
Tag Archives: Label printing


WEBER + REITOFT Episode 3 — Zauber der Karibik


Von Andreas Weber

Die östlichste Karibik-Insel ist Barbados. In der Hauptstadt Bridgetown sitzt eine bemerkenswerte, hochspezialisierte Druckerei: Caribbean Label Crafts Ltd. Unsere 3. Episode von WEBER + REITOFT widmet sich buchstäblich dem Zauber der Karibik, von dem wir hierzulande profitieren können.



INKISH.TV besuchte Caribbean Label Crafts Ltd. in Bridgetown, Barbados

Caribbean Label Crafts Ltd. wurde 1986 gegründet. Heute führend auf Premium-Ebene.

LEITLINIE: Qualität – Exzellenz – Handwerkskunst

Tätigkeitsfeld: Etikettendrucker für die Karibik und Mittelamerika, mit Standorten in Barbados, Jamaika und neu in der Dominikanischen Republik

VISION: Führend vom Konzept zur Anwendung!

„Wir wollen renommierte Designer und Drucker hochwertiger Verpackungen sein, die durch Innovation, Handwerkskunst und Exzellenz stets die Erwartungen unserer Kunden erfüllen oder übertreffen, vom Konzept bis zur Anwendung.“

MISSION: Caribbean Label Crafts Ltd. ist bestrebt, seinen Kunden erstklassige Verpackungslösungen, Support und Dienstleistungen zu bieten, die die Standards ihrer Verpackungen verbessern und einen Mehrwert für ihr Unternehmen schaffen und gleichzeitig langfristige Beziehungen aufbauen und pflegen

CLC deckt fast alle Anwendungsbereiche des Etikettendrucks ab, vor allem für FMCG-Retail-Produkte aller Art, Preis- und Barcode-Labels bis hin zu Pharma-Produkten.

Link zur Website

Mein Fazit

Selten erfährt man so offen und inspirierend, wie ein Premium-Geschäft in einem Nischenmarkt sich gestaltet und erfolgreich weiter entwickelt. Und das alles mit Bedacht und gründlicher Überlegung sowie entschlossenerem, konsequentem Handeln! Bravo!

Kernaussagen aus dem INKISH-Video

Greg Coles, Sales & Customer Service bei CLC: „Es geht bei und immer um High-end und damit High-Value-Added-Produkte und Services“

CEO Paul Evelyn: „Alle Aktivitäten inklusive Investitionen richten sich immer danach, höchste und bestmögliche Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Das macht im Team mit erstklassigen Mitarbeitern unsere sehr gute Reputation aus.“

Neben den höchsten technischen Standards ist bei CLC immer wichtig, die Handwerkskunst vollendet und durchgängig vom Design, über Prepress und Printproduktion zu beherrschen.

Alle Basismaterialien müssen auf die Insel importiert werden. Und 93% der Produkte werden dann wieder in über 30 Inseln & Lokalitäten in der Karibik und Mittelamerika exportiert. Das macht nur Sinn, wenn man auf Premium-Level agieren kann. Dazu gehört, Umweltaspekte im Blick zu halten und höchstmögliche Special-Effects im Druck zu nutzen. Der spezielle Fokus bei CLC liegt dabei auf dem Luxus-Spirituosenmarkt, der 80% des Produktionsvolumens ausmacht.




Kreativität ist ausschlaggebend, daher verfügt CLC über eine Design-Abteilung im eigenen Haus. Dadurch sei man sehr eng und schon sehr frühzeitig bei Kunden involviert, wenn Bestehendes optimiert oder Neues entwickelt werden soll. Kunden sind ebenso kleine Destillerien der Region wie auch globale Konzerne wie Campari, Rémy Cointreau mit höchsten Ansprüchen und Erwartungen an uns.

Das Ziel sei daher, ein fokussiertes Geschäft mit einer Vielfalt von drei Produktionsstandorten (spanisch wie auch englisch sprechend) zu betreiben, die letztlich alle sinnvollen Technologien bündeln. Das erhöhe die Produktionssicherheit für die CLC-Kunden ganz enorm. Dabei wirke sich auch die Optimierung der Logistik wie auch der Import- und Export-Kosten positiv aus, was die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit steigere.

Drucktechnisch liegt für CLC die Zukunft auf hybrider Druckproduktion v. a. in Kombination von UV-Inkjet- und klassischem Flexodruck. Daher fiel die Wahl auf BOBST Master DM5, laut Paul Evelyn durch die hohe Flexibilität den modularen Aufbau und hohen Automatisierungsgrad inkl. Inline-Veredelungsfertigungsmöglichkeiten.

Wichtig war, wie gründlich und auch über welch langen Zeitraum von fast eineinhaklb Jahren CLC seine Investitionsentscheidung vorbereitet hat, mit rund einem Dutzend Anwendungsbeispielen für anspruchsvolle Etikettenproduktionen, die von unterschiedlichen Lieferanten getestet werden mussten.

CLC machte von Anbeginn an gute Erfahrungen mit BOBST plus signifikante Einsparungen bei Zeit und Material. Der Zweischicht-Betrieb wurde nach der Eingewöhnungsfrist von 3 Monaten zum Jahresbeginn 2023 auf drei Schichten erweitert.

BEMERKENSWERT: Der Mix der Begriffe Handwerkskunst und Hybrid-Druck

Zum einen dadurch, dass ich vor vielen Jahren schon, nach er drupa 2012 um eine Analyse gebeten wurde, welcher Gattung, welcher Betriebstyp im Druckerei-Sektor langfristig wachsen und Erfolg haben wird. Mein Ergebnis damals wie heute: Die Moderne Manufaktur, sprich ein Unternehmen, dass neueste Technik und Prozesse souverän einsetzt und dabei auf die hohen Prinzipien der Handwerkskunst bei der Drucksachenherstellung nicht verzichtet. Et voilà: CLC auf Barbados kann und macht das!

Zum anderen der Hybrid-Druck. Eigentlich ein „altes „Thema“, das sich auf der drupa 2008 abzeichnete, sich aber dann doch nicht breitenwirksam durchsetzte. Es ging damals z.B. darum, wie man Inkjet-Druckköpfe in Offset-Rotationsmaschinen integriert, um Magazine oder Zeitungen zu personalisieren. Es gab einige Versuche, mehr aber nicht. Stattdessen hat man die Druckergebnisse bei unterschiedlichen Verfahren im Digitaldruck mit dem Offsetdruck-Ergebnis harmonisiert, damit man Drucke in der Verarbeitung mischen konnte. Das war letztlich aber nur ein netter Gag,m ziemlich selbstverliebt und ohne wesentlichen Nutzen für Kunden der Druckereien …

DARUM: Das was bei CLC in der fernen Karibik passierte, ist für mich ganz klar ein Leuchtturm-Projekt. Und BOBST mit der vor vier Jahren vorgestellten Hybrid-Maschine DM 5 ein echter Vorreiter. Überhaupt, BOBST hat sich eine Führungsrolle erarbeitet, und stellt schon lange Kundenanforderungen in den Fokus, wie CEO Jean-Pascal Bobst immer wieder betont. Dahin zu kommen war aber gar nicht so einfach. Und die richtig genutzte Digitalisierungskompetenz hilft.

Überhaupt: Das was BOBST macht, ist für mich tatsächlich nicht nur Pionierarbeit wie damals die Mondlandung, sondern eine echte Transformation im Print, mit dem Etikettendruck-Markt als Vorreiter!!! Bravo!





Weber+Reitoft 02 Titel Morten

Von Andreas Weber

Nach einem wie ich finde erfolgreichen Auftakt setzen wir unsere Reihe der WEBER+REITOFT-Gespräche weiter fort!

Nachdem wir mit dem Video über Scott von Courier Graphics in den USA als einen smarten und erfolgreichen Druckunternehmer zum Gespräch hatten, geht es heute um Fachmesse-Interviews, die Mitte September 2023 live auf der LabelExpo in Brüssel aufgezeichnet werden.

Ich selbst war schon lange nicht mehr auf einer LabelExpo, zuletzt wohl 2017, daher meine Frage an Morten B. Reitoft: Wie hast Du die weltweit bedeutendste Messe für Label Printing empfunden? Antwort (zusammengefasst): Das Messegelände ist nicht gut geeignet, darum ab 2025 der neue Messeort Barcelona für die LabelExpo. Aussteller, Angebote und Zuschauerstruktur waren 2023 wieder sehr gut.


Auf INKISH-TV sind alle rund 30 Videos in einer Rubrik zusammengefasst, man muss nur LabelExpo als Suchbegriff eingeben.

Wir haben speziell 4 Videos ausgewählt mit Interview-Partnern von interessanten Herstellern. Im Detail:

Filip Weymans von Xeikon

Tobias Theurer von

Volker Selg von IST Metz

Christoph Gamper CEO der DURST Group

Also diesmal ein mehr oder weniger europäischer Fokus mit Firmen, die über Branchengrenzen hinaus nicht so sehr allgemein bekannt sind, weil eben hochspezialisiert. Es zeigt sich aber, wie dennoch ein globaler Spirit herrscht, der uns auch hierzulande äußerst nützliches bietet!

Mein Eindruck zu den vier Videos

Filip Weymans, Xeikon, Belgien: Der Fokus der LabelExpo ist einzigartig und passt zur Xeikon Café-Strategie. Gute Auffrischung zu dem, was Xeikon (als Teil der Flint Group) heute leistet, im Sinne von spezifischen Lösungen für spezifische Anwendungen, quer über Technologien hinweg. Sogar für flexible Verpackung aus Papier.

Wichtigstes Statement von Filip Weymans: „Es geht nicht mehr darum, Technologien in den Markt zu pushen, sondern innovative und beste Lösungen für spezifische Anwendungen zu bieten!“

Tobias Theurer,, Deutschland: Interessant, wie eine deutsche Firma im Norden von Stuttgart, gegründet und gemanagt von zwei Brüdern, sich international behauptet im Etiketten- und Verpackungsdruckmarkt. Das umfasst wichtige Prozesse – von der Kalkulation, dem Verkauf und der Produktionsplanung über die Logistik bis hin zum Controlling.

Mit rund 16.000 Anwendern aus über 200 Unternehmen in 30 Ländern. Automatisierung, Customization sprich individuelle Anpassungsmöglichkeiten stehen im Fokus. Und KI spielt eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Bravo!

Volker Selg, IST Metz, Deutschland: Das Gespräch mit Volker Selg erscheint mir besonders interessant. Und Kompliment an Morten, dass er so tief in das Thema einsteigt, weil es sehr speziell ist. Denn IST Metz ist ein hochspezialisierter Anbieter und verkauft LED-UV-Härtungsgeräte für andere OEMs in eigenen oder fremden Umgebungen. Für den Etitkettendruckmarkt ist dies enorm wichtig. Speziell auch für die große Zahl installierter Systeme, die IST Metz nachrüsten kann. Ein Highlight: LED Härtung von Silikonen und anderen Beschichtungen unter Ausschluss von Sauerstoff. Auch hier spielt Customization, sprich die Anpassungsmöglichkeit auf spezifische Kundenbedürfnisse eine wichtige Rolle.

Besonders faszinierend zu hören, dass selbst High-Speed-Produktionen mit Druckgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu 500 m pro Minute bzw. 12 m pro Sekunde unterstützt werden. Dies sei ein Quantensprung und wäre vor 3 oder 5 Jahren noch Utopie gewesen. Wichtig ist auch zu wissen, dass die in der Praxis eingesetzte IST Metz Technik bewusst im Energieverbrauch ist, die Geräte verbrauchen dann Energie, wenn sie eingesetzt werden und nicht im Stand-by-Betrieb.

Christoph Gamper, CEO Durst Group, Südtirol/Italien: Ein Gespräch mit Christoph Gamper ist immer interessant. In diesem Interview von der LabelExpo Europe 2023 wird auch darüber gesprochen, wie sich die LabelExpo von einer Messe wie der drupa unterscheidet. Morten stellt zurecht fest: „Wenn wir mit Christoph Gamper sprechen, ist er einer der wenigen CEOs, die keine Angst haben, Themen wie den Wert einer Messe oder die Mängel des Veranstalters zu diskutieren. … Christoph Gamper wird einer der Gäste unserer kommenden NON-EVENT-Ausgabe 2020 in Kopenhagen sein.“

Meine Meinung: Im INKISH-Interview wird klar, dass Christoph Camper ein Unternehmer durch und durch ist. Und kein Blatt vor den Mund nimmt, wenn es um Defizite geht. So sieht er Fachmessen durchaus als ein MUSS an, um Interessenten und Kunden zutreffen, Leads zu generieren, und sich gleichzeitig mit dem Wettbewerb zu messen; selbst wenn es aus Sicht des Ausstellers auf Organisationsseite der Messeveranstalters Kritik gibt. Wobei die LabelExpo sich von allgemeinen Großmessen wie der drupa deutlich unterscheidet. LabelExpo ist viel fokussierter, hier zählen weniger Visionen und Ausblicke, als konkrete Lösungen, die sofort implementiert werden können.

Partnerschaften sind dabei wichtig. Und für Unternehmen in Privatbesitz wie Durst sei das überlebenswichtig, da man nicht selbst bei Allem das Beste leisten kann. Dazu gehört auch, sich auf Neugründungen einzulassen, wie im Fall von Durst mit Hawk Eye (Deutsch: Falkenauge), einem vor 7 Jahren in New York City gegründeten KI- und Deep-Learning-Startup. Und das mit Partnern, die sich nicht nur mit Print-Anwendungen beschäftigen. Hut ab!




Ich habe die KI-PLattform CHatGPT gefragt: Welchen Stellenwert hat Etikettendruck / Label Printing in Deutschland? ChatGPT (Version 3.5) hat geantwortet:

Der Stellenwert des Etikettendrucks (Label Printing) in Deutschland kann als bedeutend angesehen werden, da er in verschiedenen Branchen eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Etiketten werden für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen verwendet, darunter:

Lebensmittelindustrie: Etiketten sind entscheidend für die Kennzeichnung von Lebensmittelverpackungen. Sie enthalten Informationen über Inhaltsstoffe, Nährwertangaben, Verfallsdaten und mehr, um die Verbrauchersicherheit zu gewährleisten und gesetzliche Anforderungen zu erfüllen.

Pharmazeutische Industrie: In der Pharmaindustrie sind Etiketten unverzichtbar, um Medikamente richtig zu kennzeichnen und sicherzustellen, dass Patienten die richtigen Dosierungen erhalten.

Logistik und Versand: Etiketten werden verwendet, um Produkte während des Transports und der Lagerung zu kennzeichnen. Dies ist wichtig, um den reibungslosen Ablauf in der Lieferkette sicherzustellen.

Einzelhandel: Produktetiketten dienen im Einzelhandel nicht nur zur Identifikation, sondern auch zur Preisgestaltung und zur Information der Kunden über Produkteigenschaften.

Industrielle Anwendungen: Etiketten werden auch in der Industrie für die Kennzeichnung von Maschinen, Bauteilen und Rohstoffen eingesetzt.

Umgebungsetiketten und Barcodes: Etiketten mit Barcodes und QR-Codes sind weit verbreitet, um Produkte zu verfolgen und den Lagerbestand zu verwalten.

Nachhaltigkeit: In Deutschland, einem Land mit einem ausgeprägten Umweltbewusstsein, spielt auch die nachhaltige Etikettierung eine wichtige Rolle. Dies umfasst Etikettenmaterialien, die umweltfreundlicher sind, sowie Kennzeichnungen für Recycling- und Entsorgungshinweise.

Die Bedeutung des Etikettendrucks in Deutschland spiegelt sich in der Qualität und Präzision der Drucktechnologie sowie in den strengen regulatorischen Anforderungen wider, die in vielen Branchen gelten. Darüber hinaus ist die Innovationsfähigkeit der deutschen Druckindustrie bemerkenswert, da sie sich ständig an neue Anforderungen und Technologien anpasst, einschließlich digitaler Druckverfahren und Individualisierung von Etiketten.

Insgesamt kann gesagt werden, dass Label Printing in Deutschland eine wichtige Rolle in verschiedenen Wirtschaftszweigen spielt und hohe Standards in Bezug auf Qualität, Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit erfüllen muss.“

Das ist, wie ich finde, eine sehr treffende und pointierte Zusammenfassung per KI zu Label Printing, dass in Zukunft selbst stark von KI geprägt sein wird!

Statista Produktionsvolumen Etiketten in D 2022

Zur Statistik

Details zum Etikettendruckmarkt sind in Deutschland nur partiell zugänglich, indem man sehr spezielle Quellen finden muss. Die Statista-Auswertung umfasst nur Betriebe mit 20 und mehr Mitarbeitern. D. h. das tatsächliche Produktionsvolumen liegt höher.  Umsatz der deutschen Verpackungsindustrie bis 2022

Veröffentlicht von Statista Research Department, 14.04.2023



Weber+Reitoft 02 BEIDE

Das ganze Video gibt es hier auf INKISH-TV:




Two high-lights: Heideldruck’s Gallus label printing business makes good progress. — Global launch of PROKOM will strengthen KonicaMinolta’s business community approach.


Graphic Repro On-line News Review to Friday 14 October 2016

Welcome to another roundup with 33 news articles posted during the past week, plus Laurel Brunner’s latest Verdigris Blog added on Friday: ‘An Environmental Declaration for Print’, which this week briefly explains the circular economy and that the graphics industry could be making a massive satement about its contribution to this. Please don’t miss it. On Friday, UPM Raflatac and Labelexpo Americas announced they had partnered to provide a solution for exhibitors to responsibly manage their waste at the show, as well as ongoing.

In our Technology Guides section you will find the 10th article in this new Wild Format series for 2016/2017 called ‘The Art and Science of Very Fine Drops’ by Sonja Angerer, complete with an illustrated PDF which can be downloaded. In Online Features this week we have a report in Chapter 02 from the recent Gallus Innovation Days in Switzerland, which saw the successful world premiere of the new Gallus Labelmaster machine platform for label and packaging printing; and then in Chapter 07, two additions from Andreas Weber, head of Value, with a commentary entitled Print is a dynamic growth market. But print doesn’t sell itself!’; and then a summary analysis which examines the ‘Prospects for adding value with print’. Illustrated PDFs of both can be downloaded.
Upcoming events mentioned this week include K 2016 in Düsseldorf from 19 to 26 October, from Mimaki on Monday; and on Thursday, InPrint in Milan from 15 to 17 November.

Monday’s headlines were led by UPM at WPE in Vienna last week, and then on Tuesday, news from Manroland Web Systems with the launch of its new 16-page Geoman e:line newspaper printing press at the event; and Kodak with faster CTP for newspapers. Tuesday saw Canon SA (and Europe) lead the news with the launch of a new ImageRunner Advance series of A3 colour high-end multifunctional printers. On Wednesday, we had UPM Raflatac in Poland with a new coating line for its Wroclaw factory to meet increased demand for its products; while Thursday saw Mimaki launch a new breakthrough in digital inkjet textile printing with a transportation belt at Viscom Italy, which also took place last week. To round off the lead headlines on Friday, System Brunner announced that its Instrument Flight has received a worldwide first ‘G7 Press Control System Certification’.

Orders and installations during the past week included Hybrid Software with the 500th seat of its PACKZ to Fusion Flexo in the UK; then Panaprint in the USA with System Brunner and QuadTech. On Tuesday, Gallus with the 400th ECS 340 label press at Relieves Egara in Barcelona, Spain; while Vale Press in the UK, will take delivery of a new Stahlfolder BH66 buckle machine in the New Year. On Wednesday, Bokbinderiet Johnsen celebrated its new Muller Martini Diamant MC 60 bookline, a first in Norway, with a customer Open House.

Thursday saw Imprimerie Bailly in France add X-Rite eXact-based colour control; Frisco Printing and Graphics in the USA add Heidelberg’s new Versafire CV; Muller Martini with a Primera MC saddle stitcher with Motion Control for two key customers in Switzerland; and Technotrans in the UK at trade printer Walsh Colour, as it switches to H-UV with three new Komori presses. On Friday, Duplo UK announced deals topping £400,000 from The Print Show at the NEC last week: to QuadGraphics, Latham Direct, and Jones and Brooks. Heidelberg UK revealed that PPS Print has upgraded from Xerox to Versafire CP for its digital printing; and lastly, Flexoshop in the UK now uses Asahi AWP water-washable flexographic plates.

As my tailender for this week: PRP in the UK announced that it has been awarded the contract to manufacture 1200dpi LED print heads for the Kodak NexPress, as the culmination of a successful three-year joint development programme with Kodak.

That’s it for another week, but you will find more if you scroll down carefully.
My best regards, 

Mike Hilton

Our e-News comprises:  Headline News – Online Feature Articles – the Verdigris initiative and Wild Format Technology Guides from Digital Dots, as well as our Drupa and FESPA Newsrooms which can be accessed from the Index on our Home Page. We also have News in Review, which provides a weekly overview and listing of all news added to the site. 

Headline News
Over 28,000 news items have now gone online since we launched our Website in September 2001. News for the past 24 months can still be accessed via the Home Page and its continuation news page

Mon 10 October…   
UPM participates at the World Publishing Expo 2016
UPM to focus on newspaper publishing and commercial CSWO printing at the World Publishing Expo in Vienna this week…

The Art and Science of Very Fine Drops: PDF to download
Wild Format Technology Guide No 10. Inkjet is unique amongst printing technologies, there is no other option to print on such a wide varieties of substrates with such efficiency. By Sonja Angerer…

PROKOM sets its sights on going global
PROKOM, the independent community of Konica Minolta production printing users’ at The UK Print Show with KM this week…

Mimaki solutions for the plastics industry at K 2016
Digital thermoforming, membrane switches and printing on plastics to be highlighted in Düsseldorf from 19 to 26 October…

Hybrid Software announces sale of 500th seat of PACKZ
Hybrid Software has announced the purchase of the 500th seat of its PACKZ native PDF editor by trade shop Fusion Flexo…

Panaprint powers web and sheetfed with System Brunner
Panaprint in the USA powers colour accuracy with System Brunner Instrument Flight and QuadTech to G7 standards…

Tue 11 October…   
Canon announces new imageRunner Advance series
Canon unleashes outstanding quality document production with new A3 colour C7500 series high-end multifunctional printers…

Manroland announces new 16pp Geoman e:line at WPE
Manroland Web Systems presents the new 16-page newspaper printing press Geoman e:line at World Publishing Expo in Vienna…

Kodak’s faster CTP at World Publishing Expo Vienna
Kodak announces new CTP options offering newspaper printers more productivity, efficiency and sustainability at WPE…

ImagePerfect vinyls receive HP Media Certification
View these and other ImagePerfect media on the Spandex stand (E3) this week at The Print Show 2016 at the NEC…

Gallus ECS 340 No 400 heads for Barcelona
At the Gallus Innovation Days in September, the 400th ECS 340 was sold to the Spanish label printer Relieves Egara…

Vale Press buckles up for take off with Stahlfolder!
Vale Press will take delivery of a new Stahlfolder BH66 buckle machine in the New Year to support its new Speedmaster XL 75-5…

Wed 12 October…   
UPM Raflatac to add new coating line at Wroclaw factory
UPM Raflatac expands its asset platform in Wroclaw, Poland to meet the label stock demand growth in Europe…

PRP awarded Kodak NexPress print head contract
The contract to manufacture 1200dpi LED print heads is the culmination of a successful joint development programme…

IDC MarketScape and Vendor Snapshot both cite Ricoh
Ricoh’s a leader of document workflow services, says IDC, helped by Ricoh SA’s customer commitment…

Manroland Web STORE a resounding 24/7 success
Web offset printing companies have embraced Manroland Web Systems’ completely renewed e-Commerce offering…

EFI at the Tecnargilla tradeshow in Rimini, Italy
EFI Cretaprint ecosystem brings bigger digital advantages in tile decoration at Tecnargilla in Rimini and at Cersaie in Bologna…

New Muller Martini Diamant MC 60 bookline in Norway
Open house at Bokbinderiet Johnsen provides impressive demo of the new Muller Martini Diamant MC 60 bookline…

Thu 13 October…  

Mimaki breakthrough in digital printing for textiles
The new Tx300P-1800B with textile transportation belt is ideal for samples, short production runs, custom orders, even on thick, sheer and elastic textiles on show at Viscom Italy 13 – 15 October…

Retrofit or new? Asks Matthias Heißler, Manroland Web
Manroland Web Systems retrofit trends and solutions directly from the newspaper printing market…

The world of industrial printing at InPrint Italy 2016
From 15 to 17 November at the MiCo exhibition centre in Milan, with pre-registration on the Website for free entry available now…

Imprimerie Bailly’s X-Rite eXact-based colour control
Closed-loop solution improves control and efficiency throughout the entire offset production process, saving time and money…

New Versafire CV doubles productivity for Frisco
Frisco Printing and Graphics Center doubles productivity and expands applications with new Heidelberg’s Versafire CV…

Start of a new era with Muller Martini Primera MC
Even before its world premiere at drupa, the Primera MC saddle stitcher with Motion Control sparked enthusiastic response…

Walsh Colour Print takes control with Technotrans
The trade printer opts for Technotrans peripherals as it switches to H-UV with three new Komori presses…

Fri 14 October…
G7 Certification for System Brunner Instrument Flight
System Brunner Instrument Flight: receives worldwide first G7 Press Control System certification…

Gallus Innovation Days a hit with world’s label printers
World premiere of new Gallus Labelmaster machine platform for label and packaging printing in St. Gallen, Switzerland…

UPM Raflatac strives to keep label waste from landfills
UPM Raflatac and Labelexpo Americas partnered to provide a solution for exhibitors to responsibly manage their waste…

Print is a dynamic growth market. But print doesn’t sell itself!
A commentary by Andreas Weber, head of Value with optional PDF to download…

Value Analysis – prospects for adding value with print
Executive summary analysis by Andreas Weber, head of Value…

Duplo secures new customer deals at The Print Show
Duplo UK has signed deals topping £400,000 and bagged an impressive pipeline of sales leads from The Print Show…

PPS moves digital to Versafire CP from Heidelberg UK
PPS Print moves to Versafire digital technology to benefit from Heidelberg’s Prinect workflow through a single RIP…

Flexoshop Colchester moves to Asahi AWP plates
UK-based Flexoshop spurs business growth with Asahi Photoproducts AWP water-washable flexographic plates…

Lead articles from Friday in previous update… 

The Print Show 2016 prepares a tasty buffet
The main course may be missing from regional and national shows, says Gareth Ward, but there are plenty of morsels to sharpen any appetite for manageable investment…

Intec to unveil ColorCut 500 at The Print Show
Intec Printing Solutions to debut of the ColorCut digital die-cutter for sheet labels and packaging at the NEC next week…

GraphicRepro.Net e-News  (ISSN 1814-2923) is sponsored and made possible by:

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG  (Heidelberg), The world’s largest printing press manufacturer for the industry worldwide. Heidelberg customers enjoy the most comprehensive and extensive sales and service network in the industry for JDF compliant workflow, computer-to-plate, sheetfed offset, Web-to-print, digital printing, digital inkjet for labels and packaging, packaging and finishing, all with complementary consumables. Heidelberg has offices in around 170 countries. Visit the Heidelberg Website for more information.

drupa 2020 (drupa), the international flagship fair of the printing and media industry, responds to the challenges of the changing market and provides pioneering solutions for the future. This is highlighted by the new marketing and communication strategy where drupa claims its position as ‘No.1 for Print & Crossmedia Solutions’ with the slogan ‘touch the future’. The issues of ‘package printing’, ‘multichannel’, ‘green printing’, ‘3D printing’, and ‘functional printing’ will become increasingly important to the overall communication strategy. To find out more, visit the drupa 2020 Website.

Online Feature articles 2014 – 2016
Only 41 articles so far this year, with well over 70 last year, and over 90 in 2013 and in 2014 which can still be accessed via the Index on the Home Page, with prior years in our Archives.

Technology-related Chapter 02

Latest Gallus Innovation Days a hit with label printers from around the world
World premiere of new Gallus Labelmaster machine platform for label and packaging printing…

Online Features Sep/Oct Chapter 07

Print is a dynamic growth market. But print doesn’t sell itself!
A commentary by Andreas Weber, head of Value…

ValueTrendRadar Analysis – prospects for adding value with print
Executive summary analysis by Andreas Weber, head of Value…

Verdigris – Environmental Initiative

Laurel Brunner’s weekly Verdigris Blogs 2016

An Environmental Declaration for Print
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 14 Oct

Newspapers and Change
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 07 Oct

Technology Guides – from Digital Dots

Technology Guides for Wild Format 2016
This is the brand new series for 2016 – 2017 of new guides. The first ten can now be found in this special section in the Index on the Home Page of our Website. All have illustrated PDFs for downloading.

10… The Art and Science of Very Fine Drops
Inkjet is unique amongst printing technologies, there is no other option to print on such a wide varieties of substrates with such efficiency and ease. By Sonja Angerer

FESPA Newsroom
The FESPA Newsroom can be found via the Index on our Home Page.

FESPA Federation News in 2016

Drupa Newsroom
Our Drupa Newsroom with news from Messe Düsseldorf and for Drupa 2016 can be found in the Index. It is divided into the following Chapters for your convenience and ease of use… but you must scroll down to view each Chapter when you visit the Newsroom

drupa daily to download as PDFs
These eleven jam-packed drupa daily news issues are ready to read now. They contain hundreds of superb articles, interviews, features and news. You can download each one complete as a PDF…

drupa 2016 Exhibitors’ at show + post-show News (in alphabetical order)
Latest additions of 86 in total are now in alphabetical order can be accessed in our drupa Newsroom.

drupa 2016 News from Exhibitors (also in alphabetical order)
The series of over 240 pre-show articles can be accessed in our drupa Newsroom in alphabetical order.

post-drupa 2016 News from Messe Düsseldorf

Decisive impulses for the global print industry at drupa
drupa 2016 was a resounding success with excellent business deals concluded in an outstanding investment climate…

drupa ante portas Blogs 2016
Includes the tenth and final article in this series from Andreas Weber in Mainz, Germany…

drupa 2016 Expert Articles – and more
Includes the eleventh and final article in this series from Claus Bolza-Schünemann, CEO and president of Koenig & Bauer (KBA) and drupa president 2016…

The Graphic Repro On-line Website is supported and sponsored by: 

Antalis South Africa, Canon SA, Screen Europe,  Drupa 2020,  Esko,  FESPA.  Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG,  HP Graphic So lutions, Kemtek Imaging Systems,  Krause-Biagosch,  Leonhard Kurz Stiftung,   Manroland Web Systems GmbH, Muller Martini AG,  Ricoh Europe,  Sappi LimitedThunderbolt Solutions, and UPM-Kymmene.

If you would like to send news for consideration for the Graphic Repro On-line Website (ISSN 1814-2915) or to submit comments, please e-mail Mike Hilton at:

Our Website urls are:

GraphicRepro.Net e-News (ISSN 1814-2923)  provides weekly updates from the Graphic Repro On-line Website and is  compiled and published by Mike Hilton, graphicrepro.netPO Box 10 Peterburgskoe Shosse 13/1, 196605 Pushkin 5, St. Petersburg, Russia.

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Graphic Repro On-line News Review to Friday 22 January 2016

A Happy New Year to all our readers and followers, subscribers and sponsors. Despite the challenges, I sincerely hope 2016 will turn out to be a good one for all of us as we approach drupa in Düsseldorf at the end of May, preceded by FESPA Digital in Amsterdam in March. 

Welcome to news highlights for the last few days or so in 2015, and then for the New Year, along with Laurel Brunner’s Verdigris Blogs for the first three weeks of 2016. You will also find the very latest in our FESPA Newsroom for the upcoming FESPA Digital and its associated events in Amsterdam in March, as well as the very latest FESPA corporate news for the Southern European Print Congress in Italy in April. You may also take note that the deadline for this year’s FESPA Awards has now been extended until 15 February.

The latest also appears in our drupa Newsroom from visitors and the organisers, together with the most recent Expert Article No 6 by Ron Gilboa, director of InfoTrends’ Production & Industrial Printing Advisory Service. Please don’t miss them as drupa 2016 is just asround the corner.

I won’t highlight the news this week as there are a lot you can browse through yourself. Just don’t miss EFI and Xaar appointments, and also those from KBAIFS, and Heidelberg and Gallus in the UK. Gerold Linzbach is also back at work as CEO of Heidelberg. You’ll find some stunning sales and installations, including web presses from KBA and Manroland Web Systems, and several important pieces of new kit, too… especially from KAMA and Duplo, and Epson with a new range of wide-format inkjet presses.

Newsmaker of the year thus far and as my tailender, goes to UPM Kymmene for its various environmental awards and accolades. Our sincere congratulations to everyone involved.

I’ll be back next week around the same time.

Mike Hilton 

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Our e-News comprises:  Headline News – Online Feature Articles – the Verdigris initiative from Digital Dots. Our Drupa and FESPA Newsrooms can be accessed from the Index on our Home Page, as well as News in Review, which provides a weekly overview and listing of all news added to the site. 

Headline News
Over 27,000 news items have now gone online since we launched our Website in September 2001. News for the past 24 months can still be accessed via the Home Page and its continuation news pages

Wed 23 and 30 Dec…   EFI appoints CIO to leadership team
Silicon Valley IT executive Sheri Rhodes has joined Electronics for Imaging as chief information officer…

Flint Group confirms the acquisition of Xeikon
Flint has confirmed the acquisition of Xeikon, which will propel the organisation further into the digital solutions market…

Mon 04 Jan 2016…   Happy New Year 2016 to all our Website visitors
To all our visitors and sponsors, we wish you the Compliments of the Season and a very Happy and Peaceful New Year in 2016…

The digital transformation of industrial printing
Touch the future. Drupa expert Article No 6 by Ron Gilboa, a director of InfoTrends’ Production & Industrial Printing Advisory Service…

Manroland Sheetfed’s fourth profitable year in a row
Consistency and stability put Manroland Sheetfed on course for fourth profitable year, and most profitable in recent memory…

IFS UK chairman role for Tony Hards
On 1 January 2016, after a lifetime serving the print industry, IFS’s Tony Hards has become company chairman…

YMC April Summit in Budapest high on 2016 priority list

New board at FINAT’s Young Managers Club ready for 2016.

Wed 06 Jan…  Epson to show power of inkjet for homewares at Heimtextil
Coordinated plates, cutlery, vases and tables decorated using Epson dye sub shows opportunities for décor specialists…

The Mimaki visualisation of things kicks off in 2016
European January 2016 trade show schedule focuses on textiles, promotional items and signs & display graphics…

Kornit Digital teams with Turnowsky for Heimtextil
Leading design house and digital inkjet technology leader to demonstrate opportunities for the home textile industry…

Xeikon plans we approach for Heimtextil 2016

Xeikon to feature innovation in wallpaper production at Heimtextil 2016 in Frankfurt Decoration Suite…

Mon 11 Jan…   Tali Digital adds first Truepress Jet W3200UV HS in Africa
Sandton-based Tali Digital has installed the first Screen Truepress Jet W3200UV HS wide-format printer in South Africa…

Professor Neil Hopkinson joins Xaar
Xaar strengthens its 3D printing business with the appointment of Professor Neil Hopkinson as director of 3D Printing…

New Year appointments at Heidelberg UK
Derek Gillard to take on national second-hand sales, making way for Neil Fletcher, Andrew Hall and Bill McCudden…

New head of digital sales Europe at Gallus
Karl-Gerhard Amerongen has joined the Gallus Group in St. Gallen, Switzerland as head of digital sales Europe…

Wed 13 Jan…   UPM Kymi pulp mill officially reopened
UPM celebrates inaugural opening of expanded and revamped Kymi pulp mill in Kuusankoski, Finland…

Thu 14 Jan…   
Ricoh set to debut at FESPA Digital 2016
Ricoh will exhibit at FESPA Digital in Amsterdam in March for wide-format digital and textile event’s tenth anniversary…

Heidelberg CEO returns to work

Gerold Linzbach returns to his duties as CEO of Heidelberg…

IST offers LE-UV and LED-UV retrofits in UK
IST (UK) launches retrofit service for LE-UV, LED-UV/LUV and conventional UV drying on Heidelberg presses…

Wed 20 Jan… Epson launches new range of SureColor SC-S printers
New trio of 1625mm printers designed to deliver new levels of quality and productivity for signage and display graphics…

New super-fast Epson 1625mm printer for production print
The new Epson SureColor SC-P20000 combines the highest quality at print speeds of up to 17.5 sq/m hr, even when unattended…

Heights UK to launch new Titanium plate processors
Heights announces the launch of the new, high end Titanium range of thermal plate processors in January 2016…

KBA Commander CL for Mitteldeutsche Zeitung in Halle

DuMont media group in Cologne, Germany and one of KBA’s oldest customers expand their 180-year-old partnership…

TCG Legacy adds first Linoprint CP in North America
TCG Legacy anticipates a 20 per cent increase in uptime with Heidelberg’s Linoprint CP digital press…

Thu 21 Jan…   UPM joins United Nations Global Compact LEAD
The United Nations invites UPM in a Finnish first to join the world’s top 50 sustainability leaders…

Heidelberg boosts automation levels in computer-to-plate
Lean processes and extensive automation help companies stand out from the competition in industrial print production…

Sell-out EFI Connect opens in Las Vegas
EFI Connect highlights end-to-end integrated solutions and new market opportunities for customers…

EFI launches new Imaging of Things exchange

At the Connect Conference, EFI announces new exchange to connect customers with other professionals and and print buyers…

Evian used Sappi Fusion to win German Packaging Award

Model AG of Switzerland came up with a smart idea using Sappi’s bright white Fusion topliner…

SMP Group adds Europe’s first Inca Onset X3
SMP Group boosts industrial printing capabilities following installation of Europe’s first 14-channel Inca Onset X3…

Kartongbolaget is first HP Indigo 30000 in Scandinavia

Kartongbolaget i Hälsingborg in Sweden becomes first in Scandinavia to install the HP Indigo 30000 Digital Press…

Graphic Packaging returns to Heidelberg for second VLF press
Less than a year after installing the UK’s first 18,000sph Speedmaster XL 145 press, GPI adds second machine…

Roland 700 Evolution for Grafiche Badiali Italy
Grafiche Badiali celebrates 80 year anniversary with a new five-colour Roland 700 Evolution with coater…

Fri 22 Jan…   New Lithoman addition for Remy-Roto in Belgium
Belgian printing company invests in a second Lithoman commercial printing press from Manroland Web Systems…

Five Epson SureColor SC-S60600 for Photobox

Photobox chooses five new-generation Epson Surecolor SC-S60600 printers to boost photo canvas production capacity…

KBA strengthens UK sheetfed sales team for 2016

Peter Banks has joined KBA (UK) to add extra firepower to the sheetfed sales team to meet growing demand…

Richard Warnick to head up KBA Flexo in UK and Ireland

Richard Warnick to head UK and Ireland sales for new KBA-Flexotecnica flexographic printing systems division…

Duplo targets digital print with 150Cr Booklet launch

Duplo has introduced the 150Cr Booklet System to its expanding product portfolio to meet growing market entry-level demands…

KAMA launches new generation of ProCut 58
The compact die-cutter has undergone a comprehensive upgrade for even more efficient finishing for short runs and digital prints…

ACTEGA Terra and Sappi Algro wall calendar has big impact
ACTEGA, Europe’s leading manufacturer of overprint varnishes, has again used Sappi Algro Design for its calendar…

Fifth joint calendar project by ACTEGA Terra and KBA

‘Under the deep blue sea’ unites high quality print finishing and digital media for the first time to create a meaningful symbiosis…

First TRESU iCoat coater in-line with HP Indigo 10000
TRESU Group announces first sale of iCoat coater for integration inline with the HP Indigo 10000 digital press…

Cowan to step up to B2 production in the Spring

Cowan Print plans to spring into B2 in May when it takes delivery of a Heidelberg Speedmaster SX74-5H…

Intec and Canon provide unique solution to key account

Intec Printing Solutions and Canon partner to provide Canon customers with niche envelope printing ability…

Galloways beefs up its digital with a Linoprint CV
Four years after installing a Linoprint C751, Galloways returns to Heidelberg for a supplementary digital press….

Melody Press re-tunes its bindery with Horizon

The new Horizon SPF/FC200A from IFS delivers four-fold productivity increase at Guernsey operation…

Lead articles from Friday 18 December in last 2015 update…

Previous…   Komori Impremia IS29 to be launched in Europe
Komori’s Digital LED-UV Inkjet Impremia IS29 Sheetfed Printing System arrives at Komori Europe’s Graphics Centre in January…

Heidelberg UK to sell Gallus labels products
Heidelberg has wholly owned Gallus since August 2014. HeidelbergUK to take on Gallus UK staff and labels portfolio on 1 April 2016…

GraphicRepro.Net e-News  (ISSN 1814-2923) is sponsored and made possible by:

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG  (Heidelberg), The world’s largest printing press manufacturer for the industry worldwide. Heidelberg customers enjoy the most comprehensive and extensive sales and service network in the industry for JDF compliant workflow, computer-to-plate, sheetfed offset, Web-to-print, digital printing, digital inkjet for labels and packaging, packaging and finishing, all with complementary consumables. Heidelberg has offices in around 170 countries. Visit the Heidelberg Website for more information.

Electronics For Imaging  (EFI) is a world leader in digital imaging and print management solutions for the commercial printing market. Its portfolio of integrated solutions span production and superwide format printing, graphic arts, advanced professional printing software, and industrial inkjet systems. Its technologies increase productivity by automating print and business processes To find out more visit the EFI Website.

Kodak Commercial Imaging  (Kodak) is a leading provider of innovative solutions for conventional, digital and hybrid print production environments. With the most expansive portfolio for the graphic communications market,  Kodak features technologies, products and services that help print providers streamline processes, optimise efficiencies, broaden services, and grow businesses. To find out more, visit the Kodak Graphics Website.

drupa 2016 (drupa), the international flagship fair of the printing and media industry, responds to the challenges of the changing market and provides pioneering solutions for the future. This is highlighted by the new marketing and communication strategy where drupa claims its position as ‘No.1 for Print & Crossmedia Solutions’ with the slogan ‘touch the future’. The issues of ‘package printing’, ‘multichannel’, ‘green printing’, ‘3D printing’ and ‘functional printing’ will become increasingly important to the overall communication strategy. To find out more, visit the drupa 2016 Webs ite.

Online Feature articles 2014 – 2015
There were again well over 90 last year, including nine downloads, as well as 92 articles in 2013 which can still be accessed via the Index on the Home Page, with prior years’ via Search Archives (option 2) on the Website.

Downloads in 2015 Chapter 01
There are currently three downloads available for you in this Chapter , where you can download the PDF.

Technology-related 2015 Chapter 02
You will find 20 current feature articles in this Chapter, with the most recent from Heidelberg.

Nov/Dec 2015 Chapter 08

Previous…    Bobst to celebrate its 125th anniversary at drupa 2016
Bobst, a family company based in the Swiss Canton of Vaud, is launching a year of events to celebrate its anniversary with dynamism and commitment…
Verdigris – Environmental Initiative

Laurel Brunner’s weekly Verdigris Blogs in 2016

NEW in 2016…   Spotters Guide to Greenwashing

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 22 Jan

Sounding Out Instruments for Growth

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 15 Jan

Carbon Balanced Paper

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 08 Jan

Previous…    No Cop Out
The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner – Fri 18 December

Drupa Newsroom
Our Drupa Newsroom with news from Messe Düsseldorf and for Drupa 2016 can be found in the Index, as well as via the special Newsroom button on the right of the Home Page near the top. It is divided into the following Chapters for your convenience and ease of use…

drupa 2016 Expert Article Series
Can be found in our Drupa Newsroom via the Index on the Home page.

NEW in 2016…   The digital transformation of industrial printing
Touch the future. Drupa expert Article No 6 by Ron Gilboa, a director of InfoTrends’ Production & Industrial Printing Advisory Service…

drupa 2016 News from Messe Düsseldorf

2nd drupa Global Insights Report Executive Summary
Touch the future – Applications that can create growth. Printfuture (UK) and Wissler & Partner (Switzerland) were appointed by Messe Düsseldorf to conduct these two report series…

drupa 2016 News from Exhibitors
Latest additions can now be accessed in our Drupa Newsroom.

Finishing 4.0 from Muller Martini at drupa
Muller Martini interconnects all process steps in print finishing through its Connex workflow and data management system…

Previous in 2015…    Komori Inkjet Impremia IS29 official launch at drupa
Komori’s Sheetfed Inkjet Impremia IS29 Digital Printing System arrives at Komori Europe’s Graphics Centre in January prior to official drupa launch….

Muller Martini sets new milestones with Finishing 4.0
Drupa 2016: State-of-the-art drive technology enables print finishing to be targeted in an increasingly automated manner…

Bobst to celebrate its 125th anniversary at drupa 2016
Bobst, a family company based in the Swiss Canton of Vaud, is launching a year of events to celebrate its anniversary with dynamism and commitment…

DG press unveils plans for Drupa 2016
The newest technologies and a wide range of services for Drent Goebel machines will be presented by DG press in Hall 10…

Heidelberg to enable Smart Integration for drupa 2016
Heidelberg to showcase the next stage in automated print media production at drupa 2016…

Heidelberg at drupa 2016: ‘Simply Smart’
drupa 2016: Heidelberg to exhibit the digitised future of the print media industry under the motto ‘Simply Smart’…

FESPA Newsroom
The dedicated FESPA Newsroom can be found via the Index on our Home Page.

FESPA Digital 2016 Amsterdam

NEW in 2016…   FESPA Textile provides ideal location to learn and share knowledge
FESPA Textile Conference sessions 8 – 11 March to explore the exploding growth of the textile market…

Brett Martin’s latest range for FESPA debut
Brett Martin to exhibit wide range of substrates at FESPA Digital in Amsterdam in March…

World Wrap Masters competition powers up in Amsterdam
FESPA partners with Avery Dennison and Mimaki for the World Wrap Masters Series Final on 10 and 11 March…

FESPA Digital 2016 in Amsterdam sells out
FESPA is delighted to announce that FESPA Digital, European Sign Expo and FESPA Textile 2016 have all sold out…

FESPA Digital 2016’s Content Programme
Educational content to explore trends and opportunities in digital printing available to printers today and give them the power to expand their businesses…

Printeriors 2016 presents ‘The Print Hotel’
Interior design showcase and dedicated conference return with new concept for 2016…

Ricoh set to debut at FESPA Digital 2016
Ricoh will showcase its expanding portfolio of solutions with its first-ever stand at FESPA Digital in March…

Screen’s new Truepress Jet features at FESPA 2016

Screen Europe to use next year’s FESPA in Amsterdam to unveil further developments to its Truepress Jet 3200UV flatbed printer…

Sun Chemical’s world-class inks at FESPA Digital 2016
Global launchpad for SunTex and all new digital inkjet platform – Aquacure and innovative ink chemistry platforms…

FESPA News 2016

NEW in 2016…   Deadline extended to 5 February for FESPA Awards 2016

FESPA’s Global Awards programme recognises the crème de la crème of the print community…

Southern European Print Congress moves to Italy for 2016
FESPA’s 2016 Southern European Print Congress will take place from 19 – 20 April 2016, in Milan, Italy…

FESPA News 2015

FESPA Eurasia delivered its most successful edition
FESPA Eurasia 2015 confirms its position as leading regional event with largest exhibitor and visitor attendance to date…

Success in Shanghai for FESPA China 2015
FESPA China 2015, which took place from 21 – 23 October in partnership with CSGIA at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, Shanghai proved to be yet another success for FESPA…

The Graphic Repro On-line Website is supported and sponsored by: 

Antalis South Africa, Canon SA, Dainippon Screen,  Drupa 2016,  EFI and EFI Vutek,  Esko,  Epson Europe BV,  FESPA.  Goss International Inc,  Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG,  HP Graphic Solutions,  Kodak,  Koenig + Bauer AG,  Kemtek Imaging Systems,  Krause-Biagosch,  Leonhard Kurz Stiftung,   Manroland Web Systems GmbH, Muller Martini AG,  POLAR-Mohr, QuadTech Inc,  Quark Inc,  Ricoh Europe,  < b>Sappi LimitedThunderbolt Solutions, and UPM-Kymmene.

If you would like to send news for consideration for the Graphic Repro On-line Website (ISSN 1814-2915) or to submit comments, please e-mail Mike Hilton at:

Our Website urls are:

GraphicRepro.Net e-News (ISSN 1814-2923)  provides weekly updates from the Graphic Repro On-line Website and is  compiled and published by Mike Hilton, graphicrepro.netPO Box 10 Peterburgskoe Shosse 13/1, 196605 Pushkin 5, St. Petersburg, Russia.

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By Jenny Krepp
Value Marketing Fellow


Something old: To be a successful company, you need a product that is valuable to its consumers. The value of a product plays a core part in the sustainable competitive advantage which a company strives to achieve over its competitors.

Something new: The Value Communication AG not only identifies three factors that are core elements of what makes a product valuable, but also connects them. These elements are part of the Value Eco System.

The Value Eco System outlines the essential factors that are necessary to create valuable communication. It is critical to consider what makes the communication from human-to-human important. This can be compared and transferred to every form of media communication and other communication processes.

Let’s consider: 

We need: discussions, resonance on discussions, dialogues, discourses and interactions.

We need to understand innovative technology to transfer innovation into relevant marketing communication.

We need a sustainable sense of purpose of what we do, about what, and how we communicate.


Value Communication EcoValue Chart

Graphic by Lidia Lukianova, SF Bay Area, CA  

Let’s illustrate: 

Coca-Cola – The Coca-Cola Company is over one hundred years old and has a phenomenal brand awareness of over 99% worldwide. A few weeks ago, Coca-Cola introduced new bottles featuring the most common 150 first names of selected countries across Europe on its famous ‘red label’. While the idea of personalising a product is not new in the industry of fast moving consumer goods and has been done by Coca-Cola in Australia and New Zealand in 2011/2012, it has never been done with this kind of magnitude.

The Value Eco System Check & Coca-Cola:

Dialectic: Through the individualisation and personalisation of the product, Coca-Cola interacts with its consumers. Also, via Facebook companies like Coca-Cola are able to partake in a dialogue with its consumers and react on feedback. “For those who can’t find their names on a pack, the ‘Share a Coke’ campaign is also brought to life online, where, personalised virtual Coca-Cola cans can be created and shared with friends. Consumers will also be able to visit roadshows where they can use a customisation kiosk to print their own name on a can” which Marit Kroon, Coca-Cola Marketing Manager Central and Southern Europe states. This scenario is a classical win-win situation for both parties, brand and consumer.

Innovatic: The innovative aspect behind Coca-Cola’s new personalised printed labels lies in the work input executed by the company. Government records needed to be systematically analysed to select the most common 150 first names of each country. Depending on the country and the location of the records, this was a challenging task for Coca-Cola. Furthermore, the technical conversion to print millions of labels digitally as fast and as accurately as possible had to be solved by Coca-Cola and their partner HP Graphic Solution Busienss.

Hermeneutic: The sense of purpose of Coca-Cola is relatively debatable. It can be argued that a Coke is not your healthiest choice of a drink. However, many people enjoy the taste and the feeling it triggers. From Coca-Cola’s point of view, the sense of purpose of its new packing campaign is to bind the customer to the product.

Value Eco-System Check – Result: 

Coca-Cola has achieved the desired result. For the company, it is a great step forward to become a valuable marketing communication leader.