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ValueCheck! Apple Steve jobs.001

© 2014 by Value Communication AG, Mainz/Germany




Almost everyone in the technology sector says that they admire Steve Jobs. However, when it comes to applying what he led already, many of them fail. —Andreas Weber, Value CEO, Mainz/Germany


By Şükran Ceren Salalı, Value Communication Fellow


Based on the text with a good analysis from to Rod Bauer from Bauer group, there are several lessons we should take into consideration in order to be more successful in the business world. Especially, those who admire Jobs and think he was the most effective CEO, should rethink about their working strategies regarding these facts:

Lesson #1 — Creating great products requires patience

Lesson #2 — Think big

Lesson #3 — Focus on your strengths

Lesson #4 — Think different

Lesson #5 — Technology by itself is not enough


Apparently, many people in Silicon Valley give all their attention on writing code or learning how to run a company, but not on “learning how to learn”. What made Steve Job very successful was the way he gave value on learning culture, music, film, calligraphy, design and architecture. So, we have many things to learn from him, other than remaining as so-called admirers.


Our Take: Learn how to use the ValueCheck! to create value — Invented in Mainz/Germany

In regards to Steve Jobs, we are working with many talented artist and innovators, organizing outstanding art&culture events. Value Communication AG created ValueCheck! to enable a strategy that considers human to human aspects as important energizers for successful business strategies.

So, at least, not only direct business relations, but also art and culture experiences are focused by Value Communication AG. Being established in a 2000-year-old city, Mainz, that is surrounded by fascinating specialties of art, history and culture, the ValueCheck! practices what it preaches and emphasizes its practices regarding with the understanding of connecting innovation to profit.

ValueCheck! have already taken those principles into consideration which are highlighted by Steve Jobs such as patience, thinking big, focusing on strengths, thinking different and knowing that technology is solely not enough. ValueCheck! also guides businesses  to take these principles in order to become more successful and keep up with the times of digital transformation and the age of consumer by using ValueCheck Audits and Coachings by analyzing them in a professional, smart and effective way.