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Multi-Channel Innovation — Bust the silos: convert the virtual into reality!

Bust the Silos: Convert the Virtual into Reality!.001

@ 2015 by Value Communication AG, Mainz/Germany. Illustration: Lidia Lukianova, SF Bay Area.

“My message according to all activities based on our disruptive Value Task: Just do it the smart way. Unify Social & Human-to-Human. Convert the virtual into reality. Never digitize anything which provides much more effectiveness through its analog existence!” –Andreas Weber

I was fascinated when Christian Kopocz informed me about the XMPie Users Group initiative to organize #XUG15EU in Berlin/Germany, the 1st. European Conference to think and talk about Multi-Channel Innovation. I have the honor to became a supporter and partner via my company Value Communication AG. And to be a key note speaker as well. Why? Because in the last years I struggled with all this ”Blablabla“ on „print is dead and for losers“, online resp. cross-media is the winner but has to be converted into omni-channel a.s.o. In most of the cases Old School candidates tried to adopt new buzzwords to demonstrate that they are modern and ahead. But they fail, specially traditional publishers, agencies and media service providers.

But even for me as an communication analyst it was a good learning to get involved via #XUG15EU. It made me rethink my analyst work I’ve done in the last 15 or 20 years. At that time we started to deal with VDP, personalization, individualization. Later on W2P and Online-Printing. But as we know today, none of this innovation tasks created mainstream effects. The Old School world is still there and and dominant.

WANTED: A Mind Shift! Think and act disruptive.

In fact I figured out that is not possible to optimize what we are doing successfully, so far. According to what they call „Innovators Dilemma“ our own success is our biggest enemy. So I created a „Disruptive ValueTask“ concept. Based on three main models:

  1. How to unify Social (Technologies) and Human-to-Human needs? — By three key success factors: 1. Reduce complexity. 2. Skip analog thinking in a digital world. 3. Practice that needs are the measure of all things.
  2. Cultivate and practice the BIG 5-C Value Communication Mechanism. — It is all about to synchronize and harmonize Content, Community, Creativity, Connectivity and Consumer&Brands in a new way.
  3. Understand and learn The Real Value of Communication. — It is beyond Digital Transformation leading us back and forth at the same time by Dialektik, Innovatik and Hermeneutik (which is dedicated to the sense of purpose).

To make all this happening we have to disrupt. So please follow my advice: 

  1. Multi-Channel Innovation depends on technologies but is headed by „Brainware“, not by soft- and hardware.
  2. We need a new philosophy to create a common understanding of how we manage Multi-Channel Innovation successfully. Any kind of innovations only push through if they are communicated effectively — especially in the field of B2B.
  3. Multi-Channel success is driven by interaction and diversity.

My Conclusion: Multi-Channel Innovation is a real challenge. Multi-Channel Innovation has to unify Social Technologies and Human-to-Human needs. Because needs are the measure of all things! And last but not least: Multi-Channel Innovation  leads to a sustainable digital lifestyle experience in a real world! — That’s it!



Benchmark! More than 130 attendees from 16 countries joined #XUG15EU on May 26, 2015 in Berlin.

Best-in-class: First resumee on air by Output Magazine, London

Amazing: Check Twitter as well, Hashtag #XUG15EU.
We created more than ONE MILLION (!) VIEWS in less than 30 hours!

@ 2015 by Output Magazine., London/UK


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