM’s product portfolio has the perfect solution…

Agfa Eversify complements print publishing strategy
Agfa Graphics’ Eversify mobile publishing solution demos can be scheduled in advance at stand B62, in Hall 8a…

GMG: Consistent colours for packaging professionals
At drupa, the software company is emphasising what really counts: reliable partners and real know-how – even faster…

Domino: A new B2 digital sheetfed printing solution
Domino partners with Gremser to launch new B2 sheetfed inkjet digital printing solution at drupa 2016 in Hall 5…

Caldera celebrates its quarter-century at drupa
No half-measures for Caldera at drupa 2016 in Hall 6, stand C23,
with partnerships and previews…

DuPont Advanced Printing announces new Artistri inks
New DuPont Artistri inks feature improved performance to meet growing needs of the textile industry…

Flint Group Flexographic Products showcases at drupa
Visitors can catch up on comprehensive product and new service offerings and solutions in Hall 08b, stand D/12…

System Brunner Colour Control at drupa 2016
System Brunner, the No.1 in colour control technology, will show its new or enhanced system solutions on its own stand in Hall 16…

Packaging without a Barcode – See it at drupa!
The European Article Number (EAN) symbol has served the packaging industry well since 1977 when it was first used commercially. But times have changed…

Delphax elan 500 adopts BDT’s Deep Pile Feeder
The BDT TPF-550 Feeder extends media range and improves of the Delphax elan 500 digital colour printer, to be demonstrated at drupa in Hall 5…

Trelleborg announces major launches at drupa 2016
Trelleborg’s printing solutions operation will use drupa 2016 to launch several offset blankets and digital products…

Onyx Graphics at drupa in Hall 5, Hall 8a and Hall 17
Onyx Graphics showcasing the power of its large-format workflow software in premier partner stands at drupa…

drupa 2016 Expert Article Series and more
Can be found in our Drupa Newsroom via the Index on the Home Page.

Final article in the series…   
Digital versus traditional packaging print
Touch the future. Drupa Expert Article No 8 by Michael Seidl, publisher and editor-in-chief of various specialist publications in Central and Eastern Europe including Print & Publishing, Packaging and Visual Communication….

drupa 2016 News from Messe Düsseldorf

drupa innovation park 2016:
Smart Business Models in Focus: Around 130 exhibitors will be presenting their innovations in six theme parks…

drupa innovation park 2016:
Smarte Geschäftsmodelle stehen im Fokus: Rund 130 Aussteller präsentieren im drupa innovation park in sechs Themenparks…

Düsseldorf becomes drupacity:
Numerous Activities Bring drupa Highlights to the City…

Düsseldorf wird zur drupacity:
Zahlreiche Aktionen bringen die drupa-Highlights in die Stadt…

FESPA Newsroom
The dedicated FESPA Newsroom can be found via the Index on our Home Page.

FESPA Federation News in 2016

Seek new horizons in print at FESPA Mexico 2016
Event to be the largest dedicated Mexico show to date for digital and screen wide-format, garments decoration and signage…

The Graphic Repro On-line Website is supported and sponsored by: 

Antalis South Africa, Canon SA, Screen Europe,  Drupa 2016,  Esko,  FESPA.  He idelberger Druckmaschinen AG,  HP Graphic Solutions, Kemtek Imaging Systems,  Krause-Biagosch,  Leonhard Kurz Stiftung,    Manroland Web Systems GmbH, Muller Martini AG,  Ricoh Europe,  Sappi LimitedThunderbolt Solutio ns, and UPM-Kymmene.

If you would like to send news for consideration for the Graphic Repro On-line Website (ISSN 1814-2915) or to submit comments, please e-mail Mike Hilton at:

Our Website urls are:

GraphicRepro.Net e-News (ISSN 1814-2923)  provides weekly updates from the Graphic Repro On-line Website and is  compiled and published by Mike Hilton, graphicrepro.netPO Box 10 Peterburgskoe Shosse 13/1, 196605 Pushkin 5, St. Petersburg, Russia.

ValuePublishing Mike Hilton Packaging.002.jpeg

Photos: Heidelberger Druckmaschinen, KBA. | Composing: Andreas Weber, Mainz/Germany.

Graphic Repro On-line News to Friday 20 May 2016

Welcome to another roundup of 29 news highlights for the past week together with Laurel Brunner’s Verdigris Blog on Friday, which this week looks at climate scientists and carbon accountants, and is well worth reading. It reveals some new approaches and initiatives which, as Laurel states, are actually quite inspiring.

You’ll find two new additions in Online Features Chapter 05 from Xeikon and Scodix and their respective customers revealing what the technologies have done and are doing for them and their businesses and customers. There’s also a mini white paper from Asahi which addresses its more sustainable water washout developments in flexographic platemaking.

With just 8 more days to go to the big one opens its doors in Dusseldorf a week tomorrow, we have another 28 new articles from drupa Exhibitors, bringing the total thus far to 214; as well as four from organisers Messe Dusseldorf, two each in English and German highlighting the drupa innovation park; and the city of Dusseldorf as it becomes drupacity, bringing their total to 61.

We then have the ninth article in the drupa ante portas series of interviews and articles from Andreas Weber in Mainz. This latest focuses firmly on packaging, asmore than half of all packaging volume worldwide is attributed to printed packaging, and the trend is rising. Lastly, there are ten Expert Articles – each with a specific focus – from ten of the world’s leading graphic arts editors and journalists – all in our own drupa Newsroom, if you care to pay a visit and scroll down through the combined total of 294 articles to date. You do need to scroll down though, in order to reach each of the Chapters or Sections.

News leaders this week not related to drupa began with KP Services on Monday, with its official opening in Jersey in the Channel Islands, as Kodak and the Guiton Group launched the world’s newest inkjet printing plant, creating a new digital approach in newspaper printing. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, we had Muller Martini, X-Rite, and Kodak respectively, which were all drupa-related and also appear in the drupa Newsroom. On Friday, the KBA Group reported on its AGM held in Wurzburg last Thursday, with its shareholders well satisfied with the company’s development and the positive results achieved through the Group’s Fit@All programme. Also from KBA, news that Mittelrhein-Verlag in Koblenz has ordered an additional 6/2 KBA Commander CT web press for its flagship Rhein-Zeitung, one of Germany’s largest regional titles.

Other sales and installation successes this week began on Monday with Fujifilm and a UK first at Emmerson Press, as its new sheetfed Jet Press 720S began production. From Heidelberg UK at Dataprint with its first Linoprint CV digital press; this was followed by Delta Packaging as it targets growth in Central Europe with an investment in a high spec large-format KBA Rapida 145 six-colour press with double coater for its Gliwice plant in Poland. Lastly from Manroland Web and The Times of India as they announce the expansion and upgrade of the Manroland Regioman web press systems in both Chennai and Pune.

Tuesday saw eDOC in the U.S. add a new Suprasetter 106 DCL for its recently installed Heidelberg Speedmaster CD 102 X-Package press. Wednesday saw Eversfrank with Xeikon; then Moo Print in London adding its second Polar cutter in 18 months; and Manroland Web with a Uniset refit at the Pueblo Chieftain in Colorado, in the U.S.; while on Thursday, Brailsford Printers in Rotherham, UK, added two Horizon collators and a Horizon perfect binder to its already substantial Horizon lineup, to create efficient end-to-end processing; while Donitz in Germany chose to add an Esko Kongsberg XN22 cutter for prototypes and small-series production.

On Friday, we’ve already mentioned the KBA web press order above. This was followed by Pondres as it partners with Ricoh to boost production inkjet quality with a new Ricoh Pro VC60000 continuous feed inkjet platform. Kingsbury Press is adding a Linoprint CV from Heidelberg at its Doncaster plant this month; Sealed Air has embraced Esko Equinox in Europe; and lastly, Italy’s Palladio Group has added a Manroland 700 HiPrint six-colour press to its plant in Serbia;

That’s all until next time, which will only be after drupa when things will eventually get back to normal again. I hope you find more of interest among the links below.

With my best regards, 

Mike Hilton 

Canon UnleashPrint drupa 2016.png
Canon covers all drupa 2016 High-light Topics: 3D Printing, Print, Green Printing, Functional Printing, Multichannel and Packaging.

Our e-News comprises:  Headline News – Online Feature Articles – the Verdigris initiative from Digital Dots. Our Drupa and FESPA Newsrooms can be accessed from the Index on our Home Page, as well as News in Review, which provides a weekly overview and listing of all news added to the site. 

Headline News
Over 28,000 news items have now gone online since we launched our Website in September 2001. News for the past 24 months can still be accessed via the Home Page and its continuation news pages

Mon 16 May…   
KP Services opens in Jersey, Channel Islands
Kodak and Guiton Group launch the world’s newest inkjet printing plant, creating a new digital approach in newspaper printing…

UPM launches ‘New Future’ brand of office papers
UPM has launched its first Responsible Fibre Trademark product: The New Future office paper range…

First sheets roll off the UK’s first Fujifilm Jet Press 720
Last week saw the inaugural print run of Emmerson Press’s new Jet Press 720S after a seamless installation process…

Screen appoints MCA PRO in Austria for Truepress Jet
Company to provide sales and service support for full range of inkjet web, label and wide-format printers and PlateRite CTP devices…

Dataprint looks to offer digital print with a difference
Dataprint in Alton identifies the fightback by litho as the key reason for buying a Linoprint CV from Heidelberg…

Delta to add drupa spec Rapida 145 6-colour with coater
Delta Packaging targets growth in Central Europe with investment in high spec KBA Rapida 145 6 LTTL for Gliwice plant in Poland…

Reconfiguration of Regiomans at Times of India
Times of India invests in the reconfiguration and expansion of its Regioman web press systems in Chennai and Pune…

Tue 17 May…   
Muller Martini at drupa: The Future Is Now
Using nine fully connected systems, Muller Martini will showcase the key topic of Finishing 4.0 live at its stand at drupa in Hall 2…

Kurz: Allrounders and specialists for any case
Leonhard Kurz to present its latest stamping foil developments at drupa in Hall 3, at the dip in Hall 7, and for packaging in Hall 12…

Agfa Eversify complements print publishing strategy
Agfa Graphics’ Eversify mobile publishing solution demos can be scheduled in advance at stand B62, in Hall 8a…

BPIF appoints new Public Affairs Consultant
The BPIF announces the appointment of Carys Davis as Public Affairs Advisor following Andrew Brown’s retirement…

Edale AIIR: Transforming print accuracy
Edale launches AIIR system controlled by AVT, to take flexographic print automation to new heights…

Platinum opts for Technotrans peripherals
Platinum Print adds temperature control and ink.line cartridge system to its Komori LS 529 five-colour B2 press…

eDOC Communications adds CD 102 and Suprasetter 106
eDOC extends successful strategic partnership with Heidelberg Speedmaster CD 102 X-Package and Suprasetter 106 DCL…

Wed 18 May…   
X-Rite announces IntelliTrax2 in drupa line-up
Automated Color Management provides printers and converters with M1 measurement support for optically brightened substrates…

UPM Digi papers, there’s always a perfect match
Whether it be books, photo books, covers or mailings using toner or inkjet printing, UPM’s product portfolio has the perfect solution…

Meet the OE-A and Printed Electronics Industry at drupa
Attend OE-A’s sessions on printed electronics and visit its stand in the dip in Hall 7 and seminars in the drupa cube…

Hybrid Software invites visitors to run live jobs
Hybrid to prove confidence it has in its products by inviting visitors to bring live production jobs to its stand to run on its software…

Eversfrank and Xeikon explore new avenues
Emphasis on one-to-one marketing with customised, long run printed communications: Xeikon plays a key role in the concept…

Moo Print adds second Polar 92 N Plus in 18 months
The London Web to print producer concentrates its cutting on to Polar equipment with second buy in 18 months…

Manroland Web Systems Uniset controls retrofit
of Control System and upgrades makes The Pueblo Chieftain’s Uniset press Fit for The Future…

Thu 19 May…   
Kodak Prosper 6000: Inkjet Book Printing at drupa 2016
Kodak to usher in next adopters of inkjet for book printing at drupa 2016, at the Kodak Quarter in Hall 5…

Global Graphics to unveil Inkjet ‘Fundamentals’ at drupa
A new software and engineering services package for inkjet press manufacturers that will help them get to market quicker…

Inca forms sales division for new SpyderX hybrid UV
Company to build global reseller network for 3.2m wide, UV flat-bed and roll-fed SpyderX printer it manufactures in Cambridge, UK…

X-Rite announces InkFormulation Software Version 6.3
Provides a more robust ink formulation data exchange across the workflow, faster run-up to colour on press; on show at drupa…

GMG: Consistent colours for packaging professionals
At drupa, the software company is emphasising what really counts: reliable partners and real know-how – even faster…

Brailsford re-evaluates production with Horizon
Horizon SPF-200/FC-200A and Horizon BQ-270V create efficient end-to-end process for Brailsford Printers in Rotherham…

Dönitz chooses Esko to boost quality for displays
Benefits from efficiency, flexibility of Kongsberg XN22 cutter system for prototypes and small-series production…

Fri 20 May…   
Koenig & Bauer AG’s 91st AGM held in Würzburg
Shareholders satisfied with company’s development following the positive results achieved through the Fit@All programme…

Rhein-Zeitung to receive further compact KBA web press
Commitment to the printed newspaper: Mittelrhein-Verlag in Koblenz orders an additional 6/2 KBA Commander CT web press…

Pondres invests in Ricoh Pro VC60000 production inkjet
Pondres partners with Ricoh to boost production inkjet quality with a Ricoh Pro VC60000 continuous feed inkjet platform…

Kingsbury Press makes its debut in digital with Linoprint
Kingsbury Press is ‘putting a toe in the water’ with digital printing, with a Linoprint CV from Heidelberg at its Doncaster plant this month…

Sealed Air embraces Esko Equinox to improve efficiencies
Fixed colour palette production and ink optimisation deliver cost-effective quality results to speciality packaging…

Palladio Group adds Roland 700 HiPrint in Serbia
Thorough research leads Palladio East right back to Manroland…

Siegwerk presents new range of sustainable flexo inks
Ink meets wood: As Siegwerk unveils a new ink range, incorporating renewable, forest bio-mass for water-based flexo inks…

Last lead articles from previous update…  

Last Friday’s leads…
BPIF Printing Outlook Report for Q2 2016
UK printing industry has a case of the wobbles in Q1 – confidence and trade expected to recover in Q2…

Agfa Graphics launches PrintSphere in the cloud
Agfa Graphics launches PrintSphere, a cloud-based data exchange service for print service providers…

GraphicRepro.Net e-News  (ISSN 1814-2923) is sponsored and made possible by:

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG  (Heidelberg), The world’s largest printing press manufacturer for the industry worldwide. Heidelberg customers enjoy the most comprehensive and extensive sales and service network in the industry for JDF compliant workflow, computer-to-plate, sheetfed offset, Web-to-print, digital printing, digital inkjet for labels and packaging, packaging and finishing, all with complementary consumables. Heidelberg has offices in around 170 countries. Visit the Heidelberg Website for more information.

drupa 2016 (drupa), the international flagship fair of the printing and media industry, responds to the challenges of the changing market and provides pioneering solutions for the future. This is highlighted by the new marketing and communication strategy where drupa claims its position as ‘No.1 for Print & Crossmedia Solutions’ with the slogan ‘touch the future’. The issues of ‘package printing’, ‘multichannel’, ‘green printing’, ‘3D printing’, and ‘functional printing’ will become increasingly important to the overall communication strategy. To find out more, visit the drupa 2016 Website.

Online Feature articles 2014 – 2016
There were again well over 70 last year, 90 in 2014, and 92 articles in 2013 which can still be accessed via the Index on the Home Page, with prior years’ via Search Archives (option 2).

Technology-related Chapter 02

Asahi mini-white paper: Water- vs Solvent-washable
Making flexographic printing more sustainable and efficient with water-washable flexo plates as compared to conventional solvent-washable plates…

Sappi extends an invitation to innovate flexible packaging
With integrated barriers and heat sealing properties this new Sappi paper is suitable for flexible packaging applications…

Online Features May/Jun Chapter 05

Eversfrank and Xeikon explore new avenues in customer communications
Emphasis on one-to-one marketing with customised, long run printed communications: Xeikon plays a key role in the successful concept…

Micro Lynx adds Scodix Foil Station to its workflow
Micro Lynx in Rennes, France democratises high-end finishing with its latest Scodix Foil investment…

The Biofore Tea House at ‘Moi Helsinki’ event in Beijing, China
UPM and Tongji University combine Chinese tea culture with innovative biomaterials for the Biofore Tea House, from 13 – 15 May…

BPIF’s Printing Outlook for the Second Quarter 2016
The UK printing industry has a case of the wobbles in Q1 – confidence and trade expected to recover in Q2…

SF Taylor improves efficiencies and reduces waste with KBA
The Stockport, UK company has doubled its press output by investing in a KBA Rapida 75 4-colour with perfecting…

Online Features Mar/Apr Chapter 04

Traderplus South Africa expands with further IIJ investment
Traderplus South Africa secures a major advantage with additional Industrial Inkjet (IIJ) technology, to be added in July…

Verdigris – Environmental Initiative

Laurel Brunner’s weekly Verdigris Blogs 2016

Climate scientists and carbon accountants
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 20 May

Paper Chains
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 13 May

Drupa Newsroom
Our Drupa Newsroom with news from Messe Düsseldorf and for Drupa 2016 can be found in the Index, as well as via the special Newsroom button on the right of the Home Page near the top. It is divided into the following Chapters for your convenience and ease of use… but you must scroll down to view each Chapter when you visit the Newsroom

drupa ante portas Blogs 2016

The ninth in this series from Andreas Weber in Mainz, Germany on the lead-up to drupa…

Focus Packaging: Selling is everything!
drupa ante portas: More than half of all packaging volume worldwide is attributed to printed packaging – and the trend is rising. By Andreas Weber, Mainz/German…

Objectif Lune: Innovative solutions for interactive communications
drupa ante portas: Simply clever – OL turns data into personalised cross-media solutions! By Andreas Weber, Mainz/Germany

drupa 2016 News from Exhibitors
Latest additions can now be accessed in our drupa Newsroom.

Heidelberg’s Service portfolio at drupa 2016
Smart Services: Both in its entirety and in combination, Heidelberg’s portfolio of ‘Technical Services’ and ‘Performance Services’ is unique in the industry…

Gandy Digital large-format inkjet live at drupa
Gandy Digital to provide first live demonstrations of its latest high resolution five-metre UV roll-to-roll Fascin8tor printer at drupa… 

drupa innovation park 2016:
Smart Business Models in Focus: As around 130 exhibitors will be presenting their innovations in six theme parks…

European football programme will be produced at the show
Screen showing personalised publication printing with on-stand demonstrations at drupa 2016…

Global Graphics to unveil Inkjet ‘Fundamentals’ at drupa
A new software and engineering services package for inkjet press manufacturers that will help them get to market quicker…

Muller Martini at drupa: The Future Is Now
Using nine fully connected systems, Muller Martini will showcase the key topic of Finishing 4.0 live at its stand in Hall 2…

Kurz: Allrounders and specialists for any case
Leonhard Kurz to present its latest stamping foil developments at drupa in Hall 3, at the dip in Hall 7, and for packaging in Hall 12…

Kodak: Inkjet Book Printing at drupa 2016
Kodak to usher in next adopters of inkjet for book printing at drupa 2016, at the Kodak Quarter in Hall 5..

X-Rite announces InkFormulation Software Version 6.3
Provides a more robust ink formulation data exchange across the workflow, faster run-up to colour on press; to be demonstrated at drupa…

Industry first: Eagle Systems Cold Foil on uncoated paper
Sheetfed Cold Foiling is an industry first due to the complex characteristics of uncoated stocks, and made possible by the sophistication of Eagle’s system…

Meet the OE-A and the Printed Electronics Industry at drupa
Attend OE-A’s sessions on printed electronics and visit its stand in the dip in Hall 7 and seminars in the drupa cube…

Hybrid invites visitors to run live jobs at drupa 2016
Hybrid Software to prove the complete confidence it has in its products by inviting drupa visitors to bring live production jobs to its stand to be run on its software…

DuPont to launch Cyrel FAST 2000TD
DuPont Advanced Printing introduces next generation plate processor Cyrel FAST 2000TD offering improved plate quality and machine performance…

Techkon’s new products on show in Hall 9
Techkon continues its success with the SpectroDens and SpectroDrive devices, with new generation models set to debut at drupa…

Leibinger: Double monitoring during numbering at drupa
Paul Leibinger to feature numbering machines, camera verification systems and industrial inkjet printers at drupa in Hall 3…

X-Rite announces IntelliTrax2 in drupa lineup
Automated Color Management provides printers and converters with M1 measurement support for optically brightened substrates…

UPM Digi papers, there’s always a perfect match
Whether it’s books, photo books, covers or mailings using toner or inkjet printing, UPM’s product portfolio has the perfect solution…

Agfa Eversify complements print publishing strategy
Agfa Graphics’ Eversify mobile publishing solution demos can be scheduled in advance at stand B62, in Hall 8a…

GMG: Consistent colours for packaging professionals
At drupa, the software company is emphasising what really counts: reliable partners and real know-how – even faster…

Domino: A new B2 digital sheetfed printing solution
Domino partners with Gremser to launch new B2 sheetfed inkjet digital printing solution at drupa 2016 in Hall 5…

Caldera celebrates its quarter-century at drupa
No half-measures for Caldera at drupa 2016 in Hall 6, stand C23,
with partnerships and previews…

DuPont Advanced Printing announces new Artistri inks
New DuPont Artistri inks feature improved performance to meet growing needs of the textile industry…

Flint Group Flexographic Products showcases at drupa
Visitors can catch up on comprehensive product and new service offerings and solutions in Hall 08b, stand D/12…

System Brunner Colour Control at drupa 2016
System Brunner, the No.1 in colour control technology, will show its new or enhanced system solutions on its own stand in Hall 16…

Packaging without a Barcode – See it at drupa!
The European Article Number (EAN) symbol has served the packaging industry well since 1977 when it was first used commercially. But times have changed…

Delphax elan 500 adopts BDT’s Deep Pile Feeder
The BDT TPF-550 Feeder extends media range and improves of the Delphax elan 500 digital colour printer, to be demonstrated at drupa in Hall 5…

Trelleborg announces major launches at drupa 2016
Trelleborg’s printing solutions operation will use drupa 2016 to launch several offset blankets and digital products…

Onyx Graphics at drupa in Hall 5, Hall 8a and Hall 17
Onyx Graphics showcasing the power of its large-format workflow software in premier partner stands at drupa…

KBA at drupa: A strong focus on packaging producers
The press manufacturer is the market leader in several packaging segments and generates 70% of its revenue in the packaging market…

Hybrid Software to debut PACKZ RoundTrip
Hybrid Software provides missing link between package design in Adobe Illustrator format and production…

The Smart Print Shop for everyone: thanks to Prinect
With the new Prinect Production Manager, print shops of all sizes can completely automate their production processes precisely in line with requirements…

Heidelberg non-stop printing plate production at drupa
Smart print shop: Heidelberg showcasing a fully automatic production line for CTP plate imaging at drupa…

Durst to unveil single-pass inkjet for corrugated and labels
Durst to unveil its new corrugated packaging & display printing segment with single-pass and multi-pass technologies, along with its successful Tau 330 portfolio for label production…

Tecnau show debut for the Libra 800 at drupa
Tecnau to exhibit the Libra 800 automated and variable book finishing line for first time at an industry event at drupa 2016…

Agfa launches Advantage N Essentials CTP series @drupa
Agfa Graphics now offers a series of low-cost engines that take CTP technology for newspaper prepress back to its essence…

Kurz: Print finishing that will make people look twice
New Kurz stamping foil changes colour at different viewing angles…

CHILI publish highlights Asian expansion at drupa
Move supports increased demand for the production of personalized, shorter runs of marketing materials in the APAC region…

Domino to showcase its K630i high-speed inkjet in Hall 5
Domino to launch a high speed variable-pagination digital booklet printing solution with Kern and IBIS at drupa 2016…

Fujifilm to debut new Acuity LED 3200R at drupa
Fujifilm announces new wide-format Acuity LED 3200R UV inkjet printer at drupa 2016 in Hall 8b…

Alwan to showcase ccmplete CxF/X-4 solution at drupa in Hall 7
Alwan to showcase its complete CxF/X-4 solution for brand owners and designers to accurately define, predict and reproduce their spot colours…

Alwan to demonstrate inline profiling at drupa in Hall 7
Alwan Color Expertise enables printers to automatically calibrate and profile their print devices without any dedicated resources or print sessions…

Tichawa Vision CIS innovation at drupa in Hall 3
100% print inspection: Tichawa to present a multicolor Contact Image Sensor (CIS) offering adaptable resolution with minimum space requirements…

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Digital versus traditional packaging print
Touch the future. Drupa Expert Article No 8 by Michael Seidl, publisher and editor-in-chief of various specialist publications in Central and Eastern Europe including Print & Publishing, Packaging and Visual Communication….

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Seek new horizons in print at FESPA Mexico 2016
Event to be the largest dedicated Mexico show to date for digital and screen wide-format, garments decoration and signage…

FESPA’s Regional events in 2016
FESPA’S worldwide regional events reinforce the central Profit For Purpose philosophy which drives FESPA…

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ValuePublishing Big Data Visuals.001

Digital technologies impact the entire cosmos of print media and complete workflow, too.

By Andreas Weber


Note: The latest market trend analysis by Andreas Weber is the extended version of an article which will be published by the leading technology newspaper VDI-nachrichten. VDI-nachrichten addresses a premium reader target group of more than 310,000 technical and innovation experts in German industry.  — See as well market trend analysis “Focus Packaging”.


The internet is the enemy of print. That had long been the perception in the print media branch. A blind eye was turned to the fact that technologically for decades, digital high-performance networks and data transfer have been indispensable for print technology development. 

This occurs on various levels, whereby online, a system architecture is freely available that automatically generates print data and transfers it by internet to selected service providers / printing systems. The simplest form is prints of any data via smartphone or tablet. The first were Apple with AirPrint and Google with CloudPrint; print system manufacturers such as Canon and HP followed with proprietary e-print solutions. On the other hand, data from Wiki platforms such as PediaPress technologies, are transformed into books based on Wikipedia articles selected by the user online. Furthermore, social media users can transform their chronicles on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook into publications at the push of a button to automatically create, for instance, printed posters of Facebook/Instagram friends, canvas prints or diary chronicles in book form from Twitter and Facebook (see mySocialBook, Twenty20 or boomf with the printing of Instagram photos on edible marshmallows).


A few samples how Social Media became already the source for new print applications (driven by innovative suppliers).


These services are used for promotional purposes by both consumers and companies who include such projects in their digital marketing concepts. For pure business applications, marketing and IT data are automatically merged without media disruption to create cross-media customer campaigns that couple a company offer such as an insurance contract extension with feedback from tens of thousands customers, which is then exported to the company’s IT and CRM systems for keeping customer profiles up-to-date and even documenting individual transactions. All documents are then available in both digital and printed form. The customer chooses which form he prefers.

The internet protocol TCP/IP got its breakthrough by enabling large amounts of data to be transferred quickly and reliably, especially for publishing and print applications. The user interface/mouse and particularly PostScript as a page description language revolutionised the generation of print data and print media production already in the 1980s. The sheer unlimited and ubiquitously available storage options through the internet for large amounts of data stemming from all areas of life and industry gave rise to the big data “phenomenon” — with the lure of evaluating unstructured or semi-structured data in relational databases for analyses of any type. 


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Digitalisation sets the pace

Two aspects were the logical result for the print media branch: 

  • first, all production workflow has to be “digitally” optimised;
  • and secondly, much more data is easily available through the internet that can be printed without media disruption.

The Internet becomes tool and marketplace in one. Accordingly, the online printing sector has grown dynamically: new specialised firms led by CIMPRESS/Vistaprint, Flyeralarm, Onlineprinters/ or United Printers have accounted since 2009 in Germany alone for a trebling of volume that will most likely surpass the 3+ billion Euro mark in 2016. Popular applications/products are photo books, posters, flyers/mailings, brochures and more.

Key to success for online printing are the principles that characterise the 2016 motto “Touch the future” of drupa, the world’s leading print trade fair: automation, flexibilisation, digitalisation form the basis of “Print 4.0” — a new term borrowed from “Industry 4.0”, the highly commended industry standard from the Hannover Messe 2016. The rudiments of “4.0” have already been established in the printing branch for more than 10 years. The basis: JDF. The digital “Job Definition Format” allows made-to-order production to be taken care of automatically. Added to that is the complete cross-linking of production workflow and production machines including online remote services.


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The print technology manufacturers have readied themselves for that. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen has developed a new digital strategy integrating all print technologies and is going one step further at drupa 2016: The “Heidelberg Cloud” moves into focus with its smart print-shop concept. That is a new, extended approach that cross-links fully automated production with business aspects for the transparent and efficient operation of a printing business — incl. engagement with the customers/print buyers who are informed of the status of their orders online or per mobile. Even the automatic ordering of consumables and printing paper is integrated. In the digital printing sector, HP is doing likewise with its “PrintOS” platform that is to be launched at the end of May 2016 and cross-links the proprietary HP systems/technologies used by its customers.



HP PrintOS wants to enable the processing as simply as possible of any number of print orders from order acceptance to mailing, to work efficiently with partners and colleagues and exploit new growth potential. On a cloud-based, and according to HP open and absolutely secure platform, users have access at any time – no matter where they happen to be. However, PrintOS can only be used by those who have HP printing solutions (HP Indigo digital presses, HP PageWide web presses, HP Scitex presses and HP Latex printers).


Internet as tool and marketplace in one

The internet, including the online and mobile worlds, is thus becoming an integral part of any type of print media production. Even imaging specialist Canon, the only exhibitor that can cover all drupa highlight themes, backs digital cross-linked transformation and synchronisation of all production, communication and business processes. The social media-conforming Canon motto #UnleashPrint particularly substantiates the drupa 2016 aspiration.

From 3D applications to printing products “cross-linked” through augmented reality, application scenarios that pool all of Canon’s expertise will be shown at drupa 2016. The driver in the “background” is Canon’s solutions skill for accelerating digital transformation through customised software and the merging of proprietary and third-party (such as Microsoft, Oracle, etc.) solutions. Canon gave a taste of what was to come at its future show “Canon Expo” in October 2015 in Paris: It was demonstrated live and explained in presentations how a (fictive) brand of mountain bikes can be staged in media and communications right from the start, from the photo shoot to marketing materials up to e-commerce with a web shop. Everything cast from the same mould, everything seamlessly interwoven. And this, too, at the point-of-sales, for example, where the quality of digitally printed packaging is determining the way forward. Equally impressive was the “creative” zone which showed what a consumer experience is like when everything that one imagines can become reality: From the perception of the world “out there” to one’s own home — everything is supported by Canon in multimedia, by image/photo, video, printed photo book, iPad app, etc.


The Art of Print – Rembrandts revival!

Causing a sensation worldwide recently was “The Next Rembrandt” project: On the initiative of art experts at the Het Rembrandthuis Museum in Amsterdam and scientists from the Delft University of Technology with the support of technology partner Microsoft, all available data and information left behind by Rembrandt was evaluated – some 15 terabytes of data in total. “The Next Rembrandt” was to be made up of 168,263 Rembrandt painting components derived from 3D scans that resulted from a laborious, digital 3D composition in a synthesised new painting. However, no 3D printer was used as reported by the media, but a digital printing system. It is not public yet what kind of digital printing system they used. But: Mid of March 2016 at the Canon Business Days in Venlo, The Netherlands a printed copy of the „The Next Rembrandt“ was shown. It could be produced by advanced Océ VariaDot Imaging-Technologies which are already used to reproduce image motifs in relief, based preferably on 3D scans, such as for the reproduction of old fabric wall coverings formerly created by artists. [See the exclusive ValuePublishing story „Rembrandt verleiht Print postum eine ganz neue Bedeutung“ (in german language)]. 

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Print 4.0 needs Communication 4.0

“In dealing with digitalisation, the print media branch focussed a long time on increasing production efficiency. Accordingly, any type of print media product always followed digital processes. That is a good thing. But, the effectiveness of print as a cross-linkable medium in the digital age was given short shrift and now has top priority,” stated Didier Gombert, founder and CEO of technology developer Objectif Lune (OL). For more than 20 years, the visionary entrepreneur has been a pioneer of a new “digital” philosophy that integrates print media topically in the communications mix.

For Gombert, the foundation is the “connect” principle. From one “digital” building block of various solutions, a scalable solution scenario develops that helps both beginners and pros to optimally use print in business and customer communications and always cross-links easily and affordably with digital communication processes. His success proves him right: With 240 employees and 3 development centres in North America, Europe and Australia, OL serves more than 20,000 companies around the world and is supported by a network of qualified partners. For Gombert, theme highlights at drupa 2016 are new communications tasks that are “beyond technology” so to say, such as “customer experience” and “customer journey”. This is understood to (further) develop 100% market and customer-oriented products and solutions in a dialogue with the customer. In focus: optimal interfaces between man-machine — machine-machine — machine-man.


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From Pipelines to Platforms

Up to now, print production processes have followed a rigid, linear workflow scenario: Data are edited digitally, formatted with expert tools and then prepared unalterably for print. People tell the machine, so to say, what to do. An innovative approach, therefore, is to dissolve this rigid process, whereby data from various sources can be processed online or offline, from analogue to digital and vice-versa — quasi as an iterative process – seamlessly transformed and automatically enriched with customised and “on-demand” output per digital printing. Seen from a technical workflow angle, a pipeline process is transferred to a cross-linked interactive platform concept that offers new forms of connectivity.

Interesting stimuli are also coming in this context from post-press processing and paper technology. For automation, paper technology specialist BW Papersystems banks on a new type of online remote service such as its ExpertOnline. Originally conceived as a technical services support, it soon became apparent that masses of machine data from giant paper production plants could be exported and intelligently analysed. From this, production workflows and techniques could be optimised.

On the other hand, BW Papersystems is the first specialised technology manufacturer to rely on dialogue throughout the entire value chain in print production – that is, from pre-media, print, paper and processing technology and application specialists – to enable continuous, fully-automated processes. No continuity in print production can be ensured otherwise. This type of automation is important, especially for online printing and particularly for the latest digital print productions as print production facilities become more efficient in their output and vast amounts of data are accrued. At Onlineprinters/, for example, 500,000 customers are served, with up to 4,000 orders carried out per day on an annual average and 1.25 million deliveries per annum.



The handling of “big data” in print production has several dimensions: From the web and social media world or via cloud services, the amount of data is exploding that is being transferred from the virtual world to print; content can be automatically compiled on the basis of intelligent algorithms for masses of customised, needs-oriented print products. On the other hand, huge data streams have to be handled intelligently in production management to be able to produce and deliver efficiently, with quality, without media disruption and as quickly as possible, that is, within the deadline of a day.


Tip for drupa visit

  1. Exhibitors such as Objectif Lune in Hall 7a/E23 and BW Papersystems, Hall 10/D20 on automation through digitalisation from pre-media to post-press processing

  2. In the drupa innovation parc, Hall 7, new digital innovative solutions are grouped, which are also explained in technical presentations

  3. Different to all other drupa exhibitors Canon covers all drupa high-light topics in once. The motto #UnleashPrint comes to life. Hall 8a/B50.

ValuePublishing Canon Stories.001

By Andreas Weber

Note: This market trend analysis by Andreas Weber appeared in modified form in the drupa run-up special by VDI-nachrichten dated May 13, 2016. VDI-nachrichten addresses a premium reader target group of more than 310,000 technical and innovation experts in German industry.  

More than half of all packaging volume worldwide is attributed to printed packaging – and the trend is rising. Packaging printing is thus becoming the most important market of the future for the printing press. This is reflected at the upcoming world’s leading trade fair of the industry, drupa (Dusseldorf, May 31-June 10, 2016). The packaging industry has been booming for years. In 2012, proceeds worldwide were around €600 billion, in 2018 it should be a rich €758 billion. At least, that is what the British market research company Smithers Pira predicts.

The reasons for this are first, the increasing need for packaging in the developing and emerging countries due to rising prosperity and growing populations. China is at the top. Secondly, the packaging sector in the western industrial countries is benefiting from increasing variety and more competition in trade. And thirdly, the volume itself of packaging is growing, as noted here in Germany by the consumer consultancy of North Rhine-Westphalia. For 40% of the packaging contained air.

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Boom-market packaging unleashes new printing techniques 

That makes it clear why the printing and paper branches are heavily banking on innovation owing to the eye-catching differentiation of packaging. To date, these have been mostly unusual finishing options such as varnish or metallic colours and non-standard configurations of machines and media specially designed for packaging printing.

Up to now, packaging has primarily been printed and finished using flexo, offset, gravure and screen printing processes. These are able to accommodate the high volume as well as quality and cost demands. Together, flexo and offset printing currently cover around two-thirds of the world market for packaging printing. According to Smithers Pira, it had a volume of $415 billion in 2015.

At less than 10%, the proportion of digital printing is still relatively small and thus presents room for growth. This should change though in the midterm with progress being made in digital print technology, because even in packaging the numbers are sinking. And then there is the trend to customisation.

Printed and varnished cardboard and metal sheets should remain the domain of sheet-fed offset printing for the time being. Yet, digital printing is gradually feeling its way into this market. For flexible packaging, flexo printing is dominant in Europe and America; in Asia, it is gravure. The latter is losing ground, however, due to its expense.

For corrugated board and labels, flexo printing is likewise the process most used, although in labels, digital printing is gaining strength. Screen printing was previously used mostly for signs, displays and hollow articles. There, too, digital inkjet printing is gaining importance. Experts assume that the corrugated board wrapping commonly used in e-commerce today will become increasingly more colourful.

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Photo: Gundlach Group


German printing press manufacturers are searching for cooperation partners in digital printing

In particular, the German printing press manufacturers Koenig & Bauer (KBA) and Heidelberger Druckmaschinen have been focussing on packaging printing for years. Now it is industrial digital printing that should benefit from global collaborations: KBA cooperated with HP Inc. to harness inkjet printing for itself through HP’s own PageWide printing technology.

Heidelberg and Japanese Fujifilm with its expertise in inkjet printing technology jointly developed a new technology platform within 15 months. The first machine based on this, called Primefire, targets premium quality packaging printing with the inkjet printing of sheets in large format (70cm x 100cm).

Event tip: During drupa 2016, a trade day devoted to packaging and printed electronics will take place on June 2 in the drupa cube in Hall 5. Register at

Many new players who have developed additional processes are entering the game owing to the trend to packaging printing, particularly from Israel. These include new digital printing technologies such as the one from Landa Nanography. Scodix has developed digital finishing machines and Highcon relies on laser-based high-speed presses for folding carton. Pure digital printing technology experts such as Canon and Xerox also want to leverage the potential of print applications in packaging including label printing. In printed electronics this includes the integration of Near Field Communication (NFC) that can be processed in inkjet printing.

KBA boss Claus Bolza-Schünemann, in his position as president of the world’s leading trade fair drupa, strikes a blow for packaging printing. For its content, printed packaging serves a protective, preservative, promotional and increasingly also a communicative function. Here the topic of consumer protection comes to mind with respective notices on packaging. What’s more, packaging cannot be replaced by flat screens or smartphones. Unlike with printed newspapers or catalogues, it is not affected by changing media behaviour, but rather benefits from it. More single households with a preference for convenience foods and the booming online mail-order trade are likewise growth drivers.

What can be easily overlooked in the classic printing sector is the interplay of multichannel solutions in marketing, “augmented reality” and personalised advertising. This combination can make any type of packaging become the starting point of new contact and dialogue opportunities with the buyer through “augmented reality” and therefore represents enormous potential for brand-name companies.

To realise this, digital printing is vital. Only with it can the printed image be varied ad hoc. New multichannel software solutions such as those from Xerox subsidiary XMPie enable packaging to be personalised and thus become a part of a measurable marketing campaign.


Photo: Heideldruck


Multi-coloured muesli containers are the market of the future

But there are also some obstacles: Fogra, the Munich-based graphic technology research association has found out that the print image quality of inkjet printing can easily result in a very “ragged” print image. This cannot be seen with the naked eye, but causes problems particularly with barcodes. The highly sensitive barcode readers then generate error messages. Any printer that has produced high print-runs with poorly printed barcodes that then cause reader errors has a huge problem.

One of the most exciting packaging printing projects was realised by Heidelberg in tandem with online start-up at the beginning of the year. is a mail-order company for customised muesli. After initial success, the online company opened shops and online print expert Bernd Zipper came up with the idea that people buying muesli on-site could print their own muesli packaging – and not just a label – using an iPad.

That was made possible thanks to a printing technology from Heidelberg called 4D in which the object to be printed is fixed inside the cabin of the printing press and is then printed by movable inkjet print heads. The online editing and process management stems from Longo, Augsburg. The result is a muesli container with personalised text, self-designed and produced in real-time. The customers love it and it is now to go into production.

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Photo: KBA


ValuePublishing Facts:
drupa president Bolza-Schünemann listed the following reasons for the strong, sustained growth of packaging:

  1. Printed packaging serves a protective, preservative, and advertising function for its contents and, increasingly, a communication function, too. Just think of consumer protection with appropriate references on the packaging.
  2. Packaging cannot be replaced by flatscreens or smartphones. Unlike printed newspapers or catalogs, it remains unaffected by the changed media behavior and actually tends to benefit from this.
  3. The global population is rising and international prosperity is increasing. The middle class with disposable income is growing in emerging markets such as China, India, and Brazil. Growing prosperity goes hand in hand with higher consumption and that in turn means more packaging and printing, all the more since shopping malls are springing up everywhere in emerging markets, too.
  4. Packaging is becoming increasingly classy and sophisticated – the only way to attract the necessary attention at the point of sale. This trend results in greater added value for the printing industry and machines with more elaborate configurations for the supply industry.
  5. More single-person households with a preference for ready meals and the booming online mail-order business are also driving growth.

ValuePublishing Canon Stories.001

Von Andreas Weber

Hinweis: Der Fachartikel erschien in abgewandelter Form im Auftakt-drupa-Special von VDI-nachrichten, Ausgabe vom 13. Mai 2016. VDI-nachrichten spricht als Premium-Leserzielgruppe über 310.000 Technik- und Innovations-Experten der deutschen Wirtschaft an.  

Mehr als die Hälfte aller Verpackungsumsätze weltweit entfällt auf bedruckte Verpackungen – Tendenz steigend. Der Verpackungsdruck wird somit zum wichtigsten Zukunftsmarkt des Druckmaschinenbaus. Dies spiegelt sich wider auf der kommenden Weltleitmesse der Branche, der Drupa (Düsseldorf, 31. 05.2016 bis 10. 06.2016). Die Verpackungsindustrie boomt seit Jahren. 2012 erlöste sie weltweit rund 600 Mrd. €, 2018 sollen es satte 758 Mrd. € sein. Das jedenfalls prognostiziert das britischen Marktforschungsunternehmen Smithers Pira.

Die Gründe hierfür sind zum Ersten der steigende Bedarf an Verpackungen in den Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern aufgrund zunehmenden Wohlstands und wachsender Bevölkerungen. China liegt an der Spitze. Zum Zweiten profitiert die Verpackungssparte in den westlichen Industrieländern von zunehmender Sortenvielfalt und mehr Wettbewerb im Handel. Und drittens nimmt das Volumen von Verpackungen zu, wie hierzulande die Verbraucherberatung NRW feststellte. Denn 40 % der Verpackungen enthielten Luft.


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Boom-Markt Verpackung entfesselt neue Print-Techniken 

Damit wird deutlich, warum die Druck- und Papierbranche mit großer Wucht auf die Innovation durch die aufmerksamkeitsstarke Differenzierung von Verpackungen setzt. Bis dato waren dies vor allem außergewöhnliche Veredelungsmöglichkeiten wie Lacke sowie Metallfarben und speziell für den Verpackungsdruck konzipierte Sonderkonfigurationen von Maschinen und Medien.

Bedruckt und veredelt werden Verpackungen bisher vor allem im Flexo-, Offset-, Tief- und Siebdruckverfahren. Dies trägt der hohen Auflagen sowie Qualitäts- und Kostenanforderungen Rechnung. Gemeinsam decken Flexo- und Offsetdruck aktuell rund zwei Drittel des Weltmarkts für Verpackungsdruck ab. Laut Smithers Pira hatte er 2015 ein Volumen von 415 Mrd. $.

Der Anteil des Digitaldrucks ist mit weniger als 10 % noch relativ klein, bietet also genug Raum für Wachstum. Dies dürfte sich aber mittelfristig durch die Fortschritte bei digitalen Drucktechniken ändern, denn auch bei den Verpackungen sinken die Auflagen. Hinzu kommt der Trend zur Individualisierung.

Bedruckte und lackierte Kartonagen sowie Blechtafeln dürften vorerst eine Domäne des Bogen-Offsetdrucks bleiben. Der Digitaldruck tastet sich aber allmählich in diesen Markt hinein. Bei flexiblen Verpackungen dominiert in Europa und Amerika der Flexodruck, in Asien der Tiefdruck. Letzterer verliert aber aufgrund der teuren Druckform an Boden.

Bei Wellpappe und Etiketten ist der Flexodruck ebenfalls noch der am meisten genutzte Prozess, obwohl bei den Labels der Digitaldruck stark im Kommen ist. Der Siebdruck wurde bisher vor allem bei Schildern, Displays und Hohlkörpern eingesetzt. Auch dort gewinnt das digitale Inkjet-Druckverfahren an Bedeutung. Experten gehen davon aus, dass die heute im E-Commerce üblichen braunen Umverpackungen aus Wellpappe zunehmend farbiger werden.

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Foto: Gundlach Group.

Deutsche Druckmaschinenbauer suchen im Digitaldruck Kooperationspartner

Besonders die deutschen Druckmaschinenbauer Koenig & Bauer (KBA) und Heidelberger Druckmaschinen setzen hier seit Jahren ihren Schwerpunkt auf den Verpackungsdruck. Nunmehr liegt er im industriellen Digitaldruck, der von globalen Kooperationen profitieren soll: KBA kooperiert mit HP Inc., um den Inkjetdruck für sich über HPs eigene Pagewide-Drucktechnologie nutzbar zu machen.

Heidelberg entwickelte mit der japanischen Fujifilm und dessen Expertise in der Tintenstrahldrucktechnik binnen 15 Monaten eine neue Technologieplattform. Die erste darauf basierende Maschine, Primefire genannt, zielt mit Inkjetdruck für Bögen im Großformat (70 cm x 100 cm) auf Verpackungsdruck in Premiumqualität.

Event-Tipp: Im drupa cube findet auf der drupa 2016 in Halle 5 am 2. Juni ein Fachtag zu Packaging und Printed Electronics statt. Anmeldungen über

Viele neue Player, die zusätzliche Verfahren entwickelten, kommen durch den Trend zum Verpackungsdruck ins Spiel, vor allem aus Israel. Dazu gehören neue Digitaldrucktechnologien wie die von Landa Nanography. Scodix entwickelt digitale Veredelungsmaschinen und Highcon setzt auf laserbasierte Hochgeschwindigkeitsmaschinen für die Faltschachtelherstellung. Auch reine Digitaldrucktechnikexperten wie Canon oder Xerox wollen bei Print-Anwendungen die Potenziale bei Verpackungen inklusive des Etikettendrucks heben. Dies schließt über printed electronics die Integration von Near Field Communication (NFC) ein, die beim Inkjetdruck mitverarbeitet werden kann.

KBA-Chef Claus Bolza-Schünemann bricht in seiner Funktion als Präsident der Weltleitmesse Drupa daher eine Lanze für den Verpackungsdruck. Bedruckte Verpackungen habe für ihren Inhalt eine Schutz-, Konservierungs-, Werbe- und zunehmend auch eine Kommunikationsfunktion. Man denke hier nur an das Thema Verbraucherschutz mit entsprechenden Hinweisen auf der Verpackung. Zudem könnten Verpackungen nicht durch Flatscreens oder Smartphones ersetzt werden. Anders als gedruckte Zeitungen oder Kataloge seien sie nicht vom veränderten Medienverhalten betroffen, sondern profitierten eher davon. Mehr Single-Haushalte mit einer Vorliebe für Fertiggerichte und der boomende Onlineversandhandel seien ebenfalls Wachstumstreiber.

Was im klassischen Drucksektor leicht übersehen wird, ist das Zusammenspiel von Multichannel-Lösungen beim Marketing, „Augmented Reality“ und individualisierter Werbung. Diese Kombination kann jede Art von Verpackung über die „Augmented Reality“ zum Startpunkt neuer Kontakt- und Dialogmöglichkeiten mit dem Käufer machen und stellt daher ein ungeheures Potenzial für Markenunternehmen dar.

Um dies zu realisieren, ist der Digitaldruck unerlässlich. Nur durch ihn kann das Druckbild ad hoc variiert werden. So ermöglichen neuartige Multichannel-Softwarelösungen wie die von der Xerox-Tochter XMPie, Verpackungen zu individualisieren und sie zu einem Teil von messbaren Marketingkampagnen werden zu lassen.


Foto: Heideldruck.

Kunterbunte Müslidosen sind der Zukunftsmarkt

Doch gibt es auch Hemmnisse: Die Münchner Forschungsgemeinschaft Druck (Fogra) hat herausgefunden, dass die Druckbildqualität per Inkjetdruck leicht ein zu sehr „ausgefranstes“ Druckbild ergeben kann. Das ist mit dem bloßen Auge nicht erkennbar, bereitet aber vor allem bei Barcodes Probleme. Die hochsensiblen Barcode-Lesegeräte erzeugen dann Fehlermeldungen. Wer als Druckerei hohe Auflagen mit schlecht gedruckten Barcodes erzeugt hat, die dann Lesefehler verursachen, hat ein Riesenproblem.

Eines der derzeit spannendsten Verpackungsdruckprojekte hat Heidelberg im Team mit dem Online-Start-up bereits zur Jahreswende realisiert. ist ein Versandhandel für individuell konfigurierte Müslis. Nach ersten Erfolgen eröffnete die Onlinefirma Ladengeschäfte und es entstand durch den Online-Printexperten Bernd Zipper die Idee, dass der Müslikäufer vor Ort per iPad seine Müsliverpackung – und nicht nur ein Etikett – selbst bedruckten kann.

Möglich macht das eine Drucktechnik von Heidelberg, genannt 4D, die in der Kabine der Druckmaschine den zu bedruckenden Gegenstand im Raum fixiert und dann mit beweglichen Tintenstahldruckköpfen bedruckt. Das Online-Editier- und Prozessmanagement stammt von Longo, Augsburg. Heraus kommt die Müslidose mit individuellem Text, selbst gestaltet und in Echtzeit produziert. Das kommt bei Kunden bestens an und soll nun in Serie gehen.

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Foto: KBA.



KBA-Chef Claus Bolza-Schünemann bricht in seiner Funktion als drupa-2016-Präsident eine Lanze für den Verpackungsdruck. Seine Argumente für das starke, nachhaltige Wachstum bei Verpackungen:

  1. Bedruckte Verpackungen haben für ihren Inhalt eine Schutz-, Konservierungs-, Werbe- und zunehmend auch eine Kommunikationsfunktion. Man denke hier nur an das Thema Verbraucherschutz mit entsprechenden Hinweisen auf der Verpackung.
  2. Verpackungen können nicht durch Flatscreens oder Smartphones ersetzt werden. Anders als gedruckte Zeitungen oder Kataloge sind sie nicht vom veränderten Medienverhalten betroffen, sondern profitieren eher davon.
  3. Die Weltbevölkerung und der internationale Wohlstand wachsen. In Schwellenländern wie China, Indien oder Brasilien wächst die kaufkräftige Mittelschicht. Mit dem Wohlstand wächst der Konsum und wo mehr konsumiert wird, wird mehr verpackt und bedruckt, zumal auch in Schwellenländern Shopping Malls aus dem Boden schießen.
  4. Verpackungen werden immer raffinierter und edler. Nur so finden sie am Point of Sale die nötige Aufmerksamkeit. Dieser Trend bringt mehr Wertschöpfung für die Druckbranche und aufwendiger ausgestattete Maschinen für die Lieferindustrie.
  5. Mehr Single-Haushalte mit einer Vorliebe für Fertiggerichte und der boomende Online-Versandhandel sind ebenfalls Wachstumstreiber.

Graphic Repro On-line News Review to Friday 13 May 2016

Welcome to another roundup of 29 news highlights for the past week together with Laurel Brunner’s Verdigris Blog on Friday, which this week discusses the World Economic Forum and its Project Mainstream’s most recent white paper, which deals with paper.

We also have three new additions in Online Features Chapter 05, highlighting UPM Biofore in Beijing with a unique project which has little to do with printing or paper, but is just too beautiful and stunning to ignore; then we have the BPIF’s Printing Outlook for Q2; and then SF Taylor in the UK with its new KBA Rapida 75.

You will also find a new drupa ante portas Blog article featuring Objectif Lune, by Andreas Weber, as well as another 14 new additions in our drupa Newsroom from Exhibitors. These are led by KBA Digital, Hybrid Software, Heidelberg Workflow, Heidelberg CTP, Durst Inkjet, Tecnau, Agfa Graphics CTP, Leonhard KURZ with a new foil; Chili Publish, Domino with high-speed Inkjet; Fujifilm wide-format Inkjet, Alwan Color Expertise, and Techawa, and these latest additions now bring the total of pre-show announcements to 188, with just two weeks to go before the show opens its doors a fortnight tomorrow on Tuesday 31 May.

Major news leads with week came from Sappi on Monday with its Q2 and half-year 2016 results which were excellent; then on Tuesday from Heidelberg with its preliminary figures for 2015/2016 and also very positive and correspond to a Euro 100 million turnaround. On Wednesday, KBA announced its new Website for the Group; and on Thursday we had KBA’s interim Q1 report for 2016. Friday saw the BPIF’s Printing Outlook for Q2 take the lead.

This week has seen a few nice sales and installations successes, and also some new kit which is non-drupa related, specifically from Agfa Graphics with PrintSphere, a cloud-based data exchange service for PSPs, and from Quark on Friday. You’ll also find a couple of software upgrades.

Recent sales and installations kicked off on Monday with IFS and Horizon at Windsor Print; Tuesday saw Bertelsmann Printing Group’s direct mail and document solutions division, Campaign, opts for Screen’s Truepress Jet 520ZZ inkjet system for direct marketing; also ProImage with OnColor in the USA. On Wednesday, Muller Martini highlighted 13 Presto and Presto Digital saddle stitcher installations in the UK and Ireland over the past year, this was followed by Xeikon at DOCUsystem in Frankfurt, Germany. Thursday saw Portuguese fashion printer Blur extend its direct-to-garment business with Kornit Digital‘s Allegro and a Zund cut solution. To round off the week on Friday, Cheadle, UK-based Cestrian Imaging announced a UK first with its EFI Reggiani PRO 340 digital textile inkjet printer purchase; and lastly Manroland Sheetfed highlighted its latest eight-colour Roland 700 press installation in China.

The tailender this week goes to the Ghent Workgroup, which welcomed two new members on board: Ricoh and CHILI Publish, in the headlines on Wednesday. 

That’s it until next time. I hope you find more of interest among the links below.
With my best regards, 
Mike Hilton 


Heidelberg Figures 2015:2016.png

Our e-News comprises:  Headline News – Online Feature Articles – the Verdigris initiative from Digital Dots. Our Drupa and FESPA Newsrooms can be accessed from the Index on our Home Page, as well as News in Review, which provides a weekly overview and listing of all news added to the site. 

Headline News
Over 28,000 news items have now gone online since we launched our Website in September 2001. News for the past 24 months can still be accessed via the Home Page and its continuation news pages

Mon 09 May…   
Sappi Second Quarter and Half Year Results 2016
Sappi profits double for second quarter and half-year ended March 2016, with repositioning well on track…

Hybrid Software and Cerm create new partnership
provides significant opportunities for label printers to improve efficiency and profitability…

Alwan to showcase complete CxF/X-4 solution at drupa
Alwan to showcase CxF/X-4 solution for brand owners and designers to accurately define, predict and reproduce their spot colours…

Alwan to demonstrate inline profiling at drupa in Hall 7
Alwan enables printers to automatically calibrate and profile print devices without any dedicated resources or print sessions…

Windsor Print creates new finishing production landscape
Horizon bookletmaker and Foliant spend with IFS brings greater control, cuts costs and reduces outsourcing…

Tue 10 May…   
Heidelberg announces preliminary figures for 2015/2016
Heidelberg grows and records significant annual net profit for FY 2015 / 2016 that corresponds to a Euro 100 million turnaround…

Campaign chooses Screen Truepress Jet520ZZ for Gütersloh
Bertelsmann Printing Group’s direct mail and document solutions division opts for Screen inkjet for direct marketing…

Goss and DG press announce partnership for packaging
Goss International acquires the Thallo press system as part of the agreement, enhancing Goss’ portfolio of packaging solutions…

Kurz: Print finishing that will make people look twice
The new stamping foil changes colour at different viewing angles. KURZ will be at drupa 2016 in Hall 3, in dip in Hall 7, and in Hall 12…

Fujifilm to debut new Acuity LED 3200R at drupa
Fujifilm announces new wide-format Acuity LED 3200R UV inkjet printer at drupa 2016 in Hall 8b…

OnColor ECO Ink Optimization for The Sun Chronicle
The Sun Chronicle taps into ProImage OnColor ECO Ink Optimization Software to reduce ink consumption and cost…

Wed 11 May…   
New Internet Website for the KBA Group
Printing press manufacturer Koenig & Bauer AG has completely redesigned and modernised its Internet Website…

Durst single-pass inkjet for corrugated and labels at drupa
Durst to unveil new corrugated packaging & display printing segment with single-pass and multi-pass technologies, and more…

Agfa to launch Advantage N Essentials CTP series at drupa
Agfa Graphics now offers a series of low-cost engines that take CTP technology for newspaper prepress back to its essence…

Ricoh and CHILI Publish join the Ghent Workgroup
The Ghent Workgroup (GWG) is pleased to welcome two new members on board: Ricoh and CHILI Publish…

Muller Martini Presto: 817 job changes in nine days
In one year, 13 UK and Ireland companies have invested in a Presto II or Presto II Digital Saddle Stitcher from Muller Martini…

Xeikon helps DOCUsystem open new market opportunities
Flyers, invoices, photo wallpapers and more: Rödermark-based DOCUsystem leverages the Xeikon 8500 for expansion…

Thu 12 May…   
Koenig & Bauer Group interim Q1 report for 2016
A positive start for the KBA Group with revenue in the first quarter up 46 per cent and EBT up ?18m year-on-year…

Hybrid Software to debut PACKZ RoundTrip at drupa
Hybrid Software provides missing link between package design in Adobe Illustrator format and production…

CHILI publish to highlight Asian expansion at drupa 2016
Move supports increased demand for the production of personalised, shorter runs of marketing materials in the APAC region…

The Smart Print Shop for everyone: thanks to Prinect
With the new Prinect Production Manager, print shops of all sizes can completely automate their production processes…

GMG announces release of OpenColor 2.0.4
OpenColor 2.0.4 offers separation profiles for GMG ColorServer, packaging editors, and Adobe Photoshop…

New Kornit Allegro joins Barcelos-based Blur’s press fleet
Portuguese fashion printer Blur, extends direct-to-garment business with Kornit Digital’s Allegro and Zund Cut solution…

Fri 13 May…   
BPIF Printing Outlook Report Q2 2016
UK printing industry has a case of the wobbles in Q1 – confidence and trade expected to recover in Q2…

Agfa Graphics launches PrintSphere in the cloud
Agfa Graphics launches PrintSphere, a cloud-based data exchange service for print service providers…

QuarkXPress 2016 to ship on 24 May
Limited time left to take advantage of special offers on upgrades and pre-order promotions…

Heidelberg non-stop plate production at drupa 2016
Smart print shop: Heidelberg to showcase a fully automatic production line for CTP plate imaging at drupa…

Cestrian first in UK with EFI Reggiani PRO 340 for textiles
Cheadle, UK-based Cestrian Imaging drives growth with EFI Reggiani PRO 340 digital textile inkjet printer…

Ruicheng Yang Sen Packaging adds first Roland 700
Pharmaceutical packaging printer Shanxi Ruicheng Yang Sen Packaging: a professional service all round…

Last lead articles from previous update…  

Last Friday’s leads…
KURZ: Innovative die technologies for hot stamping
Hinderer + Mühlich presenting novel die designs and setup aids at drupa as a co-exhibitor with the stamping foil manufacturer…

Industrial Inkjet on customer-finding mission at drupa 2016
IIJ targeting 200 new OEM customers for Konica Minolta at drupa on Konica Minolta’s stand in Hall 8b…

GraphicRepro.Net e-News  (ISSN 1814-2923) is sponsored and made possible by:

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG  (Heidelberg), The world’s largest printing press manufacturer for the industry worldwide. Heidelberg customers enjoy the most comprehensive and extensive sales and service network in the industry for JDF compliant workflow, computer-to-plate, sheetfed offset, Web-to-print, digital printing, digital inkjet for labels and packaging, packaging and finishing, all with complementary consumables. Heidelberg has offices in around 170 countries. Visit the Heidelberg Website for more information.

drupa 2016 (drupa), the international flagship fair of the printing and media industry, responds to the challenges of the changing market and provides pioneering solutions for the future. This is highlighted by the new marketing and communication strategy where drupa claims its position as ‘No.1 for Print & Crossmedia Solutions’ with the slogan ‘touch the future’. The issues of ‘package printing’, ‘multichannel’, ‘green printing’, ‘3D printing’, and ‘functional printing’ will become increasingly important to the overall communication strategy. To find out more, visit the drupa 2016 Website.

Online Feature articles 2014 – 2016
There were again well over 70 last year, 90 in 2014, and 92 articles in 2013 which can still be accessed via the Index on the Home Page, with prior years’ via Search Archives (option 2).

Technology-related Chapter 02

Sappi extends an invitation to innovate flexible packaging
With integrated barriers and heat sealing properties this new Sappi paper is suitable for flexible packaging applications…

Online Features May/Jun Chapter 05

The Biofore Tea House at ‘Moi Helsinki’ event in Beijing, China
UPM and Tongji University combine Chinese tea culture with innovative biomaterials for the Biofore Tea House, from 13 – 15 May…

BPIF’s Printing Outlook for the Second Quarter 2016
The UK printing industry has a case of the wobbles in Q1 – confidence and trade expected to recover in Q2…

SF Taylor improves efficiencies and reduces waste with KBA
The Stockport, UK company has doubled its press output by investing in a KBA Rapida 75 4-colour with perfecting…

Online Features Mar/Apr Chapter 04

Traderplus South Africa expands with further IIJ investment
Traderplus South Africa secures a major advantage with additional Industrial Inkjet (IIJ) technology, to be added in July…

Verdigris – Environmental Initiative

Laurel Brunner’s weekly Verdigris Blogs 2016

Paper Chains
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 13 May

Sustainable by Design
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 06 May

Drupa Newsroom
Our Drupa Newsroom with news from Messe Düsseldorf and for Drupa 2016 can be found in the Index, as well as via the special Newsroom button on the right of the Home Page near the top. It is divided into the following Chapters for your convenience and ease of use… but you must scroll down to view each Chapter when you visit the Newsroom

drupa ante portas Blogs 2016

Objectif Lune: Innovative solutions for interactive communications
drupa ante portas: Simply clever – OL turns data into personalised cross-media solutions! By Andreas Weber, Mainz/Germany

BW Papersystems’ strong brands at drupa 2016
drupa ante portas: Interview with BW Papersystems’ Patrick Walczak, who relies completely on customer orientation and individual solutions! By Andreas Weber…

drupa 2016 News from Exhibitors
Latest additions can now be accessed in our drupa Newsroom.

KBA at drupa: A strong focus on packaging producers
The press manufacturer is the market leader in several packaging segments and generates 70% of its revenue in the packaging market…

Hybrid Software to debut PACKZ RoundTrip
Hybrid Software provides missing link between package design in Adobe Illustrator format and production…

The Smart Print Shop for everyone: thanks to Prinect
With the new Prinect Production Manager, print shops of all sizes can completely automate their production processes precisely in line with requirements…

Heidelberg non-stop printing plate production at drupa
Smart print shop: Heidelberg showcasing a fully automatic production line for CTP plate imaging at drupa…

Durst to unveil single-pass inkjet for corrugated and labels
Durst to unveil its new corrugated packaging & display printing segment with single-pass and multi-pass technologies, along with its successful Tau 330 portfolio for label production…

Tecnau show debut for the Libra 800 at drupa
Tecnau to exhibit the Libra 800 automated and variable book finishing line for first time at an industry event at drupa 2016…

Agfa launches Advantage N Essentials CTP series @drupa
Agfa Graphics now offers a series of low-cost engines that take CTP technology for newspaper prepress back to its essence…

Kurz: Print finishing that will make people look twice
New Kurz stamping foil changes colour at different viewing angles…

CHILI publish highlights Asian expansion at drupa
Move supports increased demand for the production of personalized, shorter runs of marketing materials in the APAC region…

Domino to showcase its K630i high-speed inkjet in Hall 5
Domino to launch a high speed variable-pagination digital booklet printing solution with Kern and IBIS at drupa 2016…

Fujifilm to debut new Acuity LED 3200R at drupa
Fujifilm announces new wide-format Acuity LED 3200R UV inkjet printer at drupa 2016 in Hall 8b…

Alwan to showcase ccmplete CxF/X-4 solution at drupa in Hall 7
Alwan to showcase its complete CxF/X-4 solution for brand owners and designers to accurately define, predict and reproduce their spot colours…

Alwan to demonstrate inline profiling at drupa in Hall 7
Alwan Color Expertise enables printers to automatically calibrate and profile their print devices without any dedicated resources or print sessions…

Tichawa Vision CIS innovation at drupa in Hall 3
100% print inspection: Tichawa to present a multicolor Contact Image Sensor (CIS) offering adaptable resolution with minimum space requirements…

Kurz: Innovative die technologies for hot stamping
Hinderer + Mühlich is presenting novel die designs and setup aids at drupa as a co-exhibitor with the stamping foil manufacturer Leonhard Kurz…

Industrial Inkjet on customer-finding mission at drupa
IIJ targeting 200 new OEM customers for Konica Minolta at drupa on Konica Minolta’s stand in Hall 8b…

Masterwork’s extensive postpress for packaging at drupa
At drupa, Masterwork will debut automatic sheet inspection machines, die-cutting and embossing, and folder gluers…

CRON brings major diversification to its drupa campaign
Six new products illustrate company’s dedication to improve value chain from plate to printed product…

MGI to showcase the Future of Print at drupa
MGI Digital Technology announces exclusive world premieres of new products for digital and offset applications…

Adphos Digital Printing at drupa in Hall 6
adphosNIR – drying, curing and other thermal processes at the speed of light at drupa 2016…

Feldmuehle at drupa 2016 in Hall 4
With a focus on VivaCard and MediaLiner high-white, matt materials for holistic packaging design…

The touchpoint 3D fab + print: at drupa
Visionary ideas, best cases and hands-on state of the art…

HP introduces three wide-format Latex Printers for drupa debut
HP Inc. propels print service providers’ profitability with new latex printers as company’s third-generation Latex portfolio delivers new levels of productivity and affordability…

The next step in colour communication at dip on 2 and 8 June
Colour management specialist Erik Koldenhof on stage at the drupa innovation park: ‘Embrace open standards for print quality communication’…

Steinemann at drupa in Hall 1 with new dmax systems
New narrow-format dmax digital varnishing machines attracting great interest. The dmax 106 will be shown live at drupa…

Leonhard Kurz named a HP SmartStream Solutions Partner
The Kurz DM-Liner for creating glossy, metalised surfaces with digital print, to be presented on HP’s stand at drupa in Hall 17…

Kodak’s latest version of Insite Creative Workflow in Hall 5
Kodak Insite Creative Workflow improves collaboration and security with HTML5 will be demonstrated at drupa…

Duplo products to raise the bar in Hall 6 at drupa
Duplo International will be using Hall 6 at drupa as the launch pad for a raft of new, faster, smarter, better, state-of-the-art products…

CP Bourg at drupa in Hall 6 and in Hall 17 with HP Indigo
CP Bourg announces advanced integration with the new HP Indigo 7900 Digital Press and HP Indigo Direct-to-Finish to be debuted in Hall 17…

Unilux to introduce two LED strobes at drupa
Lightweight stroboscopes deliver brighter light, more even coverage, enhanced ability to inspect UV-visible inks, security elements or coatings…

drupa 2016 Expert Article Series and more
Can be found in our Drupa Newsroom via the Index on the Home Page.

Final article in the series…   
Digital versus traditional packaging print
Touch the future. Drupa Expert Article No 8 by Michael Seidl, publisher and editor-in-chief of various specialist publications in Central and Eastern Europe including Print & Publishing, Packaging and Visual Communication….

drupa 2016 News from Messe Düsseldorf

touchpoint 3D fab + print:
Visionary ideas, best cases and hands-on state of the art…

touchpoint 3D fab + print:
Visionäre Ideen, Best Cases & State-of-the-Art zum Anfassen…

drupa cube 2016: With full programme PDF to download
Inspiration and innovation in some 60 keynotes, panel discussions and presentations from international experts…

drupa cube 2016: Mit komplette Programm PDF zum download
Inspiration und Innovation in rund 60 Keynotes, Panel-Discussions und Präsentationen internationaler Experten…

FESPA Newsroom
The dedicated FESPA Newsroom can be found via the Index on our Home Page.

FESPA Federation News in 2016

Most recent…   
FESPA’s Regional events in 2016
FESPA’S worldwide regional events reinforce the central Profit For Purpose philosophy which drives FESPA…

The Graphic Repro On-line Website is supported and sponsored by: 

Antalis South Africa, Canon SA,  Screen Europe,  Drupa 2016,  EFI,  Esko,  FESPA.  Goss International Inc,  Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG,  HP Graphic Solutions,   Koenig + Bauer AG,  Kemtek Imaging Systems,  Krause-Biagosch,  Leonhard Kurz Stiftung,   Manroland Web Systems GmbH,  Muller Martini AG,  POLAR-Mohr, QuadTech Inc,  Quark Inc,  Ricoh Europe ,  Sappi Limited Thunderbolt Solutions, and UPM-Kymmene
If you would like to send news for consideration for the Graphic Repro On-line Website (ISSN 1814-2915) or to submit comments, please e-mail Mike Hilton at:

Our Website urls are:

GraphicRepro.Net e-News (ISSN 1814-2923)  provides weekly updates from the Graphic Repro On-line Website and is  compiled and published by Mike Hilton, graphicrepro.netPO Box 10 Peterburgskoe Shosse 13/1, 196605 Pushkin 5, St. Petersburg,  Russia.